

  • 翟亮 ,
  • 张秀芝 ,
  • 孙即霖 ,
  • 吕心艳
  • 1. 北京市气象局, 北京 100089; 
    2. 国家气候中心, 北京 100081;
    3. 中国海洋大学海洋环境学院, 山东 青岛 266003; 
    4. 国家气象中心, 北京 100081
翟亮(1980—), 男, 内蒙古赤峰市人, 硕士, 从事天气预报工作。E-mail: liang6302@163.com

收稿日期: 2010-12-30

  修回日期: 2011-02-26

  网络出版日期: 2012-10-24


国家自然科学基金重点项目(40930844、10735030); 国家自然科学基金项目(40676012)

Analysis of the subtropic-high ridge anomaly in the mid latitude over the northwestern Pacific in May to June 2005

  • ZHAI Liang ,
  • ZHANG Xiu-zhi ,
  • SUN Ji-lin ,
  • L? Xin-yan
  • 1. Beijing Meteorological Bureau, Beijing 100089, China; 
    2. National Climate Center, Beijing 100081, China; 
    3. College of Marine Environment of Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China; 
    4. National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China

Received date: 2010-12-30

  Revised date: 2011-02-26

  Online published: 2012-10-24


通过奇异值分解(SVD)分析表明, 20o—35oN、120o—165oE为强海气相互作用区(简称为关键区); 该区域SST变化与500hPa位势高度场有较密切的关系, 分析发现2005年5—6月关键区存在较强的上升运动和强烈的潜热释放, 并初步认为这是造成副热带高压稳定偏南的原因之一, 且关键区SST的偏冷与副热带高压持续偏南之间存在一个正反馈机制。关键区北部海面温度升高也可能是西北太平洋副热带高压在6月底的最终北抬的原因之一。


翟亮 , 张秀芝 , 孙即霖 , 吕心艳 . 2005年5—6月西北太平洋副热带高压位置异常可能原因浅析[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2012 , 31(4) : 58 -65 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2012.04.008


The singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis showed that the air-sea interaction is strong in 20?235篘 and 120? 1165篍 (referred to as the the key area). There is significant connection between sea-surface temperature (SST) change and 500-hPa geopotential height in the region. Analysis also showed that there is a strong upward motion and a strong latent-heat release in the key area in May and June 2005, and that it is one of the reasons that caused the subtropical high southerly and stably. A positive feedback may exist between the SST and the subtropical high in the key area. SST increased north of the key area, which may also be a reason that led to the northwestern Pacific subtropical high to rapidly move northward by the end of June.


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