张哲(1994—), 男, 山西省忻州市人, 硕士研究生, 主要从事反射地震方法计算混合参数研究。 |
Copy editor: 孙淑杰
收稿日期: 2018-11-04
要求修回日期: 2019-01-17
网络出版日期: 2019-07-21
Study on Kuroshio mixing located in the east of Luzon Strait by using high- resolution seawater seismic reflection data
Copy editor: SUN Shu-jie
Received date: 2018-11-04
Request revised date: 2019-01-17
Online published: 2019-07-21
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China((41776040、41830538、41576070);)
Foundation of State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography((LTOZZ1701).)
混合过程是海洋中普遍存在的一种形式, 对气候变化、物质分布等起到了重要作用。地震海洋学是近十多年发展起来的一门新兴学科, 被广泛应用到物理海洋学问题的研究中, 具有高空间分辨率的突出优点。文章利用反射地震资料, 通过斜率谱方法, 分别获得了吕宋海峡以东黑潮区湍流段与内波段的耗散率及扩散率。结果显示, 在剖面深度200~800m的平均耗散率为10 -7.0W·kg -1, 平均扩散率为10 -3.3m 2·s -1, 比大洋统计均值10 -5.0m 2·s -1高约1~2个量级, 与前人在吕宋海峡的观测结果相一致。湍流段和内波段的扩散率空间分布差异较大: 湍流段扩散率高值区对应强流区域, 推测这里是中尺度涡边缘, 其次中尺度不稳定过程引起扰动增强, 进而引起湍流混合的加强; 内波段扩散率高值区出现在吕宋岛弧附近, 推测是内波遇到岛弧地形发生破碎, 进而引起强的内波混合。
张哲 , 经志友 , 唐群署 . 利用高分辨率水体反射地震资料研究吕宋海峡以东黑潮区混合[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2019 , 38(4) : 20 -29 . DOI: 10.11978/2018113
Mixing is a ubiquitous motion in the ocean, which plays an important role in climate change and matter distribution. Seismic Oceanography is a new discipline in recent 10 years; it has been widely applied to Physical Oceanography, because it has the advantage of high spatial resolution. Seismic reflection data were used in this study, along with slope spectral method. We obtained the dissipation rate and diffusivity of turbulence interval and internal wave interval respectively in the Kuroshio (located in the east of the Luzon Strait). The results show that the average dissipation rate from 200- to 800-m depth in this profile is 10 -7.0W·kg -1, and the average diffusivity is 10 -3.3m 2·s -1, which is about 1-2 order of magnitude higher than the average value in the ocean 10 -5.0m 2·s -1. This result is consistent with previous mixing observations in the Luzon Strait. There is a big difference in diffusivity spatial distribution between turbulence interval and internal wave interval: the region where strong current occurs is consistent with that of high turbulence diffusivity in the profile, from which we can infer that this place may be the periphery of mesoscale eddy; its sub-mesoscale instability can strengthen the destabilization and then lead to strong mixing. The high internal wave diffusivity appears near the Luzon Arc, which indicates that the internal wave breaking occurs when it meets the island arc, leading to strong internal wave mixing.
Key words: Kuroshio; seismic reflection; slope spectra; mixing
图1 2001年8月6日航次测线周围海域水深地形(a)和SLA(海表面高度异常)(b)黑色线段表示完整的航次测线, 红色线段表示本文研究使用的部分测线, 箭头表示由SLA计算得到的地转流 Fig. 1 Bathymetry of the region around the survey line (a) and SLA (b) during the cruise on 6th August 2001. The black line indicates the whole seismic transect during the cruise, the red line indicates the part of the transect used in this study, and the black arrows indicate the geostrophic current calculated by SLA |
图3 浮力频率随深度的变化曲线竖直红线表示参考浮力频率值(3.0cph), 竖直绿线表示研究区域浮力频率均值(3.9cph), cph为周频率cycles per hour的缩写,1cph=(1/3600)s Fig. 3 Buoyancy frequency curve varying with depth. The vertical red line indicates the reference buoyancy frequency (3.0cph), and the vertical green line indicates the average buoyancy frequency (3.9cph) in the study region, cph is the abbreviation of cycles per hour, 1cph=(1/3600)s |
图4 水平斜率谱的平均共使用916条水平斜率谱计算谱的平均, 误差棒表示95%置信区间; 竖直虚线内为内波段区间, 竖直实线内为湍流段区间; 两条倾斜线段斜率为1/3和-1/2, 分别用来拟合湍流段和内波段的斜率谱 Fig. 4 The average horizontal slope spectra. A total of 916 slope spectra are used to calculate average slope spectra, and error bars represent 95% bootstrap confidence interval. The internal wave interval is within the two vertical dashed lines, and the turbulence interval is within the two vertical solid lines. The slopes of two tilted lines are 1/3 and -1/2, respectively, which are used for fitting the slope spectra of turbulence and internal wave intervals |
图5 两条典型的水平斜率谱误差棒表示95%置信区间, 竖直虚线和竖直实线的含义同 Fig. 5 Two typical slope spectra. Error bars represent 95% bootstrap confidence intervals. The meaning of vertical dashed lines and vertical solid lines are explained in |
图6 湍流段计算得到的耗散率(a)和扩散率(b)图中虚线方框内为混合强烈区域 Fig. 6 Calculated dissipation rate (a) and diffusivity (b) by turbulence interval. The rectangle marks the strong mixing area |
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