Marine Physics

Optical properties of de-pigmented particles offshore of China

  • ZHOU Hong-li ,
  • ZHU Jian-hua ,
  • LI Tong-ji ,
  • WANG Xiao-yong
  • National Ocean Technology Center, Tianjin 300112, China

Received date: 2011-01-21

  Revised date: 2011-03-06

  Online published: 2013-02-06


De-pigmented particles play an important role in determining the optical properties of seawater in coastal oceans. Using the data collected at about 1,355 stations offshore of China, variations in the spectral absorption of de-pigmented particles at 440 nm (ad (440)) and their spectral slope (S ad) were investigated. Higher values of a ad (440) were observed in enclosed or semi-enclosed bay waters and estuarine waters. The contribution of de-pigmented particles to total seawater absorption at 440 nm shows the similar distribution with that of a ad (440). Except for weak negative correlations in two study areas, there is no obvious relationship between ad(440) and Sd in most parts of our study areas.

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ZHOU Hong-li , ZHU Jian-hua , LI Tong-ji , WANG Xiao-yong . Optical properties of de-pigmented particles offshore of China[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2012 , 31(6) : 57 -61 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.06.009


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