收稿日期: 2012-10-09
修回日期: 2012-12-24
网络出版日期: 2014-01-21
高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2008B10036); 浙江省公益性技术应用研究项目(2010C32034)
*感谢台湾台北探海有限公司在热液伴生气体取样中提供的帮助和支持; 感谢兰州中国科学院油气资源研究重点实验室李中平副研究员团队和台湾中山大学海洋地质及化学研究所王冰洁老师在热液伴生气体组分分析中给予的帮助和支持, 感谢中华发展基金提供的支持。
Gas composition of submarine hydrothermal systems off Guishandao and in coastal hot springs off Lüdao in Taiwan
Received date: 2012-10-09
Revised date: 2012-12-24
Online published: 2014-01-21
热液伴生气体组成对分析热液来源, 评估热液区岩浆活动的活跃程度, 进而评估其生态环境效应具有重要意义。利用自制的活塞式水中游离气体取样器采集台湾龟山岛和绿岛上热液喷口热液活动伴生气体样品, 采用MAT271型质谱计对其组分进行了分析。结果表明, 龟山岛热液区热液活动伴生气体以CO2为主, 显示出高含量CH4、CO2和H2S等活性气体, 低含量SO2、HCl等低温火山区温泉释放气体的特点; 2011年龟山岛白泉喷口和黄泉喷口热液气体中CO2、N2、CH4的平均含量分别为642.8‰、149.4‰、177.5‰和740.1‰、36.7‰、30.9‰。绿岛陆上热泉热液活动伴生气体以惰性气体N2为主, 富含CH4, 较少CO2、H2S等活性气体; 2012年绿岛朝日温泉煮蛋区和绿岛潮间带近岸侧温泉池的热液气体中CO2、N2、CH4的平均含量分别为1.1‰、805.8‰、126.9‰和34.4‰、7.9‰、899.5‰。推测龟山岛附近海域热液区伴生气体来源比绿岛陆上热泉伴生气体可能更深, 前者在向上运移的过程中与围岩的反应弱于后者。
张海燕 , 杨灿尧 , 陈镇东 , 陈雪刚 , 秦华伟 , 金爱民 , 丁茜 , 潘依雯 , 夏枚生 , 叶瑛 . 台湾龟山岛海底热液和绿岛陆上热泉伴生气体组分组成[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2013 , 32(6) : 50 -57 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2013.06.008
Gas composition is important for analyzing the origin of hydrothermal activity, for assessing active magma level and for evaluating eco-environmental effects of hydrothermal activity. In this study, we obtained gas samples from submarine hydrothermal systems off Guishandao and in coastal hot springs off Lüdao in Taiwan using self-made piston gas samplers. The chemical compositions of these gas samples were measured using MAT271 mass spectrometer. The main component of gases from Guishandao hydrothermal area is CO2, characterized by low temperature volcanic zone with high content of CH4 and active gases of CO2 and H2S, and low levels of SO2 and HCl. In 2011, the average contents of CO2, N2 and CH4 from white vents are 642.8 ‰, 149.4 ‰, and 177.5 ‰, respectively; those from yellow vents are 740.1 ‰, 36.7 ‰, and 30.9 ‰, respectively. The gas samples of Lüdao hot springs are dominated by N2 and enriched in CH4. The contents of active gases such as CO2 and H2S are relatively low. In 2012, the average contents of hydrothermal gases CO2, N2 and CH4 of Zhaori egg boiling hot spring district are 642.8‰, 149.4 ‰, and 177.5 ‰, respectively; those from inshore side hot spring of intertidal zone are 740.1 ‰, 36.7 ‰, and 30.9 ‰, respectively. The gas from Guishandao area is originated from deeper stratum than that from Lüdao hot springs, and has reacted with surrounding rock less violently during upwelling.
Key words: seafloor hydrothermal; Guishandao; Lü dao; carbon dioxide; methane; hydrogen sulfide
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