武慧宇(1995—), 男, 山西省太原市人, 硕士研究生, 从事水生动植物疫病防控研究。email: |
收稿日期: 2022-12-26
修回日期: 2023-02-27
网络出版日期: 2023-03-08
Screening and identification of high protease producing strain and its application in culture of Babylonia areolata
Received date: 2022-12-26
Revised date: 2023-02-27
Online published: 2023-03-08
Supported by
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. of China(NFZX2021)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, P. R. of China(NHYYSWZZZYKZX2020)
Central Public-Interest Scientific Institution Basal Research Fund(1630052019014)
方斑东风螺是我国及东南亚地区重要的海水养殖品种, 由于养殖底质污染, 导致方斑东风螺病害频发。文章从健康方斑东风螺养殖池底沙中筛选蛋白酶高产菌株, 基于形态、生理生化和分子特征对高产蛋白酶菌株进行鉴定, 通过菌株溶血性检测和药敏试验初步评价其安全性, 在单因素试验的基础上通过正交试验对其发酵培养基碳源、氮源及金属盐进行优化, 并在室内养殖条件下考察了其对方斑东风螺养殖水体(氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、化学需氧量)、底沙(总氮、有机碳)以及方斑东风螺生长(存活率、特定生长率)的影响。结果表明: 从健康方斑东风螺养殖池底沙分离得到一株高产蛋白酶芽孢菌, 其蛋白酶活性为324.0U·mL-1, 命名为YZS02, 经鉴定菌株YZS02为越南蔷薇菌(Rossellomorea vietnamensis), 该菌株没有溶血活性, 对24种抗生素敏感, 其最优发酵培养基为酵母粉15g·L-1、可溶性淀粉20g·L-1、MgCl2 8g·L-1、NaCl 30g·L-1, 用此优化培养基在30℃, 200r·min-1条件下摇瓶发酵24h, 菌体密度可达到7.19×109个·毫升-1, 该密度是优化前的2.89倍, 同时优化后蛋白酶活性可达753.3U·mL-1, 为原来的2.3倍。YZS02能够有效降低方斑东风螺养殖水体氨氮和化学需氧量水平, 对底沙中的总氮也有很好的去除效果, 试验结束时对照组水体氨氮浓度为2.33mg·L-1、化学需氧量为278.37mg·L-1、底沙总氮含量为538.31μg·g-1, 而试验组水体氨氮浓度为0.78 mg·L-1、化学需氧量为128.47mg·L-1、底沙总氮含量为128.71μg·g-1。YZS02还能有效提高方斑东风螺的存活率及特定生长率。
武慧宇 , 高秀菊 , 葛东振 , 朱军 , 邹潇潇 , 黄惠琴 , 顾志峰 , 鲍时翔 . 高产蛋白酶菌株的筛选、鉴定及其在方斑东风螺养殖中的应用[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2023 , 42(5) : 124 -133 . DOI: 10.11978/2022263
Babylonia areolata is an important marine aquaculture variety in China and Southeast Asia. Due to the pollution of the breeding substrate, the disease of Babylonia areolata happens frequently. In this study, high-yielding protease strains were screened from the bottom sand of the healthy Babylonia areolata breeding pond. The high-yielding protease strain was identified based on morphology, physiological, biochemical and molecular characteristics. Its safety was preliminarily evaluated through strain hemolytic detection and drug sensitivity test, and its fermentation medium was optimized by single-factor and orthogonal tests. Chemicalization, and under indoor aquaculture conditions, the effects of the water bodies (ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, COD), sediment (total nitrogen, organic carbon) and the growth (survivability rate and specific growth rate) of snails were investigated. The results showed that one strain YZS02 of high-yielding protease bacillus was isolated from the bottom sand of one healthy Babylonia areolata breeding pond, and was identified as Rossellomorea vietnamensis. The strain has no hemolysis activity. Sensitive to 24 antibiotics, the optimal fermentation medium is composed of 15 g·L-1 yeast powder, soluble starch 20 g·L-1, MgCl2 8 g·L-1, sodium chloride 30 g·L-1. This optimized liquid medium is used to shake bottle fermentation for 24 hours at 30℃ and 200 r·min-1. Under this conditions, the bacterial density can reach 7.19×109 cfu·mL-1, which is 2.89 times than that before optimization. YZS02 can effectively reduce the level of ammonia nitrogen and COD in the water cultured by Babylonia areolata. It also has a postive effect on removing the total nitrogen in the bottom sand, which can effectively improve the survival rate and specific growth rate of Babylonia areolata. At the end of the experiment, the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the control group was 2.33 mg·L-1, COD was 278.37 mg·L-1, and the total nitrogen content of sis was 538.31 μg·g-1, while the ammonia nitrogen concentration in the water body of the experimental group 3 was 0.78 mg·L-1 and COD was 128.47 mg·L-1. The total nitrogen content of sediment was 128.71 μg·g-1. YZS02 can also effectively improve the survival rate and specific growth rate of Babylonia areolate.
表1 蛋白酶高产菌株复筛结果Tab. 1 Re-screening results of high protease-producing strains |
菌株编号 | 蛋白酶活性/(U∙mL-1) |
YZS01 | 298.3 |
YZS02 | 324.0 |
PWK02 | 277.5 |
P398 | 199.0 |
P401 | 203.0 |
表2 菌株YZS02生理生化特征Tab. 2 Physiological and biochemical characteristics of strain YZS02 |
指标 | 结果 | 最佳生长状态 |
酶试验 | W | |
酪蛋白水解 | + | |
pH 5~9 | + | 7~8 |
NaCl浓度0~10% | + | 3%~5% |
温度10~45℃ | + | 30~37℃ |
明胶液化 | - | |
荧光色素 | W | |
甲基红试验 | W | |
V-P试验 | + | |
运动性 | + | |
氧化酶 | + | |
硝酸盐还原 | - | |
吲哚产生 | - | |
脲酶 | - | |
精氨酸脱羧酶 | - | |
H2S产生 | - |
注: +表示阳性; -表示阴性; W表示弱阳性 |
表3 抗性检测试验Tab. 3 Resistance test |
抗性药物 | 纸片含药量 | 是否敏感 |
青霉素 | 10µg | + |
氨苄 | 10µg | + |
头孢氨苄 | 30µg | + |
头孢唑林 | 30µg | + |
头孢拉定 | 30µg | + |
头孢呋辛 | 30µg | + |
头孢他啶 | 30µg | + |
头孢曲松 | 30µg | + |
头孢哌酮 | 75µg | + |
多西环素 | 30µg | + |
丁胺卡那 | 30µg | + |
庆大霉素 | 10µg | + |
卡那霉素 | 30µg | - |
新霉素 | 30µg | + |
四环素 | 30µg | - |
米诺环素 | 30µg | + |
红霉素 | 15µg | + |
麦迪霉素 | 30µg | + |
氧氟沙星 | 5µg | + |
环丙沙星 | 5µg | + |
万古霉素 | 30µg | + |
多粘霉素 | 300IU | + |
复方新诺明 | 1.25µg | + |
痢特灵 | 300µg | + |
霉素 | 30µg | + |
克林霉素 | 2µg | + |
注: +表示敏感, -表示不敏感 |
表4 菌株YZS02正交试验结果Tab. 4 Orthogonal test results of strain YZS02 |
试验号 | 因子 | OD600 | ||
可溶性淀粉浓度/(g·L-1) | 酵母粉浓度/(g·L-1) | MgCl2浓度/(g·L-1) | ||
1 | 10 | 15 | 4 | 4.652 |
2 | 10 | 20 | 8 | 4.280 |
3 | 10 | 25 | 6 | 3.975 |
4 | 15 | 15 | 6 | 4.930 |
5 | 15 | 20 | 4 | 3.903 |
6 | 15 | 25 | 8 | 4.191 |
7 | 20 | 15 | 8 | 5.244 |
8 | 20 | 20 | 6 | 4.390 |
9 | 20 | 25 | 4 | 4.208 |
K1 | 12.907 | 14.826 | 12.763 | |
K2 | 13.024 | 12.573 | 13.295 | |
K3 | 13.842 | 12.374 | 13.715 | |
R | 0.935 | 2.452 | 0.952 |
注: K1、K2、K3为每个因素各水平下的指标之和, R为极差 |
表5 方斑东风螺增重率和存活率统计Tab. 5 Statistics of weight gain rate and survival rate of Babylonia areolate |
项目 | 对照 | 试验组1 | 试验组2 | 试验组3 |
初始平均体重/g | 0.62±0.02a | 0.61±0.01a | 0.62±0.01a | 0.60±0.01a |
终末平均体重/g | 2.17±0.04b | 2.24±0.09b | 2.30±0.12b | 2.53±0.11a |
增重率/% | 249.72±6.24b | 264.34±14.64b | 270.76±19.34b | 319.40±18.98a |
特定生 长率/% | 8.32±0.21b | 8.81±0.49b | 9.03±0.64b | 10.65±0.63a |
存活率/% | 78.00±5.29bc | 72.67±8.33c | 87.33±4.16ab | 93.33±3.06a |
注: 同行不同字母表示各组间成活率差异显著(p<0.05) |
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