收稿日期: 2008-07-18
修回日期: 2008-12-31
网络出版日期: 2009-12-12
Distribution and seasonal variability of acoustic profile in the Philippine Sea
Received date: 2008-07-18
Revised date: 2008-12-31
Online published: 2009-12-12
张旭 , 张永刚 , 张胜军 , 吴世华 . 菲律宾海的声速剖面结构特征及季节性变化[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2009 , 28(6) : 23 -34 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2009.06.023
This study focuses on several aspects of the vertical structural characteristics of sound speed profiles (SSPs) in the Philippine Sea based on the Argo data. An improved criterion was selected to investigate the regional distribution and seasonal variability of main spring layer, seasonal spring layer, and near-surface positive-gradient layer. The results indicate that the Philippine Sea is dominated by the equatorial current system and western boundary currents, and the structure of the sound speed field there is significantly affected by the structure of currents and the distribution of water masses. The main spring layers change little seasonally; their depths grow deeper and the intensities become weaker form tropic to temperate zone. Influenced by the variety of mixed layers and ventilated thermocline in the northern region in winter, the seasonal spring layers are stronger and thicker (weaker and thinner) in summer (winter). The depths of the sound channel also vary little, the distribution of the Antarctic Intermediate Water and North Pacific Intermediate Water account for the meridional differences in the depth of the sound channel. In accordance with the structural characteristics, the SSPs in different regions and seasons are then divided into six types, and their statistical eigenvalues are obtained.
Key words: Philippine Sea; sound speed profile (SSP); mode characteristic; Argo data
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