Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Single-source, single-cable, long-array, seismic data processing in complex sea conditions of Dongsha sea area
Received date: 2019-09-26
Request revised date: 2019-12-17
Online published: 2020-07-27
Supported by
Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China(41606030)
China Geological Survey Projects(DD20190216)
China Geological Survey Projects(DD20190212)
Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0207)
Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0208)
ing at the characteristics of seismic data collected by single-source, single-cable, long-array under complex sea conditions of the Dongsha sea area for the first time, we propose an optimal technical solution for processing this kind of data. We have achieved good results in removing various noise interferences and different types of multiple-wave interferences, especially the severe interference of marine turbulence in the survey area. Under the premise of amplitude-preserving treatment, the bubble is suppressed, the wavelet is compressed, and the resolution of the seismic data is improved. Using high-density velocity analysis, we performed anisotropic bi-spectral non-hyperbolic move-out correction, making the wave group features and amplitude characteristics more obvious. Through reasonable regularization of bins, the coverage folds are uniform and the lateral resolution is improved. For the densely-distributed 2D seismic data, a 3D pre-stack time migration processing method is adopted. In this study, the single-source, single-cable, long-streamer, seismic data with severe noise interference are processed in the way of 3D seismic data processing. The processing highlights the effective information from the shallow to deep, especially the imaging quality improvement for the Mesozoic. More obviously, a set of effective processing procedures has been formed, which provides a technical basis for exploration and data processing in the adjacent areas in the future, and also provides a scientific basis for oil and gas exploration and evaluation of the Dongsha sea area.
XING Tao , ZHAN Wenhuan , LI Fuyuan , CHEN Xi . Single-source, single-cable, long-array, seismic data processing in complex sea conditions of Dongsha sea area[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2020 , 39(4) : 91 -99 . DOI: 10.11978/2019097
图2 原始地震资料中的各种噪音干扰a. 炮集上电缆部分下沉导致接收道关闭; b. 炮集上电缆上浮至水面产生的噪音; c. 炮集上的多次波干扰 Fig. 2 Various noise disturbances in the original seismic data: (a) the receive channel is closed when the cable section on the shot gathers sinks; (b) severe noise when the cable on the shot gathers up to the sea surface; (c) the multiple-wave interference on the shot gathers |
表1 广州海洋地质调查局2016年东沙海域地震采集参数表Tab. 1 Seismicacquisition parameter in the seismic survey conducted by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey around Dongsha area in 2016 |
地震采集参数 | 参数值 |
接收道数/道 | 480 |
道间距/m | 12.5 |
覆盖次数/次 | 120 |
炮间距/m | 25 |
采样率/ms | 2 |
记录长度/s | 8 |
震源容量/ | 5080 |
工作压力/psi. | 2000 |
最小偏移距/m | 175 |
原始面元大小 | 25m(纵向)×100m(横向) |
图6 组合法去多次波炮集效果图a. 原始数据; b. 自由表面相关多次波去除后; c. 组合法去多次波后 Fig. 6 The combination method to attenuate multiple waves: (a) raw shot gathers, (b) shot gathers after free surface multiples elimination, and (c) shot gathers after the joint application of methods |
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