收稿日期: 2009-02-25
修回日期: 2009-06-24
网络出版日期: 2010-12-15
Morphological comparison on radula from different populations of Hemifusus
Received date: 2009-02-25
Revised date: 2009-06-24
Online published: 2010-12-15
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采集我国沿海不同地区的管角螺Hemifusus tuba (Gmelin)、大角螺Hemifusus colosseus (Lamarck)和棘角螺Hemifusus kawamurai Habe样本, 从这3种角螺10个群体中每个群体随机选取10―20个体, 进行齿舌结构的比较。结果表明, 角螺属齿舌上有齿3列, 每一横列齿舌均为3枚, 对称排列, 其齿式为1•1•1。角螺属这3种齿舌的种间差别主要体现在中央齿的中间突起, 而侧齿区别不大; 种内不同群体间无明显差别, 种间的差异略大于种内, 其中管角螺与大角螺和棘角螺差异显著(P<0.05)。大角螺与棘角螺的差异不明显, 只是在北部湾大角螺和阳江棘角螺的侧齿第一突起/中央齿宽的比值差异极显著(P<0.01)。角螺属各群体间齿舌差别不大, 与其生活习性较为一致有关。齿舌参数不适合作为管角螺不同地理群体的分类依据。
潘英,李斌,李广林 . 我国角螺属不同群体齿舌形态的比较[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2010 , 29(6) : 125 -129 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2010.06.125
The radula of Hemifusus tuba (Gmelin), Hemifusus colosseus (Lamarck), and Hemifusus kawamurai Habe were morphologically compared in this article. The samples of the three species had 10 populations from different coastal regions of China and each population has 10―20 individuals. The results show that there are always three teeth of each row symmetri-cally arrayed in the radula of Hemifusus, and the pattern of radula is 1•1•1. Different species in Hemifusus have little disparity, and the main discrepancy is in the central protruding of the central teeth. Different populations in H. tuba have no apparent difference. The discrepancy between species is a litte larger than that in the same species. Populations of H. tuba have apparent difference with H. colosseus and H. kawamurai Habe (P<0.05). Populations of H. colosseus have no apparent difference with H. kawamurai. The ratio of the length of 1st protruding of the lateral teeth /the width of the central teeth in the populations of H. colosseus from the Beibu Bay have apparent difference with H. kawamurai from the Yangjiang (P<0.01). Different popula-tions in Hemifusus have little difference in radula, which is related to the coincident life habit. It is suggested that the radula parameter could not be used in indentifying different populations in H. tuba.
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