根据2012年9~12月所罗门群岛海域采集的353尾黄鳍金枪鱼Thunnus albacares样本, 分析渔获物个体组成、性别比例、性成熟率和性腺指数等繁殖生物学参数。结果表明, 捕获个体中包含大小两个群体; 雌性群体个体规格明显小于雄性(p<0.001)。春夏季9~12月雌、雄总体性别比为0.67︰1, 显著偏离1︰1 (p<0.01); 但性别比例与调查月份和个体大小密切相关, 从9月到12月逐渐接近, 至12月达到1︰1(p>0.05)。性别比例随叉长增长逐步降低, 叉长大于110cm个体中以雄性为主(p<0.05), 雌性比例与叉长呈现线性负相关关系, 相关系数为-0.90, (p<0.01)。雌、雄个体性成熟率和性腺指数在春末夏初间逐步增长, 至11~12月达到最高; Ⅴ~Ⅵ期产卵个体比例增加, 这表明所罗门群岛海域黄鳍金枪鱼春夏季存在产卵群体, 从10月开始出现产卵个体, 调查期间12月产卵个体比例达到相对最高, 并且性腺指数与叉长呈现正相关关系; 更一步的分析表明, 雌、雄个体初次性成熟叉长分别为97.4cm和103.7cm。对该海域黄鳍金枪鱼繁殖生物学的研究有助于了解该种群资源状况, 对渔业资源评估具有重要意义。
Reproductive biological parameters including size composition, sex ratio, percent of maturity, gonadosomatic index (GSI), and so on, were analyzed based on the 353 yellowfin tuna Thunnus albacores samples caught in the waters of the Solomon Islands from September to December, 2012. The results showed that the yellowfin tuna individuals caught consisted of two groups. The body size of female was significantly smaller than for male (p<0.001). The total sex ratio of female to male was 0.67︰1, significantly different from expected 1︰1 from spring to summer. But it was closely related to the months when the samples were taken and to the body size, increasing gradually from September to December, and was close to 1︰1 in December (p>0.05). However, it gradually decreased with fork length (FL) increasing, and males became predominant at 110 cm and larger (p<0.05). Furthermore, the proportion of female showed a linear negative correlation with FL; the correlation coefficient was -0.90 (p<0.01). Both the percentage of maturity and monthly mean of GSI of female and male increased from spring to summer, and in November and December they reached the relatively higher values, and percentage of spawning individuals of V-VI increased, suggesting that spawning population of yellowfin tuna occurred in the waters of the Solomon Islands from spring to summer and that the spawning individuals began to appear in October with a relatively higher proportion of spawning individuals in December investigated. The GSI was positively correlated with FL. The FLs at first maturity of female and male were estimated to be 97.4 cm and 103.7 cm, respectively, based on further analysis results. So, study on reproductive biology of yellowfin tuna helps to understand the status of its fisheries resources and has significance in assessing this stock in this area.
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