

  • 艾加林 , 1 ,
  • 栗志民 , 1, 2 ,
  • 刘建勇 1 ,
  • 申玉春 1, 2
  • 1. 广东海洋大学水产学院, 广东 湛江 524088
  • 2. 湛江市海洋生态与养殖环境重点实验室, 广东 湛江 524088
通信作者:栗志民(1972—), 男, 博士, 教授。E-mail:

作者简介:艾加林(1989—), 男, 硕士研究生, 研究方向是贝类遗传育种。E-mail:

收稿日期: 2018-05-16

  要求修回日期: 2018-10-27

  网络出版日期: 2019-04-15




Single nucleotide polymorphisms of myostation gene and its association with growth traits in Haliotis diversicolor supertexta

  • AI Jialin , 1 ,
  • LI Zhimin , 1, 2 ,
  • LIU Jianyong 1 ,
  • SHEN Yuchun 1, 2
  • 1. Fisheries College Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China
  • 2. Marine Ecology and Aquaculture Environment of Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang 524088, China
Corresponding author: LI Zhimin. E-mail:

Received date: 2018-05-16

  Request revised date: 2018-10-27

  Online published: 2019-04-15

Supported by

Development Special Fund of Shenzhen Dapeng New District (KY20170211)

Special Fund of Zhanjiang (2015A06006)




九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)是中国南方具有较高经济价值的养殖贝类。肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin, MSTN)是转化生长因子β超家族(TGF-β)中参与动物肌肉生长的重要调控因子, 因此MSTN基因是动物遗传改良的重要候选基因。为探究九孔鲍MSTN基因的多态性及其生长相关性, 实验采用PCR产物直接测序方法对九孔鲍MSTN基因进行单核苷酸多态性(SNP)筛选, 对MSTN基因SNP与体质量、壳长、壳宽进行关联性分析, 运用实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)技术检测九孔鲍MSTN基因不同基因型的表达水平。结果显示: 在九孔鲍MSTN基因中共筛选出9个SNP位点。SNP位点与生长性状关联分析发现, 九孔鲍MSTN基因编码区SNP位点g909C>T发生C/T同义突变与九孔鲍体质量、壳长、壳宽显著相关。TT基因型九孔鲍的体质量显著高于CC基因型和TC基因型个体; TT基因型的壳长、壳宽显著高于CC基因型(p<0.05)。通过qRT-PCR检测显示, 在九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP位点g909C>T的3种基因型中, TC和CC基因型的基因表达量显著高于TT基因型(p&lt;0.05)。研究结果表明MSTN基因SNP位点g909C>T可作为九孔鲍标记辅助选择育种重要候选标记。


艾加林 , 栗志民 , 刘建勇 , 申玉春 . 九孔鲍MSTN基因cSNP多态性及与生长性状关联分析[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2019 , 38(2) : 78 -85 . DOI: 10.11978/2018053


Myostatin is an important member of the transforming growth factor (TGF) family that functions to regulate muscle development and growth in animals. It has become one of the most important target genes for genetic improvement of the production of farmed animals. The purpose of this study was to analyze correlation between single nucleotide polymorphisms of the myostatin gene and growth traits of the Haliotis diversicolor supertexta, which is an important aquaculture shellfish. The single nucleotide polymorphisms of the myostatin gene (Hs-MSTN) of H. diversicolor supertexta were identified by direct sequencing of PCR products, and association analysis of SNPs with H. diversicolor supertexta growth traits and Hs-MSTN expression level. Nine SNPs were identified in cDNA of Hs-MSTN, including four synonymous mutations. The associations of these SNPs were analyzed with H. diversicolor supertexta growth traits, including shell length, shell height, and body weight. The g909C>T SNP locus was found to be associated with shell length, shell height, and body weight. The TT type H. diversicolor supertexta showed significantly higher traits values than those of TC and CC types in body weight, and the TT type H. diversicolor supertexta also showed significantly higher traits values than CC type in shell length and shell height (p&lt;0.05). On the contrary, Hs-MSTN transcripts in the musle of those of TC and CC types significantly more than in that of TT type (p&lt;0.05). The results suggested that Hs-MSTN might regulate the addutor musle growth negatively, and SNP g909C>T could be used as a candidate marker for slective breeding of H. diversicolor supertexta.

肌肉生长抑制素(Myostatin, MSTN)又称生长分化因子8 (growth differentiation factor 8, GDF-8), 属于转化生长因子β超家族(transforming growth factor, TGF-β)成员。肌肉生长抑制素基因是1997年在小鼠中发现的具有抑制肌细胞增殖功能的基因, 为肌肉生长发育的负调控因子(McPherron et al, 1997)。研究表明MSTN基因在各物种间的功能高度保守, 例如牛的MSTN基因突变, 产生具有双肌表型的比利时蓝牛和肌肉含量比普通牛增加20%的皮埃蒙特牛(Kambadur et al, 1997)。通过基因编辑技术或利用RNA干扰使MSTN基因失去抑制作用, 也可使青鳉(Oryzias latipes)(Chiang et al, 2016)、斑马鱼(Danio rerio)(Acosta et al, 2005; Lee et al, 2009)等动物的肌肉含量增加。由于MSTN基因突变失去抑制肌细胞生长的功能, 使肌肉含量增加(Gao et al, 2014), 进而提高肉产量和经济效益, MSTN基因已在哺乳动物(Hill et al, 2010)、鱼类(Gabillard et al, 2013)等脊椎动物, 虾类(Zhuo et al, 2017)、贝类(Fan et al, 2017)等无脊椎动物中开展了相关研究, 且被选作经济物种遗传改良的重要候选基因(Wang et al, 2010; Sánchez-Ramos et al, 2012)。
由于单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP)位点具有多态性高、分布广和遗传稳定性强等特点, 被广泛运用于标记辅助选择、基因定位及动植物的遗传图谱构建等研究(Brookes, 1999; Wenne, 2018)。在育种中, 通过候选基因中的SNP位点与目标性状进行关联分析, 找到与目标性状相关的位点有助于对个体进行有效筛选(Hemmer-Hansen et al, 2011)。
九孔鲍(Haliotis diversicolor supertexta)属于软体动物门(Mollusca), 腹足纲(Gastropoda), 前鳃亚纲(Prosobranchia), 原始腹足目(Archaeogastropoda), 鲍科(Haliotidae), 主要分布于日本、韩国及中国南方各省(高绪生 等, 2000), 具有较高的营养和经济价值。然而由于病害频发, 种质退化, 九孔鲍产量逐年下降, 限制了九孔鲍产业的发展(Cai et al, 2006)。鉴于MSTN基因在肌细胞生长过程中的重要作用, 实验采用PCR产物直接测序法对九孔鲍MSTN基因进行SNP筛选, 并对九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP与九孔鲍的体质量、壳长和壳宽进行关联分析, 运用qRT-PCR技术检测MSTN基因在不同基因型中的表达水平, 为九孔鲍标记辅助选择育种提供参考。

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

实验所用九孔鲍采自深圳大鹏新区某养殖场, 随机选择在相同条件下养殖的1年龄九孔鲍105个, 分别测量壳长、壳宽和体质量, 取右侧壳肌保存于RNA保存液RNAhold (全式金, 北京)中, 4℃保存过夜后转移到-20℃短期保存。

1.2 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP筛选

按照TransZol Up Plus RNA Kit (全式金, 北京)试剂盒使用说明书提取九孔鲍右侧壳肌总RNA, 1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测RNA完整性, 并用核酸微量定量仪(Nanodrop 2000 Thermo Scientific, 美国)检测RNA浓度, 保证A260/280在1.8~2.0之间。根据TransScript one-step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis supermix (全式金, 北京)反转录试剂盒说明书, 利用检测合格的总RNA (1μg)和Oligo(dT) Primer合成cDNA 20μL, 反应程序为: 42℃ 30min, 85℃ 5s, -20℃保存。
利用实验室已获得的九孔鲍MSTN基因(登录号: MG870196) cDNA序列设计引物, 随机选择20个九孔鲍, 采用2×EasyTaq® PCR Super Mix (全式金, 北京)进行扩增, 0.5μL模板, SNP-F/R各1μL, 12.5μL 2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix, 补水至25μL, PCR反应程序为: 94℃预变性4min; 94℃ 30s, 57℃ 30s, 72℃ 1min, 40个循环, 72℃ 10min, PCR产物经1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测, 合格PCR产物送上海生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司测序, 测序后通过DNAMAN6.0进行序列比对, 筛选出潜在的SNP位点, 并利用chromas软件进行峰图确定SNP位点, 获得潜在的SNP位点和引物。

1.3 九孔鲍MSTN基因多态性及与生长性状关联分析

利用筛选出的SNP引物SNP-1F/R和SNP-2F/R (表1), 对105个九孔鲍进行扩增, 0.5μL模板, SNP- F/R (10μM)各1μL, 12.5μL 2×EasyTaq® PCR SuperMix, 补水至25μL, PCR反应程序为: 94℃预变性4min; 94℃ 30s, 57℃ 30s, 72℃ 1min, 40个循环, 72℃ 10min, PCR产物经1%琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测, 合格PCR产物送上海生工生物工程(上海)股份有限公司测序。通过DNAMAN6.0进行序列比对后, 利用chromas软件对SNP位点进行统计, 某个位点的突变频率大于或等于10记作一个SNP位点, 其他舍弃。
Tab. 1 Primers used in this study

表1 实验中所用的引物序列

引物 引物序列(5°—3°) 退火 温度/℃ 位置
β-actin-F TGCCCATCTACGAAGGTTACGCC 60 荧光定量内参(200bp)
通过序列比对后, 利用chromas软件对SNP位点进行统计、基因分型, 采用SPSS 19.0单因素方差分析(one way ANOVA)对九孔鲍的生长性状与MSTN基因SNP位点进行关联分析。此外通过Popgene软件计算各SNP位点的基因型频率、有效基因数(Ne)、期望杂合度(He)、观测杂合度(Ho), 并进行哈迪温伯格平衡(HWE)检验。利用PIC_CALC软件计算群体中SNP位点的多态性息含量(PIC)分析。

1.4 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP g909C>T与表达水平关联分析

在经过SNP g909C>T分型的九孔鲍中, 每种基因型随机选取5个九孔鲍, 取右侧壳肌用于荧光定量分析, 总RNA提取按照TransZol Up Plus RNA Kit (全式金, 北京) 试剂盒使用说明书进行, 根据TransScript one-step gDNA Removal and cDNA Synthesis supermix (全式金, 北京)反转录试剂盒说明书, 利用检测合格的总RNA (1μg)和Oligo(dT) Primer合成cDNA 20μL, 反应程序为: 42℃ 15min, 85℃ 5s, -20℃保存。采用Roche荧光定量PCR, 以β-actin为内参基因, 利用MSTN基因序列设计荧光定量引物MSTN-RF、MSTN-RR (表1)分析九孔鲍不同基因型MSTN基因表达水平, 每份组织样品5个重复。反应体系为: PowerUp SYBR Green Master Mix(2x) (TaKaRa, 大连) 5.0μL, 引物各1.5μL (1μM), cDNA 模板2.0μL (1ng•μL-1), 反应程序: 50℃ 2min; 95℃ 2min, 95℃ 15s, 60℃ 1min, 40个循环, 95℃ 15s, 60℃ 15s。
以基因型中基因表达量最低的为基准, 采用2-ΔΔCT法计算基因相对表达量, 数据采用平均值±标准差(means±SD), 通过SPSS 19.0单因素方差分析(one way ANOVA)进行统计检验, 差异显著性p<0.05。

2 结果与分析

2.1 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP筛选

利用九孔鲍MSTN基因设计引物对20个九孔鲍进行扩增、直接测序及序列比对分析后, 获得候选的SNP位点, 使用105个九孔鲍对筛选出的SNP位点进行扩增、直接测序验证, 去除测序失败的个体。序列比对分析结果显示: 在九孔鲍MSTN基因中共获得9个SNP位点, 4个转换(A/G、C/T), 5个颠换(A/C、A/T、C/G), 以基因序列第一个碱基为起始位置命名SNP位点。5°非编码区(5°-UTR)有1个SNP位点, 为g252G>A; 开放阅读框(ORF)有4个SNP位点, 分别为g414A>C、g558C>A、g909C>T和g960A>T; 3°非编码区(3°-UTR)有4个SNP位点, 分别为g2148G>A、g2164A>G、g2420C>G和g2520C>G (表2), 9个SNP位点均检测到3种基因型(图1)。其中开放阅读框中的4个SNP位点突变均不改变所编码的氨基酸, 为同义突变。
Fig. 1 The peak chart of SNP of MSTN gene in H. diversicolor supertexta. (a), (b), and (c) represent the chromatograms of CC, TC, TT three genotypes. The arrows represent the mutation position

图1 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP峰图
a. CC型; b. TC型; c. TT型。红色箭头表示突变位置, 数字表示基因序列突变位点的位置

Tab. 2 Genetic variation parameters of nine SNP locus of MSTN in H. diversicolor supertexta

表2 九孔鲍MSTN基因9个SNP位点多态性分析

位点 等位基因 PIC Ne He Ho HWE p



















注: PIC: 多态信息含量; Ne: 有效等位基因数; He: 期望杂合度; Ho: 观测杂合度; HWE: 哈迪-温伯格平衡

2.2 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP多态性分析

通过Popgene软件计算九孔鲍MSTN基因9个SNP位点的有效基因数(Ne)、期望杂合度(He)、观测杂合度(Ho), 并进行哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE)检验。同时利用PIC_CALC软件计算群体中SNP位点的多态性息含量(PIC)。结果显示: 九孔鲍MSTN基因9个SNP位点的期望杂合度(He)和观测杂合度(Ho)分别在0.2155~0.4778和0.2195~0.4471间, 多态信息含量(PIC)的范围为0.1913~0.3621 (表2), 除g2164A>G为低度多态性外, 其他均为中度多态性。哈迪-温伯格平衡(HWE)检验结果表明: 除g2420C>G位点外, 其他8个SNP位点均符合哈迪-温伯格平衡(表2)。
对9个SNP位点进行基因分型后, 采用SPSS 19.0单因素方差分析(one way ANOVA)对九孔鲍的体质量、壳长和壳宽与MSTN基因SNP位点进行关联分析, 结果显示: MSTN基因SNP位点g909C>T与九孔鲍3个生长性状(体质量、壳长、壳宽)显著相关, 其中TT基因型九孔鲍的体质量显著高于CC基因型和TC基因型的个体, TT基因型九孔鲍的壳长、壳宽显著高于CC基因型(p<0.05)。TC基因型的九孔鲍处于中间值, 与TT、CC基因型差异不显著(p>0.05)。其他8个SNP位点的基因型与生长性状的相关性未达到显著水平(表3)。
Tab. 3 Association of SNP in H. diversicolor supertexta with growth traits

表3 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP位点及与生长性状关联分析

位点 基因型 基因型频率 体质量/g 壳长/mm 壳宽/mm
g252G>A AG(37) 0.41 11.62±4.14 48.76±6.00 30.31±3.64
AA(13) 0.14 9.42±2.94 45.07±5.25 28.35±2.89
GG(40) 0.45 11.41±4.47 47.57±7.23 29.42±4.94
g414A>C AC(28) 0.31 11.59±4.60 48.35±6.72 30.17±4.00
AA(56) 0.62 10.79±3.98 47.02±6.63 29.18±4.41
CC(6) 0.07 13.32±4.14 51.07±5.12 31.40±3.63
g558C>A AC(23) 0.26 12.49±4.57 49.84±6.34 30.84±3.91
AA(6) 0.07 11.35±4.48 48.32±5.27 30.15±3.69
CC(61) 0.68 10.71±3.99 46.83±6.71 29.13±4.38
g909C>T TC(35) 0.39 11.48±3.34b 48.57±5.03ab 30.29±3.03ab
CC(43) 0.48 10.26±4.10b 45.79±6.94b 28.45±4.69b
TT(11) 0.12 14.00±6.00a 52.05±7.65a 31.97±4.79a
g960A>T TA(17) 0.20 11.47±3.35 48.96±5.25 30.76±2.96
AA(68) 0.79 11.19±4.46 47.38±7.01 29.54±4.22
TT(1) 0.01 15.68 53.32 31.83
g2148G>A AG(29) 0.30 11.85±4.34 48.59±6.39 30.33±4.66
GG(59) 0.61 10.54±3.98 46.63±6.52 29.03±3.95
AA(8) 0.08 11.27±3.02 48.33±5.12 30.02±2.93
g2164A>G AG(46) 0.47 11.49±4.44 48.10±7.31 29.89±4.96
AA(36) 0.37 10.62±3.81 46.49±5.57 28.92±3.28
GG(16) 0.16 10.92±3.72 47.66±5.52 30.02±3.31
g2420C>G CG(27) 0.28 11.99±4.40 48.77±6.51 30.48±4.75
CC(58) 0.60 10.54±4.02 46.61±6.58 29.02±3.99
GG(11) 0.11 10.99±2.9 47.9±4.69 29.67±2.77
g2520C>G GC(34) 0.35 11.00±4.78 47.1±8.01 29.15±5.47
CC(48) 0.50 11.14±3.76 47.64±5.47 29.71±3.28
GG(14) 0.15 10.51±3.06 47.07±5.15 29.67±2.92

注: 不同字母表示差异显著(p<0.05)

2.3 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP g909C>T与表达水平关联分析

为进一步分析九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP g909C>T位点与生长性状的相关性, 采用qRT-PCR检测了SNP g909C>T 3种基因型MSTN基因的表达水平。结果显示: 九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP g909C>T位点的 3种基因型的基因表达水平存在显著差异(p&lt;0.05), TC和CC基因型九孔鲍的MSTN基因的表达量显著高于TT基因型(p&lt;0.05), TC和CC基因型的九孔鲍基因表达量差异不显著(p>0.05)(图2)。
Fig. 2 Relative expression of MSTN in the addutor musle of H. diversicolor supertexta with different genotypes at SNP g909C>T. Different letters indicate significant differences (p<0.05)

图2 九孔鲍SNP g909C>T不同基因型MSTN表达情况

3 讨论

肌肉生长抑制素(MSTN)是转化生长因子β超家族(TGF-β)的重要成员, 主要功能是抑制肌细胞增殖。肌肉生长抑制素基因突变会使MSTN蛋白失去抑制肌细胞生长的功能, 从而使肌肉含量增加(Gao et al, 2014)。SNP是重要的分子标记, 广泛分布生物基因组中, 通过候选基因中的SNP位点与目标性状进行关联分析, 找到与目标性状相关的位点有助于对个体进行有效筛选(Hemmer-Hansen et al, 2011)。MSTN基因中的SNP位点已被用于经济物种肌肉重、出生重和腹部脂肪量等经济性状的关联分析研究中(Grisolia et al, 2009)。
本文利用PCR产物直接测序法从九孔鲍MSTN基因中成功筛选出了9个SNP位点。贝类MSTN基因具有较高多态性, 在合浦珠母贝(Pinctada fucata)中SNP的发生频率为0.8SNP•100bp-1 (Li et al, 2014), 在贻贝(Mytilus chilensis) SNP的发生频率为1SNP•100bp-1 (Núñez-Acuña et al, 2014), 九孔鲍的SNP发生频率为0.2SNP•100bp-1, 多态性较低, 表明九孔鲍MSTN基因序列保守。基因编码区的突变, 可发生非同义突变导致基因的功能改变, 发生同义突变则可能通过调控基因表达或改变蛋白质结构影响基因功能(Collins et al, 1998)。发生在非编码区的突变, 可通过调控mRNA的结合部位影响基因功能(Jiang et al, 2001; Miretti et al, 2013)。MSTN基因具有N端信号肽、前肽区域和C末端成熟肽区域等形成具有生物活性蛋白所必需的TGF-β超家族保守结构, 这些保守的位点在蛋白折叠过程中具有重要作用(Kingsley, 1994; Shin et al, 2015)。因此MSTN基因中单个碱基的突变就可能改变基因功能, 提高肌肉含量, 如皮埃蒙特牛MSTN基因编码区中发生G/A非同义突变, 改变了所编码的氨基酸, 肌肉含量比普通牛增加20% (Kambadur et al, 1997); 羊MSTN基因3′非编码区发生C/A突变影响MSTN与microRNA结合, 抑制MSTN基因转录, 提高羊肌肉含量(Clop et al, 2006)。通过MSTN基因SNP位点与生长性状关联分析, 已筛选到许多与生长性状相关的SNP位点, MSTN基因中的这些SNP位点可被用于标记辅助选择育种中。如在肉牛MSTN基因中筛选到与肌肉重相关的SNP位点(Grisolia et al, 2009), 在黑尾近红鲌(Ancherythroculter nigrocauda) MSTN基因外显子和内含子中筛选到与体重、体长相关的2个SNP位点(Sun et al, 2017); 在海参(Apostichopus japonicus) MSTN基因外显子中筛选到与海参干重相关SNP位点, TC基因型海参的干重显著高于CC基因型(Li et al, 2016); 在缢蛏(sinonovacula constricta) MSTN基因开放阅读框中筛选到与壳长相关的SNP位点, CC、CG基因型缢蛏的壳长显著长于GG基因型(Niu et al, 2015); 在栉孔扇贝(Chlamys farreri) MSTN基因5′非编码区筛选到与闭壳肌重、壳长、壳宽相关的SNP位点, GG、TT基因型扇贝的闭壳肌重显著高于GT基因型, TT基因型扇贝的壳长、壳宽显著高于GT基因型(Fu et al, 2016)。SNP位点与生长性状关联分析结果显示九孔鲍MSTN基因编码区SNP g909C>T位点与九孔鲍体质量、壳长、壳宽显著相关, TT基因型九孔鲍的体质量显著高于CC基因型和TC基因型的个体, TT基因型九孔鲍的壳长、壳宽显著高于CC基因型(p<0.05), 非编码区的SNP位点与生长性状的相关性均未达到显著水平(p>0.05)。九孔鲍MSTN基因4个位于编码区的SNP位点均为同义突变, 不改变所编码的氨基酸, SNP g909C>T位点的突变可能抑制MSTN基因转录, 使九孔鲍TT基因型的体质量增加。
为进一步分析九孔鲍MSTN基因SNP g909C>T位点与生长性状的相关性, 采用qRT-PCR检测了SNP g909C>T位点3种基因型MSTN基因的表达水平。结果显示九孔鲍MSTN基因TC和CC基因型的基因表达量显著高于TT基因型, 而TT基因型的九孔鲍体质量显著高于CC基因型和TC基因型的个体, TT基因型九孔鲍的壳长、壳宽显著高于CC基因型(p&lt;0.05)。MSTN基因是肌肉生长发育的负调控因子, 主要是通过控制肌细胞的数量、大小及增殖抑制肌肉的生长发育(Thomas et al, 2000)。在鱼类(Acosta et al, 2005)、甲壳动物(Zhuo et al, 2017)中通过RNAi抑制MSTN基因表达, 均可使肌肉含量增加。在墨吉明对虾(Fenneropenaeus merguiensis)同龄和同家系的大中小3种规格的虾中, MSTN基因的表达水平存在显著差异, 小规格的虾中MSTN基因的表达量显著高于大规格的虾(Zhuo et al, 2017)。在栉孔扇贝MSTN基因与闭壳肌重、壳长相关的SNP位点中, 3种基因型MSTN基因的表达水平存在显著差异, GT基因型的基因表达量显著高于GG、TT基因型, 而GG、TT基因型扇贝的闭壳肌重显著高于GT基因型(Fu et al, 2016)。九孔鲍SNP g909C>T位点TT基因型MSTN基因表达量较低, 基因抑制肌细胞增殖作用较弱, 右侧壳肌细胞的数量增多, 体质量显著高于其他两种基因型。综上, MSTN基因SNP g909C>T可作为九孔鲍标记辅助选择育种的候选标记。

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

高绪生, 王琦, 王仁波, 等, 2000. 鲍鱼[M]. 沈阳: 辽宁科学技术出版社: 11-29.

GAO XUSHENG, WANG QI, WANG RENBO, et al, 2000. Abalone[M]. Shenyang: Liaoning Science and Technology Press: 11-29 (in Chinese).

ACOSTA J, CARPIO Y, BORROTO I, et al, 2005. Myostatin gene silenced by RNAi Show a zebrafish giant phenotype[J]. Journal of Biotechnology, 119(4): 324-331.Myostatin is a member of the transforming growth factor-尾 (TGF-尾) family that functions as a negative regulator of skeletal muscle development and growth. Recently, it has been reported that the transgenic zebrafish expressing myostatin prodomain exhibited an increased number of fiber in skeletal muscle. Other novel results suggest that myostatin plays a mayor role during myogenesis, apart from inhibition of proliferation as well as differentiation. We have investigated the ability of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to inhibit myostatin function in the zebrafish. By microinjection dsRNA, corresponding to biologically active C-terminal domain from aminoacid 268 to end codon of tilapia myostatin protein, we produced an increased body mass in treated fish. The dsRNA injection in early development stage in zebrafish produced hyperplasia or hypertrophy. In addition, the interference of gene function showed a strong dependence on the amount of dsRNA.


BROOKES A J, 1999. The essence of SNPs[J]. Gene, 234(2): 177-186.


CAI JUNPENG, HAN YUN, WANG ZHI, 2006. Isolation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus from abalone (Haliotis diversicolor supertexta L.) postlarvae associated with mass mortalities[J]. Aquaculture, 257(1-4): 161-166.Outbreaks of mass mortality among cultured postlarvae of abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta aged between 7 and 30 days occurred since 2002 on the south coast of China. Among 24 bacterial strains isolated from diseased abalone postlarvae on 2216E Marine and TCBS agar plates during an outbreak in July 2003, 23 were avirulent whilst a predominant strain (designated as strain 2) was highly virulent to postlarvae with an LD50 value under 1.0×103 colony forming units (CFU) ml611. All the moribund/dead postlarvae exhibited the same gross symptoms as that observed in natural outbreaks. The same bacteria could be re-isolated from postlarvae after bacterial challenge using 2216E Marine and TCBS agar plates. API analysis identified it to be Vibrio parahaemolyticus with 99% confidence. 16S and ITS rDNA sequencing analysis also revealed it to be highly homologous with Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Kanagawa reaction and PCR amplification of TDH gene on strain 2 proved to be negative. Antibiotic susceptibility tests showed that strain 2 exhibited 56.25% of susceptibility to chemotherapeutic agents tested, and was resistant to penicillin G, amikacin, trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, novobiocin and neomycin. Results in this study reveal that V. parahaemolyticus strain 2 is an infectious agent to abalone postlarvae in South China.


CHIANG Y A, KINOSHITA M, MAEKAWA S, et al, 2016. TALENs-mediated gene disruption of myostatin produces a larger phenotype of medaka with an apparently compromised immune system[J]. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 48: 212-220.61TALENs-induced frameshifts in the myostatin (MSTN) coding sequence in medaka.61TALENs-mediated MSTN mutations could be transmitted to the next generation.61TALENs-mediated MSTN frame-shifted mutation induced the expression of myogenic regulator factors (MRFs).61The F2 MSTN61/61medaka showed significantly increased body length and weight compared to the wild type fish.61In the TALENs-mediated MSTN61/61fish, there is a failure to trigger an ISG response at least against this virus.


CLOP A, MARCQ F, TAKEDA H, et al, 2006. A mutation creating a potential illegitimate microRNA target site in the myostatin gene affects muscularity in sheep[J]. Nature Genetics, 38(7): 813-818.

COLLINS F S, BROOKS L D, CHAKRAVARTI A, 1998. A DNA polymorphism discovery resource for research on human genetic variation[J]. Genome Research, 8(12): 1229-1231.An international, peer-reviewed genome sciences journal featuring outstanding original research that offers novel insights into the biology of all organisms


FAN SIGANG, XU YOUHOU, LIU BAOSUO, et al, 2017. Molecular characterization and expression analysis of the myostatin gene and its association with growth traits in Noble scallop (Chlamys nobilis)[J]. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 212: 24-31.Myostatin (MSTN), also called growth and differentiation factor-8 (GDF-8), is a member of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily and an inhibitor of muscle differentiation and growth. In this report, we identified and characterized a MSTN gene (CnMSTN) from the scallop Chlamys nobilis . The open reading frame of CnMSTN was 137402bp in length, encoding 457 amino acids. The structure of CnMSTN included a putative signal peptide, a TGF-β propeptide domain, and a conserved TGF-β domain. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the CnMSTN gene was clustered in the same subgroup with the MSTN gene found in Mollusca. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that the CnMSTN gene was widely expressed in all tissues tested, with the highest expression level observed in the adductor muscle. Six single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the promoter region, but no SNP was detected in the exon regions. Association analysis showed that SNP g.-579A/C had significant effects on body mass, soft-tissue mass, and adductor muscle mass. The CC and AC genotypes of g.-579A/C had significantly higher growth trait values than that of genotype AA ( P 02<020.05). These results suggest that CnMSTN could be used as a candidate gene for the selective breeding of C. nobilis .


FU QIANG, GUO HUIHUI, FENG LIYING, et al, 2016. Association of myostatin variants with growth traits of Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri)[J]. Journal of Ocean University of China, 15(1): 145-151.Scallop is a popular sea food and an important aquaculture shellfish. Identification of genes and genetic variants relating to scallop growth could benefit high-yielding scallop breeding. Myostatin ( MSTN ) is a conservative regulator of muscle growth, and has become one of the most important target genes for genetic improvement of the production of farmed animals. In this study, four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in the 5 flanking region of MSTN gene ( CfMSTN ) in Zhikong scallop ( Chlamys farreri ). The association of these SNPs with scallop growth traits, including shell length, shell height, body weight and striated muscle weight was analyzed. The SNP g-1162G<T was found to associate with shell length, shell height, and striated muscle weight. The TT type scallops showed significantly higher trait values than those of GT type, and the GG type individuals exhibited median values. On the contrary, significantly more CfMSTN transcripts were detected in the striated muscle of GT type scallops than in those of TT and GG type ones. Our results suggested that CfMSTN might regulate the scallop muscle growth negatively, and SNP g-1162G<T can be used as a candidate marker for the selective breeding of high-yielding scallop.


GABILLARD J-C, BIGA P R, RESCAN P-Y, et al, 2013. Revisiting the paradigm of myostatin in vertebrates: insights from fishes[J]. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 194: 45-54.In the last decade, myostatin (MSTN), a member of the TGF尾 superfamily, has emerged as a strong inhibitor of muscle growth in mammals. In fish many studies reveal a strong conservation of mstn gene organization, sequence, and protein structures. Because of ancient genome duplication, teleostei may have retained two copies of mstn genes and even up to four copies in salmonids due to additional genome duplication event. In sharp contrast to mammals, the different fish mstn orthologs are widely expressed with a tissue-specific expression pattern. Quantification of mstn mRNA in fish under different physiological conditions, demonstrates that endogenous expression of mstn paralogs is rarely related to fish muscle growth rate. In addition, attempts to inhibit MSTN activity did not consistently enhance muscle growth as in mammals. In vitro, MSTN stimulates myotube atrophy and inhibits proliferation but not differentiation of myogenic cells as in mammals. In conclusion, given the strong mstn expression non-muscle tissues of fish, we propose a new hypothesis stating that fish MSTN functions as a general inhibitors of cell proliferation and cell growth to control tissue mass but is not specialized into a strong muscle regulator.


GAO FENG, SUN BOXING, XING SHENYANG, et al, 2014. The effect of leader peptide mutations on the biological function of bovine myostatin gene[J]. Gene, 540(2): 171-177.61The mutated leader peptide could inhibit MSTN gene functioning.61The inhibited function was achieved by down-regulating P21 expression levels.61Low P21 expression levels could up-regulate CDK2 expression levels.61The mutated leader peptide could effectively promote the cell proliferation.


GRISOLIA A B, D’ANGELO G T, PORTO NETO L R, et al, 2009. Myostatin (GDF8) single nucleotide polymorphisms in Nellore cattle[J]. Genetics and Molecular Research, 8(3): 822-830.The myostatin gene, also known as GDF8 (growth differentiation factor 8), is located on bovine chromosome 2 (BTA2); it has three exons and two introns. Myostatin is specifically expressed during embryonic development and in adult skeletal muscle, functioning as a negative regulatory protein. Several cattle breeds (Piedmontese, Belgian Blue and Blond' Aquitaine, and others) show polymorphisms in this gene; these polymorphisms are directly related to the double muscling phenotype. We looked for polymorphisms in the Nellore cattle myostatin gene and compared them with those known for taurine breeds. Seven regions, covering the three exons of this gene, were amplified by polymerase chain reaction and sequenced, including the untranslated region. DNA from 30 adult Nellore animals was collected; DNA sequencing revealed three, seven reviously reported polymorphisms, as well as several new ones; for instance, 37 polymorphisms were found in the untranslated region segment, and in introns 1 and 2 there were one and three polymorphisms, respectively. The high degree of allelic heterogeneity in the myostatin gene could be related to its high mutation rate; it also could be the result of a long history of artificial selection for meat production, which has probably favored such modifications and maintained them in cattle populations. These polymorphisms identified in Nellore cattle could be useful for breeding programs.


HEMMER-HANSEN J, NIELSEN E E, MELDRUP D, et al, 2011. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes for growth and reproduction in a nonmodel organism; the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua[J]. Molecular Ecology Resources, 111(S1): 71-80.Abstract Recent technological developments have facilitated intensified searches for genetic markers under selection in nonmodel species. Here, we present an approach for the identification of candidate gene variation in nonmodel organisms. We report on the characterization of 82 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and on the development of a specific genotyping assay for 30 SNPs in 18 candidate genes for growth and reproduction in Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua ). These markers can be used for scanning natural populations for signatures of selection in both contemporary and archived historical samples, for example in retrospective studies assessing the effects of environmental changes, such as increasing temperatures, and selection imposed by high fishing pressure. Furthermore, these gene markers may be of interest to aquaculture, serving as a starting point for linking phenotypic traits important for productivity with genotypes and potentially be of use for marker-assisted selection in the future. This study demonstrates that the candidate gene approach is a valuable and targeted complement to the more random approach for discovering genetic variation in the genome and transcriptome applied through high throughput methods in nonmodel species.


HILL E W, GU JINGJING, EIVERS S S, et al, 2010. A sequence polymorphism in MSTN predicts sprinting ability and racing stamina in thoroughbred horses[J]. PLoS One, 5(1): e8645.


JIANG HONGLIN, LUCY M C, 2001. Variants of the 5°-untranslated region of the bovine growth hormone receptor mRNA: isolation, expression and effects on translational efficiency[J]. Gene, 265(1-2): 45-53.The growth hormone receptor ( GHR) gene in cattle is expressed as multiple GHR mRNA variants that differ in the 5′-untranslated region (5′-UTR). Three GHR mRNA 5′-UTR variants (named 1A, 1B, and 1C) were isolated in previous studies. Six additional GHR mRNA 5′-UTR variants (named 1D, 1E, 1F, 1G, 1H, and 1I) were discovered in the present study by using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). Ribonuclease protection assays (RPA) indicated that variant 1A was exclusively expressed in liver, variant 1F was expressed in liver and muscle, and most of the remaining GHR 5′-UTR variants were expressed in a variety of tissues including liver and muscle. The RPA also indicated that in liver and skeletal muscle, two important GH target tissues, the most abundant GHR mRNA 5′-UTR variants were 1A and 1B (liver) and 1B and 1C (muscle), respectively. In vitro translation assays indicated that the GHR 5′-UTR variants also differed in their effects on the translation of a luciferase reporter mRNA. Notably, the GHR 5′-UTR 1B, which is a highly expressed GHR 5′-UTR variant in vivo, strongly inhibited translation of the luciferase reporter mRNA. The observations in the present study suggest that GHR expression in the bovine may be controlled by translational mechanisms in addition to complex transcriptional mechanisms.


KAMBADUR R, SHARMA M, SMITH T P L, et al, 1997. Mutations in myostatin (GDF8) in double-muscled Belgian blue and piedmontese cattle[J]. Genome Research, 7(9): 910-915.


KINGSLEY D M, 1994. The TGF-β superfamily: new members, new receptors, and new genetic tests of function in different organisms[J]. Genes & Development, 8(2): 133-146.

LEE C-Y, HU SHAO-YANG, GONG HONGYI, et al, 2009. Suppression of myostatin with vector-based RNA interference causes a double-muscle effect in transgenic zebrafish[J]. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 387(4): 766-771.


LI QIN, LI YAOGUO, HUANG XIANDE, et al, 2014. Molecular cloning and single nucleotide polymorphisms identification of myostatin cDNA in the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata[J]. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 45(6): 638-651.Abstract Myostatin (MSTN or growth differentiation factor-8) is considered a negative regulator of muscle growth and development. In this study, we cloned and characterized the full-length MSTN cDNA from Pinctada fucata , and named it as the Pf-MSTN cDNA. The single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Pf-MSTN cDNA were then screened and genotyped. The full-length Pf-MSTN cDNA was 2644 bp, including an open reading frame of 1248 bp encoding 415 amino acids which contained typical structural characteristics shared by all members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily including an N-terminal signal peptide, a propeptide domain, and a TGF-β superfamily bioactive domain. The Pf-MSTN mRNA was detected in all tested tissues, with the highest mRNA levels observed in the adductor muscle, indicating that Pf-MSTN may play a major role in this tissue. Furthermore, by sequencing and alignment, 32 SNP loci were identified in Pf-MSTN cDNA. Genotyping 50 individuals from a common breeding stock revealed that 21 of these 32 loci were polymorphic. The minor allele frequency was in the range of 0.0400–0.4800, and the polymorphism information content value varied from 0.0739 to 0.3750. The observed and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.0200 to 1.0000 and from 0.0776 to 0.5051, respectively. These SNPs identified in Pf-MSTN will be useful for future studies investigating their utility in marker-assisted selection for P. fucata breeding.


LI SHILEI, ZHOU ZUNCHUN, DONG YING, et al, 2016. Molecular characterization, expression analysis of the myostatin gene and its association with growth traits in sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus)[J]. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 201: 12-20.Myostatin (MSTN), also referred to as growth and differentiation factor-8 (GDF-8), is a member of the transforming growth factor-β superfamily (TGF-β) and an important negative regulator for skeletal muscle development and growth in vertebrates. However, its function is not clear in invertebrates. In this study, we cloned and analyzed the MSTN gene (Aj-MSTN) from sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus). The full-length cDNA sequence of Aj-MSTN gene was composed of 2912bp, which contained a 5′ UTR of 487bp, an ORF of 1356bp encoding 452 amino acids and a 3′ UTR of 1069bp. The structure of Aj-MSTN included a putative signal peptide, a TGF-β propeptide domain and a conserved TGF-β domain. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the Aj-MSTN gene was clustered in the same subgroup with the MSTN-like gene found inStrongylocentrotus purpuratus. Quantitative real-time PCR detection results indicated that the Aj-MSTN gene expressed widely in adult tissues and the highest expression level was observed in the body wall. At different developmental stages, the expression levels were increased significantly at early auricularia and doliolaria stages, and reached the peak at juvenile stage. Six SNPs were identified in 5′ flanking region and exons of the Aj-MSTN gene. Association analysis showed that SNP-1, SNP-2 and SNP-4 had significant effects on dry body weight. The results suggested that Aj-MSTN gene could be used as a candidate gene for the selective breeding ofA. japonicus.


MCPHERRON A C, LAWLER A M, LEE S-J, 1997. Regulation of skeletal muscle mass in mice by a new TGF-β superfamily member[J]. Nature, 387(6628): 83-90.

MIRETTI S, MARTIGNANI E, ACCORNERO P, et al, 2013. Functional effect of mir-27b on myostatin expression: a relationship in piedmontese cattle with double-muscled phenotype[J]. BMC Genomics, 14: 194.In Piedmontese cattle the double-muscled phenotype is an inherited condition associated to a point mutation in the myostatin (MSTN) gene. The Piedmontese MSTN missense mutation G938A is translated to C313Y myostatin protein. This mutation alters MSTN function as a negative regulator of muscle growth, thereby inducing muscle hypertrophy. MiRNAs could play a role in skeletal muscle hypertrophy modulation by down-regulating gene expression. After identifying a 3′-UTR consensus sequence of several negative and positive modulator genes involved in the skeletal muscle hypertrophy pathway, such as IGF1, IGF1R, PPP3CA, NFATc1, MEF2C, GSK3b, TEAD1 and MSTN, we screened miRNAs matching to it. This analysis led to the identification of miR-27b, miR-132, miR-186 and miR-199b-5p as possible candidates. We collected samples of longissimus thoracis from twenty Piedmontese and twenty Friesian male bovines. In Piedmontese group miR-27b was up-regulated 7.4-fold (p65<650.05). Further, we report that the level of MSTN mRNA was about 5-fold lower in Piedmontese cattle vs Friesian cattle (p65<650.0001) and that less mature MSTN protein was detected in the Piedmontese one (p65<650.0001). Cotransfection of miR-27b and psi-check2 vector with the luciferase reporter gene linked to the bovine wild-type 3′-UTR of MSTN strongly inhibited the luciferase activity (79%, p65<650.0001). These data demonstrate that bovine MSTN is a specific target of miR-27b and that miRNAs contribute to explain additive phenotypic hypertrophy in Piedmontese cattle selected for the MSTN gene mutation, possibly outlining a more precise genetic signature able to elucidate differences in muscle conformation.


NIU DONGHONG, WANG LIE, BAI ZHIYI, et al, 2015. Identification and expression characterization of the myostatin (MSTN) gene and association analysis with growth traits in the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta[J]. Gene, 555(2): 297-304.61One novel myostatin (MSTN) gene was characterized from the razor clam S. constricta.61The MSTN gene was widely expressed in adult tissues and early developmental stages.61Two SNPs of the MSTN gene have significant influence on shell length (SL).


NÚÑEZ-ACUÑA G, GALLARDO-ESCÁRATE C, 2014. The myostatin gene of Mytilus chilensis evidences a high level of polymorphism and ubiquitous transcript expression[J]. Gene, 536(1): 207-212.61Mc-MSTN is the first cDNA sequence described in Mytilidae for this gene.61mRNA expression levels in tissues suggest a ubiquitous expression of Mc-MSTN.61Molecular markers could be associated to the high level of polymorphisms in 3′-UTR.


SÁNCHEZ-RAMOS I, CROSS I, MÁCHA J, et al, 2012. Assessment of tools for marker-assisted selection in a marine commercial species: significant association between MSTN-1 gene polymorphism and growth traits[J]. The Scientific World Journal, 2012: 369802.Growth is a priority trait from the point of view of genetic improvement. Molecular markers linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been regarded as useful for marker-assisted selection in complex traits as growth. Polymorphisms have been studied in five candidate genes influencing growth in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata): the growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), myostatin (MSTN-1), prolactin (PRL), and somatolactin (SL) genes. Specimens evaluated were from a commercial broodstock comprising 131 breeders (from which 36 males and 44 females contributed to the progeny). In all samples eleven gene fragments, covering more than 13,000???bp, generated by PCR-RFLP, were analyzed; tests were made for significant associations between these markers and growth traits. ANOVA results showed a significant association between MSTN-1 gene polymorphism and growth traits. Pairwise tests revealed several RFLPs in the MSTN-1 gene with significant heterogeneity of genotypes among size groups. PRL and MSTN-1 genes presented linkage disequilibrium. The MSTN-1 gene was mapped in the centromeric region of a medium-size acrocentric chromosome pair.


SHIN S, SONG YAN, AHN J, et al, 2015. A novel mechanism of myostatin regulation by its alternative splicing variant during myogenesis in avian species[J]. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 309(10): C650-C659.Abstract Myostatin (MSTN) is a key negative regulator of muscle growth and development, and an increase of muscle mass is achieved by inhibiting MSTN signaling. In the current study, five alternative splicing isoforms of MSTN mRNAs in avian species were identified in various tissues. Among these five, three truncated forms of myostatin, MSTN-B, -C, and -E created premature stop codons and produced partial MSTN prodomains encoded from exon 1. MSTN-B is the second dominant isoform following full-length MSTN-A, and their expression was dynamically regulated during muscle development of chicken, turkey, and quail in vivo and in vitro. To clarify the function of MSTN-B, two stable cell lines of quail myoblasts (QM7) were generated to overexpress MSTN-A or MSTN-B. Interestingly, MSTN-B promoted both cell proliferation and differentiation similar to the function of the MSTN prodomain to counteract the negative role of MSTN on myogenesis. The coimmunoprecipitation assay revealed that MSTN-B binds to MSTN-A and reduces the generation of mature MSTN. Furthermore, the current study demonstrated that the partial prodomain encoded from exon 1 is critical for binding of MSTN-B to MSTN-A. Altogether, these data imply that alternative splicing isoforms of MSTN could negatively regulate pro-myostatin processing in muscle cells and prevent MSTN-mediated inhibition of myogenesis in avian species. Copyright 2015 the American Physiological Society.


SUN YANHONG, LI QING, WANG GUIYING, et al, 2017. Polymorphisms in the myostatin-1 gene and their association with growth traits in Ancherythroculter nigrocauda[J]. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 35(3): 597-602.Myostatin ( MSTN ) is a member of the transforming growth factor-尾 gene superfamily that negatively regulates skeletal muscle development and growth. In the present study, partial genomic fragments of Myostatin-1 ( MSTN-1 ) in two commercial hatchery populations of Ancherythroculter nigrocauda , an economically important freshwater fish, were screened for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and then genotyped by direct sequencing of PCR products. Five SNPs were identified in intron 1 and exon 2, including a non-synonymous mutation causing an amino acid change (Val to Ile) at position 180. Association analyses based on 300 individuals revealed that the g.1129T>C SNP locus was significantly associated with total length (TL), body length (BL), body height (BH) and body weight (BW) in 6- and 18-month-old populations, while the g.1289G>A locus was significantly associated with BH and BW in the 6-month-old population. Haplotype analyses revealed that fish with the genotype combinations TC/TC or TC/GA showed better growth performance. Our results suggest that g.1129T>C and g.1289G>A have positive effects on growth traits and may be candidate gene markers for marker-assisted selection in A. nigrocauda.


THOMAS M, LANGLEY B, BERRY C, et al, 2000. Myostatin, a negative regulator of muscle growth, functions by inhibiting myoblast proliferation[J]. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275(51): 40235-40243.Abstract Myostatin, a member of the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily, has been shown to be a negative regulator of myogenesis. Here we show that myostatin functions by controlling the proliferation of muscle precursor cells. When C(2)C(12) myoblasts were incubated with myostatin, proliferation of myoblasts decreased with increasing levels of myostatin. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting analysis revealed that myostatin prevented the progression of myoblasts from the G(1)- to S-phase of the cell cycle. Western analysis indicated that myostatin specifically up-regulated p21(Waf1, Cip1), a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, and decreased the levels and activity of Cdk2 protein in myoblasts. Furthermore, we also observed that in myoblasts treated with myostatin protein, Rb was predominately present in the hypophosphorylated form. These results suggests that, in response to myostatin signaling, there is an increase in p21 expression and a decrease in Cdk2 protein and activity thus resulting in an accumulation of hypophosphorylated Rb protein. This, in turn, leads to the arrest of myoblasts in G(1)-phase of cell cycle. Thus, we propose that the generalized muscular hyperplasia phenotype observed in animals that lack functional myostatin could be as a result of deregulated myoblast proliferation.


WANG XIULI, MENG XIANGYING, SONG BIN, et al, 2010. SNPs in the myostatin gene of the mollusk Chlamys farreri: association with growth traits[J]. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 155(3): 327-330.Myostatin (MSTN) is a member of the transforming growth factor- superfamily which negatively regulates growth of muscle tissue. In this study, 103 cultivated Chlamys farreri individuals were screened for polymorphisms in the MSTN gene using PCR-single strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) and DNA sequencing methods. Two mutations were found: A/G at position 327 in exon 2, which caused an amino acid change from Thr to Ala (Thr305Ala), and C/T at position 289 in exon 3, which caused an amino acid change from Cys to Arg (Cys422Arg). One way ANOVA of the SNPs and growth traits showed that genotype GG of primer M5 had significantly higher body mass, soft-tissue mass, adductor muscle mass, shell length, shell height, absolute growth rate of shell height and body mass than those of genotype AG and AA ( P < 0.05). Genotype frequencies of genotype AA, AG and GG were 68.94%, 27.18% and 3.88%, respectively. The results present evidence that the C. farreri MSTN gene may be selected as a candidate gene for these growth traits.


WENNE R, 2018. Single nucleotide polymorphism markers with applications in aquaculture and assessment of its impact on natural populations[J]. Aquatic Living Resources, 31(2): 17.The rapid development of the aquaculture industry in recent years and the increase in the intensity of production has raised questions regarding potential environmental impacts. Understanding intra- and interspecific relationships between native and cultured species is important for sustainable use of natural resources. This study investigated the spatial and temporal effects of a fish farm constructed next to a river on the relative abundance and diversity of natural fish populations. Sampling was conducted at three stations, upstream and down stream from a trout farm and at a control site, on Kocabas stream in anakkale (Turkey) monthly between August 2015 and July 2016. There was no significant difference among the three stations in fish diversity. However, a remarkable seasonal and spatial variation in the composition and relative proportion of the indigenous fish assemblage were observed among the three stations. In conclusion, the fish farm might have influenced species composition and relative abundances particularly at the downstream station.


ZHUO RUIQUN, ZHOU TINGTING, YANG SHIPING, et al, 2017. Characterization of a molt-related myostatin gene (FmMstn) from the banana shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis[J]. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 248: 55-68.Abstract Myostatin is an important member of the Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) family that functions to regulate muscle growth in animals. In this study, the myostatin gene (FmMstn) and two slightly different (short and long forms) cDNAs of the banana shrimp Fenneropenaeus merguiensis were cloned and characterized. Similar to Mstn gene of the scallop, fish and mammal, FmMstn gene consists of 3 exons and 2 introns. The 2 kb upstream promoter region of the FmMstn gene consists of putative response elements for myocyte enhancing factor (MEF2) and E-box factors. The longest open reading frame of the short Mstn consists of 1260 bp encoding for a protein with 420 amino acid residues. The long FmMstn is almost identical to the short FmMstn with the exception of 8 amino acid insertions. FmMstn is most similar to the Mstn of Litopenaeus vannamei and Penaeus monodon sharing >92-98% amino acid sequence identity. Multiple sequence alignment results revealed high degree of amino acid conservation of the cysteine residues and mature peptide of the FmMstn with Mstn from other animals. FmMstn transcript was detected in the heart, muscle, optic nerve and thoracic ganglion. FmMstn transcript level in muscle is higher in early postmolt, decreases in intermolt and increases again towards ecdysis. Higher expression level of FmMstn is also observed in smaller shrimp of the same age. Knock-down of FmMstn gene by RNAi can cause a significant increase in molt cycle duration and failure of some shrimp to undergo ecdysis. Direct DNA sequencing results revealed that FmMstn gene is highly polymorphic and several potential SNPs have been identified. Some SNPs are associated with the size difference of the shrimp. In summary, the result of this study indicates that shrimp FmMstn gene is molt/growth-related and the presence of SNP suggests that it could be a candidate gene for shrimp genetic improvement research.


