收稿日期: 2008-12-26
修回日期: 2009-07-17
网络出版日期: 2010-12-15
国家自然科学基金项目(40776083、40876080); 厦门市科技项目(3502Z20063022)
Studies on the genetic structure and genetic subdivision of white spotted bamboo shark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum, by analysing mitochondrial Cyt b genes
Received date: 2008-12-26
Revised date: 2009-07-17
Online published: 2010-12-15
Supported by
国家自然科学基金项目(40776083、40876080); 厦门市科技项目(3502Z20063022)
测定和分析了广东、福建、海南3个不同地理群体共71尾条纹斑竹鲨Chiloscyllium plagiosum的线粒体细胞色素b(mtDNA cyt b)全序列。结果表明, 条纹斑竹鲨cyt b基因全长1146bp, 具15个单倍型。较低的核苷酸多样性(π=0.00254)及单倍型多样性(h = 0.7195)提示条纹斑竹鲨线粒体DNA的进化速率较慢。各群体内的Tajima’s D检验的结果均不显著(P>0.10), 表明各群体进化过程中未出现扩张和持续增长, 群体大小维持稳定。NJ树和单倍型网络图结果表明较早出现的是广东群体, 福建群体较晚出现。通过计算其遗传距离值、估算其基因流(Nm) 及进行AMOVA 分析, 均显示福建群体与海南和广东群体的分化最远, 而海南及广东群体间分化不明显。研究表明距离隔离是条纹斑竹鲨福建、广东和海南群体遗传分化的重要因素。
关键词: 条纹斑竹鲨Chiloscyllium plagiosum; 线粒体; 细胞色素b; 群体遗传
傅蒙娜,王军,丁少雄,杜佳莹,苏永全 . 基于线粒体DNA细胞色素b序列分析3个条纹斑竹鲨群体的遗传结构和遗传分化[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2010 , 29(6) : 86 -91 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2010.06.086
The genetic diversity and genetic structure of Chiloscyllium plagiosum were assessed from three populations (Hainan, Guangdong, and Fujian), using mitochondrial Cyt b sequences. The complete mitochondrial Cyt b gene sequences (1146 nucleotides) from 71 individuals were defined as 15 haplotypes by 15 polymorphic sites after sequence alignment. The low levels of nucleotide diversity (π=0.00254) and haplotype diversity (h = 0.7195)indicated slow rate of mitochondrial DNA evolution in C. plagiosum . The result of selective neutrality tests (Tajima’s D, P>0.10) suggested that there was no population expansion of the C. plagiosum in these three areas and the sizes of the three populations were relatively stable. The phyloge-netic tree and the network based on haplotype indicated that the population in Guangdong was the ancestor, while the group in Fujian appeared recently. The results of genetic distance and gene flow analysis and the results of AMOVA revealed distinct genetic differentiations between Hainan and Fujian groups and between Guangdong and Fujian groups, while the genetic dif-ferentiation is not significant between Hainan and Guangdong groups. Our research suggested that population differentiation occurred as a consequence of isolation-by-distance.
Key words: Chiloscyllium plagiosum; mitochondrion; cytochrome b; population genetics
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