收稿日期: 2009-03-26
修回日期: 2009-04-28
网络出版日期: 2011-03-16
国家自然科学基金(40773063, 40873065); 国家自然科学基金委员会-广东省人民政府自然科学联合基金(U0633006)
The fluxes of dinoflagellate cyst from sediment traps deployed in Dapeng-Ao area of Daya Bay from 2005 to 2006
Received date: 2009-03-26
Revised date: 2009-04-28
Online published: 2011-03-16
Supported by
国家自然科学基金(40773063, 40873065); 国家自然科学基金委员会-广东省人民政府自然科学联合基金(U0633006)
于2005年3月至2006年4月在大亚湾的大鹏澳养殖区采用沉积物捕捉器, 对甲藻孢囊形成和水温、盐度、营养盐含量等环境因子进行了周年调查, 探索该区孢囊形成特征及其与环境因子的关系。在一年的沉积物捕捉器研究中, 共分析鉴定出27种甲藻孢囊类型, 锥状斯氏藻Scrippsiella trochoidea孢囊为该区最优势孢囊类群, 从孢囊的组成显示了该区的污染是以养殖和生活污染为主。孢囊形成没有明显的季节分布特征, 两个站年平均为1.07×105cysts•(m2•d)?1。高、低温都能在一定程度上促进孢囊的生成, 氮限制对孢囊的形成具有明显促进作用。首次发现亚历山大藻Alexandrium孢囊在冬季形成的高峰, 最高值达4.26×105cysts•(m2•d) ?1。这说明核电站温排水冬季高水温对大亚湾生态环境有较大的影响。
关键词: 甲藻; 孢囊通量; 沉积物捕捉器; 大亚湾; 亚历山大藻Alexandrium
王朝晖,曹宇,张玉娟 . 2005—2006年大亚湾大鹏澳养殖区甲藻孢囊通量的沉积捕捉器研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2011 , 30(1) : 113 -118 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.01.113
A sediment trap study was conducted in shellfish culture area and caged fish area in Dapeng-Ao area of the Daya Bay in the South China Sea from March 2005 to April 2006. Cyst flux, water temperature, salinity and nutrient concentrations were investigated during the survey in order to understand the characteristics of cyst formation and the effects of environmental factors on encystment in subtropic sea areas. Twenty-seven cyst types were identified during one-year trap study. Cysts of autotrophic dinoflagellates dominated the cyst assemblages, and Scrippsiella trochoidea was the preponderant cyst type. The cyst composition revealed that the pollution of Dapeng-Ao was mainly caused by aquacultural and domestic pollution. Cyst fluxes showed no seasonal patterns, with the annual average of 1.07×105cysts•m?2 d?1. Both high temperature and low temperature stimulated the cyst formation. Furthermore, low nitrogen level accelerated encystment. A winter peak of cyst flux of Alexandrium was first observed in this sea region during our study, with the maximum of 4.26×105 cysts•(m2•d)?1. The results suggest that cooling water discharged by the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Station and consequential increasing of winter water temperature, might have some impacts on the nearby environment.
Key words: Dinoflagellate; cyst flux; sediment trap; Daya Bay; Alexandrium
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