阎贫(1965—), 男, 新疆阿克苏人, 研究员, 博士, 从事地震勘探方法和南海地质研究。email: |
Copy editor: 林强
收稿日期: 2020-11-26
要求修回日期: 2020-12-13
网络出版日期: 2020-12-13
Surveying mud volcanoes over the Dongsha Waters in the South China Sea
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2020-11-26
Request revised date: 2020-12-13
Online published: 2020-12-13
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(U1901217)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(91855101)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41876052)
Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0104)
Special Support Program for Cultivating High-level Talents in Guangdong Province(2019BT02H594)
CAS Senior User Project of RV KEXUE(KEXUE2019G10)
CAS Open Fund of the Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment(MGE2018KG14)
Geological Survey Program of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China(DD20190212)
National Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China(2018A0303130125)
泥火山是地球运动和深部含流体物质向表层迁移的一种重要形式, 其喷溢及喷出物对认识地质动力、地层岩性和资源环境具有重要的意义。东沙海区新生界薄(~1km), 中生界厚(>5km), 是南海最典型的中生代沉积区和油气勘探待突破区。区内有众多的海山海丘, 过去都被推测为不利于油气成藏的岩浆火山。但近年来针对这些海山进行的调查发现了大量海底地层底辟形变与断裂、流体充注空白反射带和喷溢释放结构。通过浅表层取样采获了丰富的自生碳酸盐岩结核及深水珊瑚、海绵等生物, 表明众多海山、海丘具有明显的泥火山活动特征。东沙泥火山的发现表明区内具有良好的油气生成和运移条件, 为勘探源于中生界的油气和水合物提供了重要线索; 而大量深水珊瑚和海绵的出现指示东沙泥火山区可能是深水珊瑚礁、海绵礁发育区, 为研究油气泄漏、化养生物和环境三者的关系提供了重要的研究对象。
阎贫 , 王彦林 , 于俊辉 , 罗伟 , 刘兴健 , 靳永斌 , 李鹏春 , 刘杰 , 钟广见 , 易海 . 东沙海区泥火山调查进展*[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2021 , 40(3) : 34 -43 . DOI: 10.11978/YG2020008
As an important expression of Earth’s movement and a migration way for fluid-rich materials from substrates to the surface, mud volcanism and the entrained materials carry with ample information that is important for understanding the geodynamics, stratigraphic lithology, resources, and environment. Featuring thin (~1 km) Cenozoic Erathem and considerably thick (>5 km) Mesozoic Erathem, the Dongsha Waters is deemed as the best but unproven prospect for petroleum sourced from the Mesozoic Erathem. It is also rich with seamounts and submarine hills that are believed as magmatic volcanoes, a potential risk factor for petroleum accumulation. However, it is revealed from recent geophysical surveys that many of the seamounts and hills have developed with remarkable diapiric deformation and faults, fluid infill-led blank reflection zone, fluid seepage, and emission. By sampling with box dredges over tens of seamount and hill, plentiful authigenic carbonate nodules and deep-water corals, sponges, etc., have been collected, which feature them mud volcanoes. Discovery of the mud volcanoes shows favorable conditions for petroleum source and migration over the waters, and provides excellent lines to explore the petroleum and gas hydrates sourced from the Mesozoic Erathem. Abundance of deep-sea coral, sponge and others implies the Dongsha mud volcanoes as potential province for deep-sea coral and sponge reefs, meaningful to study the relationship among petroleum seepage, growth of chemosynthetic community and marine environment.
图1 南海北部盆地及东沙海区位置底图引自杨胜雄等(2015), 审图号JS(2015)02-107 Fig. 1 Map of sedimentary basins in the northern SCS, with the box indicating the Dongsha Waters. The base map is from Yang et al (2015) |
图2 东沙海区地球物理测线及海底抓斗站位位置底图位置引自杨胜雄等(2015), 审图号为JS(2015)02-107 Fig. 2 Geophysical lines and box dredging sites over the Dongsha Waters. The base map is from Yang et al (2015) |
图3 多道反射剖面MCS2507段(a)、与之同线的浅地层剖面SUB2507段(b)、SUB2507局部放大段(c)、反射剖面MCS2504选段(d)及MCS2522选段(e)MV: 疑似泥火山; RD: 环边坳陷(rimmed depression); BSR: 似海底反射(bottom Simulating reflection) Fig. 3 Sections of MCS and subbottom profiles. (a) MCS2507; (b) SUB2507; (c) zoom of SUB2507; (d) MCS2504; and (e) MCS2522. MV: mud volcano; RD: rimmed depression; BSR: bottom simulating reflection |
图4 东沙西南海山表层采集的沉积样品a. 碳酸盐岩结核; b. 碳酸盐岩结板; c. 碳酸盐岩烟囱; d. 碳酸盐岩结核与含钙粘土质软泥(干); e. 结核中的生物壳体(扫描电镜照片); f. 结核中的方解石晶体(扫描电镜照片); g. 砾级长石及石英颗粒 Fig. 4 Sedimentary samples collected from the shallow seabed of the Dongsha Waters. a) carbonate nodules; b) carbonate slab; c) carbonate chimney; d) carbonate nodule and calcareous ooze; e) enclosed bio-crusts in carbonate nodule (SEM); f) calcite microcrystals in carbonate nodule (SEM); and g) feldspar and quarts gravels |
表1 5个代表性结核样品的XRD分析矿物组分Tab. 1 Minerals of five representative samples analyzed using X-Ray Diffraction |
样品 | 矿物名 | 含量/% | 样品 | 矿物名 | 含量/% |
H208 | 石英 | 3.9 | H55 | 石英 | 33.4 |
方解石 | 5.5 | 高岭石 | 6.5 | ||
镁方解石 | 7.3 | 伊蒙混层矿物 | 20.5 | ||
铁白云石 | 3.5 | 浊沸石 | 16.3 | ||
伊利石 | 29.7 | 绿泥石 | 18.4 | ||
高岭石 | 13.5 | 方解石 | 5.0 | ||
针铁矿 | 14.3 | H110 | 石英 | 6.4 | |
闪叶石 | 10.5 | 伊利石 | 14.5 | ||
镁橄榄石 | 11.8 | 方解石 | 31.8 | ||
H170 | 钠长石 | 6.6 | 高镁方解石 | 36.0 | |
高岭石 | 1.5 | 高岭石 | 3.1 | ||
伊利石 | 3.8 | 绿泥石 | 5.1 | ||
铁白云石 | 60.0 | 铁白云石 | 3.0 | ||
高镁方解石 | 3.0 | H35-2 | 石英 | 80.4 | |
方解石 | 0.6 | 浊沸石 | 6.6 | ||
石英 | 9.0 | 拉长石 | 13.0 | ||
白云石 | 15.6 |
图5 东沙西南海山表层采集的生物样品图中无标注比例尺均为1cm。a. 丛生石珊瑚 (站位: 202009MV65; 水深: 666m); b. 独居石珊瑚集(站位: 202009DZ202; 水深: 617m); c. 似棘柳珊瑚(站位: MWT3; 水深: 321m); d. 似多孔冠珊瑚Lophelia pertusa (站位: 2016MZ8; 水深: 570m); e. 似多孔冠珊瑚Lophelia pertusa及枝狀多目珊瑚Madrepora oculata (站位: 202009MV65; 水深: 666m); f. 竹珊瑚(站位: 202009MV65; 水深: 666m); g. 多种三角杯珊瑚及尼帕德網沙珊瑚Rhombopsammia niphada (站位: 202009DZ202; 水深: 617m); h. 齿形花叶珊瑚(Anthemiphyllia dentata) (站位: 201609MV10; 水深: 654m)正(主图)、反面(左下角插图); i. 海绵及其它生物碎片集(站位: 202006MZ8; 水深: ~900 m); j—l. 海绵碎片(站位: 202006MZ8; 水深: ~900m); m—n. 海绵碎片及其SEM照片(站位: 201609MZ6-1; 水深: ~610m); o. 多种帽贝(站位: 202006MZ8; 水深: ~900m); p. 螺与贝(站位: 202006S15; 水深: ~314m) ; q. 具有起伏曲面的蛤(站位: 202009DZ202; 水深: 617m); r. 未知(站位: 202009MV70; 水深: 337m); s. 未知(站位: 202009MV70水深: 337m); t. 未知(站位: 202009DZ202; 水深: 617m) Fig. 5 Biologic samples dredged from the Dongsha Waters. The scale bar is 1 cm except specified. a) Colonial stony corals; b) solitary stony corals; c) an alive fan-like gorgonian (cf. Acanthogorgiidae); d) cf. Lophelia pertusa; e) cf. Lophelia pertusa; f) bamboo coral; g) cake-like stony corals (cf. Deltocyathus magnificus) and Rhombopsammia niphada; h) Anthemiphyllia dentata; (i- n): glass sponges; Limpets; (o-q) mussel; and (r-t) unknowns |
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