厦门近海尖梭螺属(软体动物门, 腹足纲, 梭螺科)一新记录种
陈志云(1982—), 女, 陕西省安康市人, 高级工程师, 主要从事海洋贝类分类学研究。email: |
收稿日期: 2021-04-08
修回日期: 2021-06-18
网络出版日期: 2021-06-24
A new record of genus Cuspivolva (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Ovulidae) in coastal waters off Xiamen
Received date: 2021-04-08
Revised date: 2021-06-18
Online published: 2021-06-24
Supported by
National Science and Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China(2017FY201404)
Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(2021A1515011521)
National R&D Infrastructure and Facility Development Program of China(2005DKA21402)
National Animal Collection Resource Center, China
陈志云 , 郭翔 , 刘毅 , 尉鹏 , 张素萍 . 厦门近海尖梭螺属(软体动物门, 腹足纲, 梭螺科)一新记录种[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2022 , 41(2) : 189 -192 . DOI: 10.11978/2021044
We report one newly recorded species of the genus Cuspivolva (Gastropoda, Ovulidae) from the offshore waters off Xiamen, Fujian Province: Cuspivolva bellica (C. N. Cate, 1973). All the specimens were collected near the low-tide line and inhabited on the branches of gorgonian corals; and now they are deposited in the Tropical Marine Biodiversity Collections of the South China Sea Chinese Academy of Sciences (TMBC). The shell morphological features of this species were presented, along with its habitat and distribution. Differences between this species and similar species are compared and discussed. Until now, there are eight Cuspivolva species known from waters off China. The discovery of this new species further enriches the cowries diversity in Chinese waters. A list of Cuspivolva species known from Chinese waters is also given in the paper.
Key words: Gastropoda; Ovulidae; Cuspivolva; Cuspivolva bellica; new record
表1 中国海域已知尖梭螺属种类Tab. 1 A list of Cuspivolva species known from China seas |
种名 | 国内分布 (啊) | 分类特征 |
武装尖梭螺 Cuspivolva bellica (C. N. Cate, 1973) | 福建(厦门); 潮间带至水深1m | 壳面多呈浅黄褐色; 索带肋状齿较弱; 外唇齿发达 |
唯一尖梭螺 Cuspivolva singularis C. N. Cate, 1973 | 东海; 水深100~150m (张素萍, 2008b; 张素萍 等, 2011) | 壳面多呈白色或黄白色, 索带肋状齿发达; 外唇齿中部者弱 |
尖梭螺 Cuspivolva cuspis (C. N. Cate, 1973) | 福建以南沿海; 潮间带—浅海 (张素萍 等, 2011) | 壳面多呈紫色, 肩角处有一明显的白色螺带; 索带肋状齿发达 |
赛氏尖梭螺 Cuspivolva celzardi (Fehse, 2008) | 东海; 水深200~240m (张素萍 等, 2011) | 贝壳两端呈淡紫色, 后端尖细; 外唇齿仅位于内缘; 索带突出较高 |
波部尖梭螺 Cuspivolva habui (C. N. Cate, 1973) | 东海; 水深200m左右 (张素萍 等, 2011) | 贝壳两端呈黄色, 后端尖凸出, 后端尖; 壳质薄, 半透明; 外唇仅前后部具齿列 |
美丽尖梭螺* Cuspivolva formosa (G. B. Sowerby Ⅱ, 1848) | 福建、台湾; 潮间带至水深120~160m (张素萍, 2008b; 张素萍 等, 2011) | 贝壳中上部有一明显的棱; 外唇两端齿列发达 |
细尖梭螺 Cuspivolva mucronata (Azuma & C. N. Cate, 1971) | 东海; 水深180~240m (张素萍 等, 2011) | 贝壳表面具有断续的3条黄褐色螺带; 外唇两端齿列弱 |
昆士兰尖梭螺 Cuspivolva queenslandica (C. N. Cate, 1974) | 台湾和广东以南; 潮间带—浅海 (张素萍 等, 2011) | 壳面多呈紫褐色, 两端钝; 外唇内缘仅上部具齿列或不明显; 轴唇具一龙骨突 |
注: *有学者认为该种属于原梭螺属Primovula, 但其贝壳形态仍符合尖梭螺属特征, 根据Lorenz等(2009)的分类系统, 仍将其归为尖梭螺属 |
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