通过对粤西及海南岛东北部海区现场调查 , 取得了大量悬浮体浓度及海水浊度数据 , 分析后发现调查海区悬浮体浓度值普遍较低 , 绝大部分海域为清洁海域。对悬浮体浓度及海水浊度平面图及断面图分析后发现 , 春夏季粤西悬浮物主要来源于珠江口及琼州海峡 , 且两处悬浮物在电白外海存在明显的分界 , 琼东北海域悬浮物主要来自于海南岛及外海。近岸及底层悬浮体浓度及海水浊度具有较好的相关性 , 浊度能够很好地反映悬砂含量 , 但是不能反映生物活动及分布状况 , 如琼东上升流区的生物活动较剧烈 , 虽然其悬浮物浓度值偏高 , 但其浊度值并没有明显升高。
浓度; 浊度; 悬浮体; 粤西; 琼东北
Based on the data of suspended matter concentration and turbidity in the sea area west of Guangdong and northeast of Hainan Island, the characters of suspended matter concentration and turbidity distribution have been studied. We found that most suspended matter concentration in this area is low and that most of this sea area is very clear. In spring and summer, the suspended matter mainly comes from Pearl River Estuary and Qiongzhou Strait, where the suspended matter have an obviously dividing line. The suspended matter in the offshore area northeast of Hainan Island may come from land and the open sea. Also we found that the suspended matter concentration and turbidity have a better correlation near shore and at the bottom of the sea. The turbidity can reflect the content of suspended sand, but cannot reflect the activity and distribution of organisms. For example, the suspended matter concentration is high in the Qiongdong upwelling area, where the biological activities are extensive, but the turbidity is low.
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