收稿日期: 2010-05-17
修回日期: 2010-06-20
网络出版日期: 2011-05-04
海洋公益性行业科研专项(200705026);国家自然科学基金项目(40830852、41025007); 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2007CB815905)
Experimental study of the impact of heavy metal copper on reef coral growth
Received date: 2010-05-17
Revised date: 2010-06-20
Online published: 2011-05-04
Supported by
海洋公益性行业科研专项(200705026);国家自然科学基金项目(40830852、41025007); 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(2007CB815905)
分布于热带海洋的珊瑚礁是重要的生态学资源。受全球环境变化和人类活动的影响, 珊瑚礁正处于退化之中, 其中重金属污染是人类活动影响珊瑚礁的重要方面。国际上不少研究初步探索了珊瑚对一定浓度重金属的响应, 我国类似的研究尚不多。本文通过72h的急性毒性测试, 研究重金属Cu2+污染对6科7属石珊瑚的影响, 以了解重金属污染对石珊瑚所造成的伤害和石珊瑚对Cu2+污染的生态反应。实验结果显示, 随着Cu2+浓度的增加, 与珊瑚共生的虫黄藻密度呈现先短暂上升而后持续下降的趋势, 直致珊瑚白化; Cu2+污染对块状滨珊瑚毒性影响最大, 在浓度超过40.7μg•L?1时即致其死亡。Cu2+污染胁迫下所有试验珊瑚的触手伸展活动都出现异常, 显示Cu2+污染对珊瑚生存有明显的影响。
周洁,余克服,李淑,陈天然,赵美霞,施祺 . 重金属铜污染对石珊瑚生长影响的实验研究[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2011 , 30(2) : 57 -66 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.02.057
Coral reefs are among the most productive and diverse ecosystem on Earth and provide a multitude of valuable ecosystem services. However, such a valuable ecosystem is in severe decline globally because of climate warming and increase of anthropogenic activities. A few studies have demonstrated that human-induced metal pollution has vital effects on reef cor-als by stressing their symbiotic zooxanthellae growth. For the purpose of understanding the symbiotic zooxanthellae respond-ing to metals, we carried on a 72h-expermental study by exposing reef corals to different levels of copper (Cu) concentrations, observed corals’ responses to Cu pollution, and measured the zooxanthellae densities. The results show that: (1) along with the increase of copper concentration in the seawater, the coral zooxanthellae density increases at first and then continuously de-crease, until bleached; (2) high Cu2+ concentration has severe impact on the survival of reef corals and massive Porites would die shortly after exposing to an extremely high level (40.7?g•L?1) of Cu2+; and (3) the Cu2+ injured corals stimulated slime secretion at first, and then their tentacle lost activity and appeared bleaching. This study suggests copper pollution has sig-nificant impact on the survival of reef corals.
Key words: reef coral; copper pollution; acute toxicity; density of zooxanthellae
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