李为华(1982—), 男, 山东省沂南县人, 高级工程师, 博士, 从事海洋监测技术研究。email: |
Copy editor: 姚衍桃
收稿日期: 2022-01-12
修回日期: 2022-02-16
网络出版日期: 2022-02-22
Research progress in the continuous measurement technology of suspended sediment concentration
Copy editor: YAO Yantao
Received date: 2022-01-12
Revised date: 2022-02-16
Online published: 2022-02-22
Supported by
Joint Key Funds of National Natural Science Foundation of China(U2040202)
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
水体悬沙浓度是水利、环境、河口海岸与海洋相关研究领域最为基础的数据需求之一。随着传感器技术的发展, 悬沙浓度连续测量技术在悬沙浓度测量领域表现出高时空分辨率、长期数据采集的成本和风险均较低的突出优点。本文综述了光学、声学、音叉谐振、压差和放射性射线衰减等原理用于悬沙浓度连续测量技术的相关研究进展, 探讨了各技术方法的优、缺点, 并提出了今后的研发重点和发展方向主要在以下几个方面: 1) 光后向散射原理是低成本、小型化和高时频测量悬沙浓度的最优技术路线, 需着力于开展量程扩增和粒径敏感度削弱研究; 2) 低不确定度悬沙浓度垂向剖面观测的实现依赖于超声后向散射原理技术路线的发展; 3) 音叉谐振原理技术路线尤为契合高含沙水流和浮泥工况下的超高量程应用场景; 4) 多技术路线传感器融合以及使用人工智能算法模型替代正向反演模型。
李为华 , 李九发 , 张文祥 . 水体悬沙浓度连续测量技术研究综述[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2022 , 41(4) : 20 -30 . DOI: 10.11978/2022006
Continuous measurement technology of suspended sediment concentration is the most fundamental requirement in the research fields of hydraulics, environmental science, estuarine and coastal science, as well as marine science. The current popular technical routes including optical backscattering and transmission, specular reflection, remote sensing, acoustic backscattering and transmission attenuation, tuning fork resonance, pressure difference and gamma-ray attenuation and other principles of technical methods were summarized in this paper. The main advantages and problems of each technical method are then discussed, and the future research focus and development direction are prospected as: (1) the principle of optical backscattering is the optimal technical route for low-cost, miniaturized, and high-time-frequency measurement of suspended sediment concentration, and is necessary to focus on range expansion and particle size sensitivity weakening study; (2) low uncertainty suspended sediment concentration profile measurement relies on the development of the acoustic backscattering technical route; (3) the tuning fork resonance technical route is particularly suitable for ultra-high range application scenarios under turbid current and fluid mud conditions; (4) integrate multi-technology sensors and use the artificial intelligence algorithms to replace traditional inverse theory model, etc.
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