在工作原理、技术参数、采集软件和处理软件功能与操作, 以及数据实测等方面对相干声纳多波束测深系统Geoswath Plus 和传统型多波束测深系统Seabeam 1180 进行了详细对比。对比表明, 两套多波束系统的工作原理完全不同; 传统型多波束测深系统在探头下方数据密集, 两侧的数据逐渐变稀, 相干声纳多波束测深系统在探头正下方的数据比较稀疏, 探头两侧的数据较密集; 相干声纳多波束测深系统Geoswath Plus 的采集和处理软件实现了一体化, 具有较直观的数据质量监控功能, 传统型多波束测深系统Seabeam 1180 可应用的后处理软件较多, 功能更丰富; 通过实测数据验证, 两套多波束测深系统在数据测量精度上具有较好的一致性, 不符值数列的标准偏差为3%—4%。对比为多波束测深系统的引进和选型提供了参考依据。
This paper compares inteferometric multibeam systems Geoswath Plus multibeam and traditional multibeam systems Seabeam 1180 multibeam in terms of theory, technical specification, software and field measurements. It provides reference for surveyors to make an informed choice when importing new multibeams. The two systems are totally different in terms of theory. The traditional multibeam systems have relatively high density soundings under tracducers and lower on sides. Conversely, the inteferometric multibeam systems have relatively lower density soundings under tracducers and higher on sides. The acquisition software and post-processing software of the inteferometric multibeam systems Geoswath Plus are integrative and make quality control easy for operators. The acquisition software and post-processing software of the traditional multibeam systems Seabeam 1180 are optional and powerful. Based on the test data, two multibeam systems have similar precision, with the standard deviation of 3%?4%.
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