本文采用组织学方法对比观察了青岛文昌鱼Branchiostoma japonicum室内养殖群体和野生群体在2009年11月底, 及2010年1月中、3月底、5月底及7月初的性腺发育情况。结果表明, 室内和野生群体的全长和体重在群体和个体水平上都没有显著差异(P>0.05), 2010年7月初两个群体的体重有明显的增加。室内雌文昌鱼卵巢在2010年5月全部处于Ⅳ期, 此时野生文昌鱼的卵巢仍有50%处于Ⅲ期; 室内雄文昌鱼精巢的发育在2010年3月快于野生文昌鱼, 其余月份室内和野生雌雄文昌鱼的性腺发育基本一致。这可能与2010年3月外海海水温度远低于室内海水温度有关。较外海环境更稳定的室内环境对文昌鱼的长期培育是否有利也是值得深入探究的。
The gonad development of laboratory-reared and wild amphioxus (Branchiostoma japonicum) was observed respectively using histological method in Nov. 2009 and Jan., Mar., May, and Jul. of 2010. The results showed that there were no significant differences in total length and body weight among individuals in the two groups of samples (P>0.05), except for the body weights in the reproduction period of July 2010. The gonad development of laboratory amphioxus was basically consistent with that of the wild ones in most months. The ovaries of all laboratory-reared female amphioxus in May 2010 were in Phase Ⅳ, while half of the wild female amphioxus were still in Phase Ⅲ. In the same period, the testis development of laboratory-reared amphioxus was also faster than that of the wild ones. The reason could be the much lower temperature in natural seawater than in indoor seawater in that month. Relative to open sea complex environment, indoor condition is much more stable. However, whether long-term cultivating amphioxus under indoor condition is suitable or not needs further study.
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