利用来自欧洲中期天气预报中心(European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, ECMWF)将风浪、涌浪分离的具有较高时空分辨率的45年ERA-40 海浪资料, 对太平洋的海表风场、风浪、涌浪、混合浪的特征进行分析。研究发现太平洋大部分海域的涌浪波高、混合浪波高呈显著的逐年线性递增趋势, 趋势分别为0.3—0.6cm?a?1、0.3—1.2cm?a?1; 太平洋的涌浪在混合浪中四季皆起主导作用, 涌浪指标的低值区主要集中在南北半球的西风带, 太平洋赤道附近海域存在明显的涌浪池; 北太平洋的风场与风浪场的相关系数好于南太平洋, 风场与涌浪场的相关系数则是南太平洋好于北太平洋; 研究还发现太平洋的浪场与Nino3指数有着密切的关系。
In this paper, the ERA-40 wave data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) was used to analyze the characteristics of sea surface wind, wind wave, swell wave, and overall wave fields in the Pacific Ocean. The main findings are as follows. The swell wave height and significant wave height had an obvious increasing tendency from 1958 to 2001, of about 0.3-0.6 cm?a?1 and 0.3-1.2 cm?a?1, respectively, and the swell wave was the dominant one. There was a notable swell pool in the East Pacific Ocean near the equator. The relationship between wind field and wave field in the North Pacific Ocean was more correlated than that in the South Pacific Ocean. The relationship between wind field and swell field was, however, more correlated in the South Pacific Ocean. In addition, a close relationship between wave field and Nino3 index in the Pacific Ocean was found.
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