张新文(1992—), 男, 江苏省邳州市人, 硕士, 从事海洋观测技术应用研究。email: |
Copy editor: 殷波
收稿日期: 2023-11-14
修回日期: 2023-12-21
网络出版日期: 2023-12-27
Design and application of internal solitary wave monitoring system based on the Tiantong communication
Received date: 2023-11-14
Revised date: 2023-12-21
Online published: 2023-12-27
Supported by
Project Independently Established by the Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Survey Technology and Application, Ministry of Natural Resources(MESTA-2021-C001)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC3104204)
Hainan Province Science and Technology Special Fund(ZDYF2023GXJS151)
实时监测是实现内孤立波预警的前提和基础。文章根据内孤立波过程海流的特征, 提出了一种基于天通通信的内孤立波监测系统。该系统在浮标端搭载海流计进行剖面海流的实时观测, 并将数据进行分帧传输和丢包重传, 保证观测数据的可靠实时传输; 在云端采用数据接收存储和内孤立波识别功能解耦的设计, 在实现内孤立波监测的同时, 降低模块间的交互调用, 提高系统运行的稳定性。海上工程应用结果表明, 该系统运行稳定, 浮标端数据采集率达100%, 云端有效数据接收率达95.1%, 且系统自动化内孤立波监测的功能有效地提高了内孤立波识别效率, 保障了目标海域的施工安全。
张新文 , 林冠英 , 李锐祥 , 杨威 , 刘同木 , 周保成 , 银利强 , 丁奕博 . 基于天通通信的内孤立波监测系统设计与应用[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2024 , 43(5) : 180 -189 . DOI: 10.11978/2023170
Real time monitoring is the prerequisite and foundation for internal solitary wave (ISW) warning. This article proposes an ISWs monitoring system based on the Tiantong communication, and the ocean current characteristics of ISW processes. The system is equipped with current measuring instrument at the buoy for real-time observation of profile currents, and transmits data in frames and packet loss retransmissions to ensure reliable and real-time transmission of observed data; on the cloud platform, the system separates data reception and ISWs identification functions, reduces the interaction between modules and improves the stability of system. The application results of offshore engineering show that the system operates stably, with a data acquisition rate of 100% at the buoy and an effective data reception rate of 95.1% at the cloud. The system’s automated ISWs monitoring function effectively improves the efficiency of ISWs recognition and ensures the construction safety of the target sea area.
表1 天通卫星通信指令集Tab. 1 The command set of the Tiantong satellite communication |
序号 | 指令示例 | 预期返回值 | 说明 |
1 | ^$CC0Z30,11,LOGIN,d, D$^ | pwd is Ok | 登陆指令, CC0Z30是控制中心名称, 11是密码 |
2 | *XF,MODE=1,# | SENDDATA,OK | 传输模式指令, MODE=1为数据传输模式 |
3 | ^$ACK$^ | *MAP*,s,1,TT0Z30:0 # | 心跳包, 返回TT0Z30在线情况, 0在线, 1离线 |
4 | *XF,S5,# | 0~31, 99 | 16~25范围内信号强度较好, 99为无信号 |
5 | ^$TT0Z30,11,SEND,CC0Z30, Data$^ | SENDDATA,OK | 天通终端向控制中心发送Data数据, 单次200字节 |
6 | ^$CC0Z30,11,SEND,TT0Z30, Data$^ | SENDDATA,OK | 控制中心向天通终端发送Data数据, 单次200字节 |
图2 封装数据帧结构图中Data[0]字节为固定值, 0x01表明该帧海流数据, 0x02为浮标状态数据; Data[1]字节为海流分帧的帧序, 0x01则表示数据内容为横摇、纵摇及海流前15层剖面数据, 0x02数据内容为后15层剖面数据; Data[n]字节为Data[0]至Data[n-1]的8位异或校验和 Fig. 2 Encapsulated data frame structure. The Data[0] byte in the figure is a fixed value, 0x01 indicates the ocean current data of the frame, and 0x02 represents the buoy status data; the Data[1] byte represents the frame order of ocean current framing, 0x01 represents the data content of pitch, roll, and the first 15 layers of ocean current profile data, and 0x02 represents the last 15 layers of profile data; the Data[n] byte is an 8-bit XOR checksum from Data[0] to Data[n-1] |
图5 监测预警子系统图中显示了ADCP观测的剖面流速数据(a)、剖面东西分量数据(b)、剖面南北分量数据(c)和Pitch、Roll数据(d) Fig. 5 Monitoring and early warning subsystem. The figure shows the (a) profile flow velocity data, (b) profile east-west vector data, (c) profile north-south vector data, and (d) Pitch and Roll data observed by ADCP |
图7 监测预警子系统2023年4月17日至19日海流原始数据显示及内孤立波识别情况a、c、e分别为4月17日至19日海流高频特征流速变化情况; b、d、f分别为对应时段内ADCP测量的剖面海流原始数据 Fig. 7 Internal wave monitoring subsystem displays raw data of ocean currents from April 17 to 19, 2023. In the figure, (a), (c), and (e) represent the high-frequency characteristic flow velocity changes of the ocean current from April 17 to 19. The (b), (d), and (f) respectively represent the raw data of ADCP measured profile currents during the corresponding time period |
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