水质变化对豆荚软珊瑚(Lobophytum sp.)共生藻、菌群落结构的影响

  • 李达 ,
  • 王云忠 ,
  • 齐继光 ,
  • 杨翠华
  • 青岛海洋科技馆, 山东 青岛 266003

收稿日期: 2024-07-11

  修回日期: 2024-08-31

  录用日期: 2024-10-14

  网络出版日期: 2024-10-14

Effects of water quality on community structure in Symbiodiniaceae and symbiotic bacteria for soft coral Lobophytum sp.

  • Li, Da ,
  • Wang, Yunzhong ,
  • Qi, Jiguang ,
  • Yang, Cuihua
  • Marine Science and Technology Museum, Qingdao 266003, China

Received date: 2024-07-11

  Revised date: 2024-08-31

  Accepted date: 2024-10-14

  Online published: 2024-10-14


本研究对豆荚软珊瑚(Lobophytum sp.)个体进行为期1个月的不同水质饲养,通过高通量测序技术比较分析水质变化下珊瑚虫黄藻、水体细菌和珊瑚共生细菌的群落结构变化特征。结果显示,三组珊瑚虫黄藻均以Cladocopium属为主导优势种群(相对丰度70.25%~98.13%),且认为该属虫黄藻耐高营养盐性较差(丰度显著降低),耐低营养盐性较佳(丰度升高);环境营养盐降至硝态氮<5 mg/L、磷酸盐<0.1 mg/L时,珊瑚虫黄藻密度大幅降低(Chao指数由21.00降至14.00,Ace指数由22.82降至14.00);水体细菌和珊瑚共生细菌在门水平上丰度有所差异,主导细菌优势种群均为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)(相对丰度45.63%~86.55%),在属水平上水体细菌多样性(Shannon指数4.60~4.97)高于珊瑚共生细菌多样性(Shannon指数2.58~3.81),且两者优势菌群种类具有相对独立性;珊瑚共生细菌Cohaesibacter表现出嗜低营养盐性,营养盐降低,其丰度显著升高(<3%升高至40.27%);该属软珊瑚对共生细菌弧菌(Vibrio)种群具有较强的适应性(Vibrio属丰度占比23.71%时珊瑚共生体未表现出明显异常);韦恩图显示,三组珊瑚具有相同虫黄藻8种,三组环境水体和三组珊瑚具有相同细菌85种。研究表明,环境水质变化后,珊瑚虫黄藻和共生细菌的丰度发生改变,水体营养盐浓度变化会导致珊瑚共生细菌群落结构的改变和主导细菌种群的更替,且共生细菌多样性表现出显著差异性。本实验旨在丰富软珊瑚的研究领域,为珊瑚共生系统的稳态研究提供实验依据,同时为制定珊瑚保育方案提供一定借鉴。


李达 , 王云忠 , 齐继光 , 杨翠华 . 水质变化对豆荚软珊瑚(Lobophytum sp.)共生藻、菌群落结构的影响[J]. 热带海洋学报, 0 : 0 . DOI: 10.11978/2024138


Lobophytum is a valuable component of the coral reef ecosystem and is commonly traded in the marine aquarium industry. Its natural metabolites exhibit promising physiological activities, including anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-infectious properties, indicating significant medicinal potential. Zooxanthellae, brown unicellular algae, engage in a mutually beneficial relationship with corals, providing essential energy through photosynthesis for the growth and metabolism of the coral symbionts. The health and abundance of zooxanthellae play a crucial role in the physiological cycle of coral symbionts. The prokaryotic composition within coral symbionts is highly diverse, with dominant microorganisms including α-proteobacteria, γ-proteobacteria, β-proteobacteria, and Bacteriodetes. This microbial composition significantly impacts coral health. In recent years, the increasing severity of coral reef bleaching due to environmental changes has prompted a focus on reef-building corals, while research on soft corals has primarily centered on their bioactive compounds, with less attention on other aspects. The gradual eutrophication of near-shore waters has led to a rise in coral stress factors. Understanding the composition of zooxanthellae and symbiotic bacterial communities is crucial for assessing coral health and comprehending coral's environmental adaptations, enabling the development of effective conservation strategies. In this study, we cultured Lobophytum sp. in different water qualities for one month and analyzed the community structure of zooxanthellae, ambient water bacteria, and symbiotic bacteria using high-throughput sequencing technology. The water quality parameters were consistent across the three experimental groups, with differences in nitrate nitrogen and phosphate levels. Group 1 had nitrate nitrogen <10 mg/L, phosphate <0.2 mg/L, group 2 had nitrate nitrogen <50 mg/L, phosphate <0.5 mg/L, and group 3 had nitrate nitrogen <5 mg/L, phosphate <0.1 mg/L. The findings indicated that all corals survived, and there were no significant differences in tentacle extension vitality between the groups, leading to the conclusion that the set water quality indicators met the conditions for coral survival. Cladocopium sp. dominated the zooxanthellae for all three coral groups, with a relative abundance ranging from 70.25% to 98.13%, suggesting a low tolerance for high nutrient salts and a significant decrease in abundance. In contrast, Symbiodinium sp. showed less sensitivity to water nutrients, with a relative abundance ranging from 0.75% to 1.14%. The densities of zooxanthellae were notably reduced when ambient nitrate nitrogen was < 5 mg/L and phosphate was < 0.1 mg/L, as evidenced by a decrease in the Chao index from 21.00 to 14.00 and a decrease in the Ace index from 22.82 to 14.00. At the phylum level, environmental and coral symbiotic bacteria differed in abundance, with all dominant bacterial populations belonging to Proteobacteria, ranging from 45.63% to 86.55% in relative abundance. Additionally, the environmental bacterial diversity at the genus level (Shannon index 4.60 - 4.97) was higher than that of coral symbiotic bacteria (Shannon index 2.58 - 3.81), and the two dominant bacterial populations were relatively independent. The coral symbiotic bacterium Cohaesibacter exhibited low-nutrient salinity tolerance, with its abundance increasing significantly with decreasing nutrient salinity, from < 3% to 40.27%. This genus of soft corals demonstrated high adaptability to symbiotic bacteria Vibrio, with no significant anomalies observed at 23.71% abundance of Vibrio. The Venn diagram showed that the three groups of corals shared the same 8 species of zooxanthellae, and the three groups of environmental waters and corals shared 85 species of bacteria. These results suggest that the abundance of zooxanthellae and symbiotic bacteria can be influenced by ambient water, leading to changes in the dominant bacteria and community structure of symbiotic bacteria for coral. Moreover, the diversity of symbiotic bacteria showed significant differences, and compared to the environmental bacterial community, fluctuations in environmental nutrient salts had a greater impact on the population structure of symbiotic coral bacteria. This experiment contributes to enriching the research field of soft corals, providing a theoretical basis for understanding the dynamic effects of different water quality indicators on the structure of symbiotic microorganisms in soft corals. Additionally, it helps to study the impact of water quality fluctuations on soft coral zooxanthellae and bacterial community structure in artificial environments, and assists in the development of coral conservation programs.
