
  • 何晨 ,
  • 王佳宁 ,
  • 周林滨 ,
  • 柯志新 ,
  • 刘炜炜 ,
  • 刘甲星 ,
  • 王军星 ,
  • 谭烨辉 ,
  • 陈志云
  • 1. 中国科学院南海海洋研究所, 中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室, 南海海洋生物标本馆, 广东省应用海洋生物学重点实验室, 广东  广州 510301

    2. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049

    3. 惠州市自然资源局, 惠州市海洋技术中心, 广东  惠州 516003

收稿日期: 2024-09-06

  修回日期: 2025-01-02

  录用日期: 2025-01-02

  网络出版日期: 2025-01-02


国家科技基础资源调查专项 (2015FY110600); 广东省科技计划项目 (2023B1212060047; 2024B1212040008); 中国科学院分类学科学家岗位项目 (CAS-TAX-24-043); 国家动物标本资源库

Comparison of community structure of macrobenthos at seagrass beds in Xincungang and Li’angang, Hainan

  • 1. Key Laboratory of Tropical Marine Bio-resources and Ecology, Marine Biodiversity Collections of South China Sea, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Applied Marine Biology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China

    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

    3. Department of National Resources of Huizhou Bureau, Ocean Technology Center of Huizhou, Huizhou 516003, China

Received date: 2024-09-06

  Revised date: 2025-01-02

  Accepted date: 2025-01-02

  Online published: 2025-01-02

Supported by

National Investigation of Technological Basic Resources Project (2015FY110600); Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province (2023B1212060047; 2024B1212040008); Taxonomist project, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS-TAX-24-043); National Animal Collection Resource Center, China


基于2015~2016 海南新村港和2017~2018年黎安港两地海草床四季大型底栖生物生态调查数据, 对其群落结构进行比较。结果表明: (1) 共记录两个区域海草床大型底栖生物96种, 其中新村港和黎安港各50种和62种, 环节动物是两地海草床的主要类群; 厚鳃蚕(Dasybranchus caducus) 是其共有的优势种; 除秋季外, 新村港大型底栖生物平均栖息密度均高于黎安港, 除夏季外, 黎安港的生物量皆高于新村港。(2) 黎安港的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数 (H’), Pielou均匀度指数 (J’) 和 Margalef 丰富度指数 (d) 均高于新村港; 黎安港的丰度/生物量曲线W值远大于新村港, 后者海草床大型底栖生物群落结构比前者受到干扰更小。(3) 基于群落栖息密度和生物量聚类结果都显示, 约 15% 的相似性水平上可将两地群落分为两组, 两地海草床大型底栖生物群落结构差别较大。结合上述研究和历史研究结果, 两地群落差异可能是由两地的水文特征差异和渔业养殖带来的污染差异引起的。与历史数据对比显示, 两地海草床保护区大型生物底栖生物群落已有所恢复, 持续的保护和修复工作是有效且必要的。


何晨 , 王佳宁 , 周林滨 , 柯志新 , 刘炜炜 , 刘甲星 , 王军星 , 谭烨辉 , 陈志云 . 海南新村港和黎安港海草床大型底栖生物的群落结构比较[J]. 热带海洋学报, 0 : 1 . DOI: 10.11978/2024170


Based on the ecological survey data of macrobenthos in the seagrass beds of Xincungang (2015~2016) and Li’angang (2017~2018) over four seasons, we compared the community structures. The results showed that: (1) A total of 96 species of macrobenthos were recorded in the seagrass beds of the two areas, with 50 species in Xincungang and 62 species in Li’angang, predominantly consisting of annelids in both seagrass beds. Dasybranchus caducus was a common dominant species. Except in autumn, the average inhabited density of macrobenthos in Xincungang was higher than in Li’angang, and except in summer, the biomass in Li’angang was higher than in Xincungang. (2) The Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’), Pielou’s evenness index (J’), and Margalef’s richness index (d) in Li’angang were all higher than in Xincungang. The W value of the abundance/biomass curves (ABC) in Li’angang was much higher than in Xincungang, indicating that the macrobenthos community structure in the seagrass beds of Li’angang was more stable and less disturbed. (3) Based on the clustering results of community inhabited density and biomass, the communities in the two areas could be divided into two groups at a similarity level of approximately 15%, showing significant differences in the macrobenthos community structure in the seagrass beds of Xincungang and Li’angang. Combining these findings with historical research, the differences between the two communities are likely due to variations in hydrological characteristics and pollution from aquaculture activities. Compared with historical data, the macrobenthos communities in the seagrass bed protected areas of both locations have shown signs of recovery. Continuous protection and restoration efforts are effective and necessary.
