文章以1997~2008年为时间尺度, 研究珠海市滨海湿地的动态变化。在对研究区域进行实地调查的基础上, 以1997、2000、2004、2008年4期Thematic Mapper(专题测图仪)影像为信息源, 结合其他调查统计资料, 以地理信息系统作为支撑, 建立了适合珠海市的滨海湿地分类系统, 提取了滨海湿地的相关信息。在此基础上选取珠海市的一些社会经济指标, 借助统计分析软件SPSS, 利用典型相关分析方法, 揭示了各类湿地面积变化与社会、经济各要素之间的相关关系, 对引起滨海湿地变化的驱动力进行了研究。
Based on the research from the time scale from 1997 to 2008, we aim to study the coastal wetlands’ dynamic changes in Zhuhai City. Taking the 1997, 2000, 2004, and 2008 images as the information sources, in combination with other survey data and the support of the geographic information system, a landscape classification system for Zhuhai City was set up and related landscape information was extracted. On that basis, we select some socio-economic indicator of Zhuhai City. With the help of statistic software of SPSS and using canonical correlation analysis, we proclaim the correlation correlativity between the area change of each kind of coastal wetland and the elements of economic and society, and carry on research on the driving force that causes the coastal wetlands’ changes.