
“门” 地貌单元的能量耗散和过程机制

  • 倪培桐 ,
  • 吴超羽 ,
  • 刘欢
  • 1. 中山大学环境科学与工程学院 , 广东 广州 510275; 
    2. 广东省水利水电科学研究院 , 广东 广州 510630; 
    3. 中山大学近岸海洋科学与技术研究中心 , 广东 广州 510275
倪培桐 (197 1 — ), 男 , 山东省泰安市人 , 博士 , 从事河口动力学研究。

收稿日期: 2010-09-08

  修回日期: 2011-01-16

  网络出版日期: 2012-06-05


国家自然科学 (41006050)

Energy dissipation and its mechanism induced by “gate” topography

  • Ni-Pei-Dong ,
  • Tun-Chao-Hu ,
  • Liu-Huan
  • 1. School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Sun Yat-sen University , Guangzhou 510275, China 
    2. Guangdong Research Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower , Guangzhou 510630, China 
    3. Center for Coastal Ocean Science and Technology Research , Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

Received date: 2010-09-08

  Revised date: 2011-01-16

  Online published: 2012-06-05


基岩岛屿组成的 “ 门 ” 地貌单元是 珠江河口区别于世界其他河口的重要地貌特征之一。文章基于 重整化群 k-ε 湍流模型 ( RNG k-ε) 的 FLOW3D 流体计算模型研究了 “ 门 ” 地貌单元的时均动力结构及湍流能耗特性。 “ 门 ” 地形致动力结构伴随不同类型能耗区。根据能耗空间分布特性可分为核心区 ( A1 区 ) 、混合区 ( A 2 区 ) 、上游区 ( A3 区 ) 、下游区 ( A4 区 ) 。 “ 门 ” 地形作用下 , 不同分区的动力结构、湍流特性、能量转化、能量耗散特征及其驱动机制不同。


倪培桐 , 吴超羽 , 刘欢 . “门” 地貌单元的能量耗散和过程机制[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2012 , 31(2) : 34 -40 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.02.005


The Pearl River Estuary system is distinguished from other estuary systems with its “men” (meaning “gate” in Chinese), a special morphological unit, which produces complicated average flow and turbulent flow, and impacts its energy dissipation. Based on FLOW3D’s RNG (Re-Normalization Group) k-ε model, the authors studied the energy dissipation and its mechanism induced by “gate” topography. The sub-area of the energy dissipation zone can be distinguished with the jet core zone (A1 zone), the mixing zone (A2 zone), the far zone (A3 zone and A4 zone). The conservation of mechanical energy and the mechanism of these subareas are different.


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