根据2009―2010年在福建中部近海24°55'―25°13'N、119°11'―119°32'E水域冬、春、夏3个季节的调查资料, 分析该水域浮游动物的种类组成、区系特征、优势种和多样性指数, 讨论了这些生态特征的季节变化及其与台湾海峡三季水团变化的关系。结果表明, 三季共鉴定浮游动物96种, 其中冬季24种, 春季48种, 夏季72种。从适温性上看, 浮游动物以亚热带种为主, 并从冬季到夏季, 呈现出亚热带种比例升高, 暖温带种比例降低的趋势。从适盐性上看, 浮游动物在冬、春季以近海种为主, 在夏季以外海种为主。从冬季到夏季, 外海种比例逐渐升高, 近海种的比例逐渐降低。浮游动物的优势种在冬、春两季各有3种, 在夏季有7种。冬、春两季的优势种以暖温带近海种为主, 如中华哲水蚤Calanus sinicus、小拟哲水蚤Paracalanus parvus、近缘大眼剑水蚤Corycaeus affinis等。夏季的优势种以亚热带种为主, 如亚强真哲水蚤Eucalanus subcrassus、汉森莹虾Lucifer hanseni、凶形箭虫Sagitta ferox等。三季的多样度以夏季最高, 冬季次之, 春季最低。上述生态特性的季节变化规律与台湾海峡的季节性水团变化密切相关。台湾海峡内冬、春季以低温低盐性质的沿岸流为主, 夏季受高温高盐性质的海峡暖流水控制, 水团的转换使调查水域的温盐度由冬季到夏季不断升高, 从而进一步影响到浮游动物的生态特征。
Three oceanographic surveys were conducted in the coastal waters off central Fujian Province (24°55'?25°13'N, 119°11'?119°32'E) during December 2009, and April and August 2010. The species composition, eco-groups, dominant species and diversity index of the zooplankton in this area were investigated using the survey data, and impact of seasonal variation of water masses on these ecological characters was discussed. A total of 96 species were identified, including 24 in winter, 48 in spring and 72 in summer. From winter to summer, the number of subtropical water species increased gradually and the warm temperate water species decreased gradually. The number of species of offshore species increased gradually and the nearshore species decreased gradually. The dominant species also had obvious seasonal changes. There were three dominant species in winter, three dominant species in spring, and seven dominant species in summer. In winter and spring, dominant species were mainly warm temperate water species, like Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus and Corycaeus affinis. In summer, dominant species were mainly subtropical species, such as Eucalanus subcrassus, Lucifer hanseni and Sagitta ferox. The species diversity of zooplankton was the highest in summer and the lowest in spring. The seasonal changes of these ecological characters were closely related to the seasonal variation of water masses in the Taiwan Strait. The China Coastal Water with low temperature and low salinity and the Strait Warm Current Water with high temperature and high salinity were two main water masses in the Taiwan Strait. The dynamics of these two water masses and their interaction led to the seasonal variations of temperature and salinity of the investigated waters, and further influenced the ecological characters of the zooplankton.
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