环境因子对污损生物沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)幼体附着变态的影响研究

  • 代丽 ,
  • 潘铧康 ,
  • 刘励阳 ,
  • 何健 ,
  • 赵科 ,
  • 祁剑飞 ,
  • 张真 ,
  • 苏培 ,
  • 冯丹青
  • 1. 中国核电工程有限公司, 北京 100840;

    2. 厦门大学海洋与地球学院, 福建 厦门 361102;

    3. 海南核电有限公司, 海南 昌江 572733;

    4. 福建省水产研究所, 福建 厦门 361000

收稿日期: 2024-07-07

  修回日期: 2024-08-26

  录用日期: 2024-09-12

  网络出版日期: 2024-09-12


国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3106004); 福建省促进海洋与渔业产业高质量发展专项资助项目(FJHYF-L-2023-14); 福建省海洋服务与渔业高质量发展专项资助项目(FJHY-YYKJ-2023-1-5); 中国核电工程有限公司资助项目(20223160A0857)

Effects of Environmental Factors on Larval Settlement and Metamorphosis of the fouling organism Mytilopsis sallei

  • DAI, Li ,
  • PAN, Hua kang ,
  • LIU, Li yang ,
  • HE, Jian ,
  • ZHAO, Ke ,
  • QI, Jian fei ,
  • ZHANG, Zhen ,
  • SU, Pei ,
  • FENG, Dan qing
  • 1. China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 100840, China;

    2. College of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361102, China;

    3. Hainan Nuclear Power Co., Ltd., Changjiang 572733, China;

    4. Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian, Xiamen 361000, China

Received date: 2024-07-07

  Revised date: 2024-08-26

  Accepted date: 2024-09-12

  Online published: 2024-09-12

Supported by

National Key Research and Development Program of China (2022YFC3106004); The high-quality Development of Marine and Fishery industry Project of Fujian (FJHYF-L-2023-14); The Ocean service and high-quality Development of Fishery Project of Fujian (FJHY-YYKJ-2023-1-5); The Project from China Nuclear Power Engineering Co.,Ltd. (20223160A0857)


沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)是我国南方一种重要入侵污损生物, 常见于附着在养殖设施上, 造成渔业损失。本研究采用生态学单因子梯度试验方法, 检测了沙筛贝幼体在系列梯度的盐度、水温、光照和溶解氧下的附着变态情况。结果发现, 沙筛贝幼体附着变态的适宜温度范围为25~35℃, 低温(10℃和15℃)明显抑制了附着变态, 而高温(40℃)导致幼体全部死亡; 沙筛贝幼体附着变态的适宜盐度范围为15‰~30‰, 最适盐度为15‰; 适宜光强范围为0 ~5000 lux, 超过10000 lux的光强则会显著降低沙筛贝幼体的附着率和变态率; 沙筛贝幼体在40%~100%饱和氧浓度(3.2~8.0 mg·L-1)下均能正常附着变态, 但当溶解氧低于20 %饱和氧浓度(1.6 mg·L-1)时, 会抑制其附着变态。研究表明,沙筛贝幼体适宜在较高温度(25℃-35℃)、较广盐度(15‰-30‰)和低光照(0-5000 lux)条件下附着变态,且其幼体具备较强的耐低氧能力。本研究揭示了沙筛贝幼体附着变态的适宜环境条件, 对预测其在我国沿海的可能分布扩散区域以及防止其进一步扩张至我国其他海域对当地水产养殖业造成危害具有重要意义。


代丽 , 潘铧康 , 刘励阳 , 何健 , 赵科 , 祁剑飞 , 张真 , 苏培 , 冯丹青 .

环境因子对污损生物沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)幼体附着变态的影响研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 0 : 0 . DOI: 10.11978/2024136


The false mussel Mytilopsis sallei is an important invasive fouling organism in south of China, which is often attaching to aquaculture facilities and causes fishery losses. In this study, the ecological single factor gradient test was used to test larval settlement and metamorphosis of M. sallei under different salinities, water temperatures, light intensities and dissolved oxygen concentrations. The results showed that the suitable temperature for larval settlement and metamorphosis of M. sallei was 25~35℃. Low temperatures (10℃ and 15℃) inhibited larval settlement and metamorphosis, while high temperature (40℃) caused the death of all larvae. The suitable salinity was 15‰~30‰, with the optimal salinity of 15‰. The suitable light intensity was 0~5000 lux, but when light intensity reached more than 10000 lux, larval settlement and metamorphosis were significantly inhibited. The suitable dissolved oxygen concentration was 40%~100% of saturated oxygen concentration (3.2~8.0 mg·L-1), but when the dissolved oxygen concentration is lower than 20% (1.6 mg·L-1), larval settlement and metamorphosis were inhibited. M. sallei larvae was suitable to settle and metamorphose under high temperature (25~35℃), wide salinity (15‰~30‰) and low light intensity (0~5000 lux), with strong resistance capacity to low dissolved oxygen concentration. This study revealed the suitable environmental conditions on larval settlement and metamorphosis ofM. sallei, which is important for predicting its possible distribution in the coastal areas of China and preventing its invasion to other areas of China and causing aquaculture industry losses.
