受气候变化及人类活动的影响,海洋水母暴发已经成为近岸海域严重的生态灾害,威胁海洋生态系统及沿海经济的发展。灾害水母防治成为全球范围内的一个亟待解决的问题。微生物在海洋无脊椎动物的生长发育过程中发挥着重要作用,调节着水母等海洋无脊椎动物生活史的进程。我们利用菌株与海月水母浮浪幼虫共培养实验,筛选获得一株能够抑制灾害水母海月水母浮浪幼虫附着变态的芽孢杆菌(Bacillus paranthracis)SG49,但其关键的代谢物尚不清楚,抑制机制有待进一步解析。本研究基于非靶向代谢组学技术对菌株SG49的胞内和胞外代谢产物进行检测,分析二者的差异,筛选抑制浮浪幼虫附着变态的潜在关键代谢产物。研究结果表明菌株SG49胞内外代谢产物有较大差异,筛选出了7个具有潜在抑制活性的物质,分别为 3-羟基-2-氧吲哚、卡那霉素、安普霉素、链霉素、硫酸链霉素、没食子酸和松柏醇,这些代谢产物能够抑制细菌生物膜,并能抑制微生物生长。本研究结果揭示了海月水母浮浪幼虫附着抑制菌SG49的胞内胞外代谢产物的差异,获得了潜在的抑制活性物质,为后续水母暴发防治提供理论依据及菌株资源。
. 副炭疽芽孢杆菌的胞内外代谢物差异及关键代谢物分析[J]. 热带海洋学报, 0
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DOI: 10.11978/2024068
As a result of climate change and human intervention, jellyfish outbreaks have become a serious ecological disaster that threatens coastal economies and marine ecosystems. Globally, there is an urgent need to prevent jellyfish blooms. Microorganisms play an important role in the growth and development of marine invertebrates. Co-culture experiments revealed that Bacillus paranthracis SG49 inhibited the settlement and metamorphosis of Aurelia coerulea planula larvae. The key metabolic pathways and mechanisms behind this inhibition, however, require further investigation. Using non-targeted metabolomics technology, the intracellular and extracellular metabolites of SG49 were detected, differences between the two groups were analyzed, and potential metabolites affecting planula larval metamorphosis were identified. Our results showed that SG49 intracellular and extracellular metabolites were significantly different. Specifically, seven substances were screened for their potential inhibitory activities, including 3-hydroxy-2-oxindole, kanamycin, apramycin, streptomycin, streptomycin sulfate, gallic acid, and coniferyl alcohol. Bacterial biofilms and microorganism growth can be inhibited by these metabolites. Our findings provided a theoretical basis and strain resources to prevent jellyfish outbreaks in the future.