收稿日期: 2008-09-05
修回日期: 2009-03-11
网络出版日期: 2009-12-12
Simulation of potential tsunami hazards in the South China Sea
Received date: 2008-09-05
Revised date: 2009-03-11
Online published: 2009-12-12
Supported by
潘文亮 , 王盛安 , 蔡树群 . 南海潜在海啸灾害的模拟[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2009 , 28(6) : 7 -14 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2009.06.007
Based on comprehensive consideration of topography, geological structure,seismological features and historical records, the authors analyze the hazardous tsunamigenic zones in the South China Sea and discuss the possibility of potential tsunami hazards in the region. A tsunami induced by a hypothetical earthquake in the Manila Trench is simulated using a nested 3-layer grid system with high resolution. Each grid area in the grid system can be configured with its own type of coordinate system depending on its coverage, simulation parameters as well as the governing equations in terms of the characteristics at different stages of tsunami propagation. This flexible, nested grid setup allows for a balance between computational accuracy and efficiency. The simulation results,such as the calculated travel time map, maximum surface elevation and water height series at four virtual gauges, indicate that the tsunami hazards could happen on the coasts off South China. Further research is necessary to determine the need for a monitoring system of tsunami in the region.
Key words: earthquake tsunami; numerical simulation; Manila Trench; South China Sea
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