根据2008年1、5、8和11月间对铁山港红树林生态区进行的4个季度月调查取得的数据资料, 首次从水体营养盐的时空变化规律入手, 探讨了营养盐水平、结构与环境、生物因子的相互关系, 初步揭示了营养盐限制因子的成因和规律。结果表明, 研究海区N、P、Si营养盐含量表现为Si、N含量较高、P含量较低, 季节变化多呈春、夏季高, 秋、冬季低的特征, 陆源输入、养殖排废和红树林区凋落物的释放补充对海区营养盐含量和结构的变化起关键作用。陆源输入对Si的影响最大, P次之, 对N的影响最小。营养盐与环境因子之间的关系中, 以Si出现显著性的几率最高(23次), P次之(19次), N相对较低(18次)。但N、P的含量变化对海区的初级生产力和浮游动、植物生物量的影响比Si明显, 其中春季突出了N、P的影响作用, 秋季则以Si影响为主。P为该海区营养盐的限制因子, N呈富足状态, 而Si是最丰富的营养盐。海区的营养水平为春季显著富营养状态, 夏季中营养状态, 秋、冬季均处于贫营养状态。
Based on the data from the mangrove areas of Tieshan Bay that were collected during investigations conducted in January, May, August, and November 2008, the authors analyzed temporal and spatial variation of the nutrition in the water, and the relationship of nutritional level and distributions with environment and biological factors., The results roughly disclosed nutrient-limiting factors and their causes. The results showed Si and N concentrations were relatively high, and P concentration was low. Seasonal variation characteristics of nutritions include nutrients were generally high in spring and low in autumn and winter. Nutrition concentration and distribution were severely influenced by terrestrial input, aquaculture wastewater and litter-fall of mangrove. Terrestrial input impacted Si most heavily, less on P, and the least on N. Significance relationships were found between Si and environmental factors (23 times), between P and environmental factors (19 times), and between N and environmental factors (18 times). Primary productivity, zooplankton biomass and phytoplankton biomass were mostly influenced by N and P in spring, and by Si in autumn. P was a limiting factor in this area, N is sufficient, and Si is the highest. Nutritional level of water is eutrophic in spring, mesotrophic in summer, and oligotrophic in autumn and winter.
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