本文利用2006年冬季浙闽近海海域的海洋调查资料分析浙闽沿岸水的空间结构特征; 利用2001年冬季、2002年春季和2002年秋季台湾海峡的CTD调查资料以及闽粤沿岸的三沙、北茭、平潭、崇武、南澳海洋站的盐度资料阐明浙闽沿岸水的生消过程。结果表明, 浙闽沿岸水分布于浙闽沿岸海域, 其东边界大体与浙闽岸线平行。浙闽沿岸水的东边界与浙闽沿岸的平均距离约为55.8km, 最大距离约为94.5km。浙闽沿岸水的影响深度从浙江的钱塘江口南岸往南逐渐加深, 至福建的闽江口外海达到最大值(42.0m), 然后逐渐变浅。9月, 浙闽沿岸水开始产生并影响到三沙和北茭, 但还没有到达平潭; 10月, 已经影响到崇武; 11月至翌年2月最强盛, 其南部可到达福建的东山岛至广东的南澳岛附近海域; 3月至4月逐渐减弱; 5月, 北撤至平潭岛附近海域; 6月, 基本消失。
The spatial structure characteristics of Zhejiang and Fujian (Zhe-Min) coastal water (ZMCW) were analyzed in this study, using achieved ocean data collected in the offshore area of Zhe-Min during winter 2006. The evolution of the ZMCW was then explored using the CTD data in the Taiwan Strait during winter 2001, spring 2002 and autumn 2002, combined with the salinity data from ocean stations at Sansha, Beijiao, Pingtan, Chongwu, and Nan’ao, all located along the coasts of Fujian and Guangdong. The results indicated that the ZMCW exists in the Zhe-Min coastal area, and its eastern boundary is roughly parallel to the Zhe-Min coastline. The average distance between the eastern boundary of the ZMCW and the Zhe-Min coastline is about 55.8 km, with the maximum being about 94.5 km. The influence depth of the ZMCW increases southward gradually from south of Qiantang Estuary in Zhejiang, which reaches its maximum (42.0 m) in the offshore region of Minjiang Estuary in Fujian, and then decreases gradually southward from there. The ZMCW appears and extends to Sansha and Beijiao first in September, but does not reach Pingtan. In October, it moves further southward to Chongwu. The ZMCW peaks during November and the following February when its southern boundary reaches as far as the adjacent area between Dongshan Island of Fujian and Nan’ao Island of Guangdong. It begins to weaken in March or April. In May, it retreats to the adjacent area of Pingtan Island, and almost disappears in June.
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