收稿日期: 2009-11-23
修回日期: 2010-08-18
网络出版日期: 2011-05-04
Distribution of coral species in Changqi seashore of Hainan Island and its relation-ship with wave energy
Received date: 2009-11-23
Revised date: 2010-08-18
Online published: 2011-05-04
Supported by
造礁石珊瑚群落结构和空间分布规律的研究是珊瑚礁生态系统研究中的重要方面。研究珊瑚物种空间分布规律与波能的关系, 对于研究珊瑚礁生态系统演替规律, 保护和恢复珊瑚礁生态系统具有重要参考价值。文章以长圮海域波浪和造礁石珊瑚群落结构为研究对象, 分析了该海域的水流和波能特征以及造礁石珊瑚的空间分布规律, 探讨波浪对造礁石珊瑚空间分布规律的影响。结果显示, 珊瑚随水深分布经历一个递增和递减的过程, 只是不同珊瑚峰值的出现因不同水深的波浪特征而异。枝状珊瑚峰值出现在波浪作用相对较弱而光照充足的区域, 而块状珊瑚由于生长速度较慢, 所以在生态位上避开了生长快速的枝状珊瑚而选择了波浪作用较弱而光照不是非常充足的区域。5m水深区域鹿角珊瑚Acropora sp.和蔷薇珊瑚Montipora sp.占据优势, 而8m水深区域丛生盔形珊瑚 Galaxea fascicularis占据优势。
王道儒,李元超,兰建新,吴钟解, . 海南岛东海岸长圮海域珊瑚分布与波能的关系[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2011 , 30(2) : 18 -25 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.02.018
The coral reef assemblage and spatial differentiation regularity are two important aspects for research of coral reef ecosystems. A study on the relationship between waves and spatial distribution regularities of corals has an important reference value for studying succession rules and also for the protection and recovery of coral reef ecosystems. In this study, the spatial differentiation regularity of coral reef at the seashore of Changqi was examined by screening coral reef assemblage. The au-thors studied the current velocity and wave energy, and discussed their impacts on coral reef assemblage and spatial differen-tiation regularity. The results show that distribution of corals increased first and then decreased based on water depth. The emergence of different coral peak values varied according to the wave features at different water depths. Dominance of dif-ferent corals also differed according to water depths.
Key words: hermatypic coral; space distribution; wave; coral community
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[13] BERNHARD H, WERNER E P, BERNHARD R. Functional morphology of coral shape and passive hydrodynamic self-righting in recent Manicina areolata[J]. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2002, 82(1): 125-130.
[14] DOLLAR S J. Wave stress and coral community structure in Hawaii[J]. Coral Reefs, 1982, 1(2): 71-81.
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[19] STORLAZZI C D, FIELD M E, DYKES J D, et al. Wave control on reef morphology and coral distribution: Molokai, Hawaii[C]//The Fourth International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis: Waves 2001. San Francisco, California: San Francisco American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001: 784-793.
[20] 李秀保, 黄晖, 练健生, 等. 珊瑚及共生藻在白化过程中的适应机制研究进展[J].生态学报, 2007, 27(3): 1217-1225.
[21] 李秀保, 黄晖, 符曲, 等.鼻形鹿角珊瑚对不同温度的响应及白化研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2006, 25(6): 58-62.
[22] 施祺, 张叶春, 孙东怀.海南岛三亚滨珊瑚生长率特征及其与环境因素的关系[J].海洋通报, 2002, 21(6): 31-38.
[23] 赵子丹, 张庆河, 刘海青. 波浪在珊瑚礁及台阶式地形上的传播[J]. 海洋通报, 1995, 14(4):1-10.
[1] 邹仁林. 中国动物志: 造礁石珊瑚[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2001: 1-4.
[2] 黄晖, 练健生, 王华接, 等. 徐闻珊瑚礁及其生物多样性[M]. 北京: 海洋出版社, 2007: 1-5.
[3] 戴昌凤, 陈永泽, 郭坤铭, 等. 垦丁国家公园南湾海域珊瑚群聚的变迁:1987至1997年[J]. 国家公园学报, 1998, 8: 79-99.
[4] 戴昌凤, 郭坤铭, 陈永泽, 等. 垦丁国家公园东岸及西岸海域珊瑚群聚的变迁: 1987至1997年[J]. 国家公园学报, 1999, 9: 111-129.
[5] 于登攀, 邹仁林. 鹿回头岸礁造礁石珊瑚物种多样性的研究[J]. 生态学报, 1995, 16(5): 469-475.
[6] 邹仁林, 宋善文, 马江虎. 海南岛珊瑚礁垂直做分带的初步研究[J]. 海洋与湖沼, 1966, 8(2): 153-161.
[7] 黄德银, 施祺, 余克服, 等. 海南岛鹿回头珊瑚礁研究进展[J]. 海洋通报, 2004. 23(2): 56-64.
[8] 施祺, 赵美霞, 张乔民, 等. 海南三亚鹿回头造礁石珊瑚生长变化与人类活动的影响[J]. 生态学报, 2007, 27(8): 3316-3323.
[9] BELLWOOD D R, HUGHES T P, FOLKE C, et al. Confronting the coral reef crisis[J]. Nature, 2004, 429(6994): 827-833.
[10] BIRKELAND C. Ecological interactions between tropical coastal ecosystems[J]. UNEP Reg Seas Rep Stud, 1985, 73: 1-26.
[11] GOREAU T J, HAYES R L. Coral bleaching and ocean “hot sopts”[J]. Ambio, 1994, 23(3): 176-180.
[12] MOBERG F, FOLKE C. Ecological goods and services of coral reef ecosystems[J]. Ecological Economics, 1999, 29(2): 215-233.
[13] BERNHARD H, WERNER E P, BERNHARD R. Functional morphology of coral shape and passive hydrodynamic self-righting in recent Manicina areolata[J]. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2002, 82(1): 125-130.
[14] DOLLAR S J. Wave stress and coral community structure in Hawaii[J]. Coral Reefs, 1982, 1(2): 71-81.
[15] DONE T J, MASSEL S R. Effects of cyclone waves on massive coral assemblages on the Great Barrier Reef: meterology, hydrodynamics and demography[J]. Coral Reefs, 1993, 12(3/4): 153-166.
[16] ROGERS C S. Hurricanes and coral reefs: the intermediate disturbance hypothesis revisited[J]. Coral Reefs, 1993, 12(3/4), 127-138.
[17] BLANCHON P, JONES B. Hurricane control on shelf-edge-reef architecture around grand cayman[J]. Sedimentology, 1997, 44(3): 479-506.
[18] GRIGG R W. Holocene coral reef accretion in Hawaii: A function of wave exposure and sea level history[J]. Coral Reefs, 1998, 17, 263-272.
[19] STORLAZZI C D, FIELD M E, DYKES J D, et al. Wave control on reef morphology and coral distribution: Molokai, Hawaii[C]//The Fourth International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis: Waves 2001. San Francisco, California: San Francisco American Society of Civil Engineers, 2001: 784-793.
[20] 李秀保, 黄晖, 练健生, 等. 珊瑚及共生藻在白化过程中的适应机制研究进展[J].生态学报, 2007, 27(3): 1217-1225.
[21] 李秀保, 黄晖, 符曲, 等.鼻形鹿角珊瑚对不同温度的响应及白化研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2006, 25(6): 58-62.
[22] 施祺, 张叶春, 孙东怀.海南岛三亚滨珊瑚生长率特征及其与环境因素的关系[J].海洋通报, 2002, 21(6): 31-38.
[23] 赵子丹, 张庆河, 刘海青. 波浪在珊瑚礁及台阶式地形上的传播[J]. 海洋通报, 1995, 14(4):1-10.
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