

  • 吴园涛 ,
  • 任小波 ,
  • 孙恢礼
  • 1. 中国科学院资源环境科学与技术局 , 北京 100864; 2. 中国科学院南海海洋研究所 , 广东 广州 510301
吴园涛 (1983 — ), 男 , 山东省德州市人 , 助理研究员 , 博士 , 从事大气科学和海洋科学科研管理工作。 E-mail ytwu@ cashq.ac.cn

收稿日期: 2011-12-15

  修回日期: 2011-12-28

  网络出版日期: 2012-03-13

Thoughts on science and technology layout of marine biological resources research in China

  • Tun-Wan-Chao- ,
  • Lin-Xiao-Bei- ,
  • Sun-Hui-Li
  • 1. Bureau of Sciences and Technology for Resources and Environment , C AS , Beijing 100864, China ; 2. South China Sea Institute of Oceanology , CAS , Guangzhou 501301, China

Received date: 2011-12-15

  Revised date: 2011-12-28

  Online published: 2012-03-13


我国蕴藏着丰富的海洋生物资源, 海洋生物资源的可持续利用是全球科技创新中最具实效性和创新性的领域之一。介绍了“十一五”期间我国在海洋生物领域的科技布局和成果产出; 分析了我国海洋生物领域科技发展的制约因素理论体系不完善、稳定经费投入不足、科研平台支撑能力薄弱、人才队伍培养力度不强、产品集成开发亟待提升; 提出了海洋生物领域科技发展战略对策和建议关注重大基础性科学问题和技术问题、加大科技投入和提高利用效率、重视科研条件平台建设、引进高水平领军人才和培养中青年科研骨干、重视新型海洋生物制品的研发和宣传。


吴园涛 , 任小波 , 孙恢礼 . 关于我国海洋生物资源领域科技布局的若干思考[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2012 , 31(1) : 79 -85 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.01.079


China is rich in marine biological resources. Its sustainable utilization of marine biological resources is one of the most effective and innovative areas in the world's scientific and technological innovation. China's marine economy had achieved exciting results during the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period. In this paper, the science and technology layout and progress of marine biological resources research were analyzed; the constraints of marine science and technology development include five aspects: imperfect theoretical system, lack of funding support, insufficient support of research platform, weak development of talent team, and shortage of integrated product development. It was proposed that the major basic scientific issues and technical issues should be concerned, the efficiency of using scientific and technological input should be improved, the construction of scientific research platform should be strengthened, the high-level key leaders and young scientific talents should be stably supported, and the development of new marine products and its popularization should be emphasized.


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