热带海洋学报 ›› 2014, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 24-30.doi: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2014.06.004cstr: 32234.14.j.issn.1009-5470.2014.06.004

• 海洋水文学 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨阳, 李锐祥, 刘愉强, 朱鹏利, 陆茸   

  1. 国家海洋局南海工程勘察中心, 广东广州510300
  • 收稿日期:2014-01-17 修回日期:2014-04-21 出版日期:2015-01-07 发布日期:2015-01-07
  • 作者简介:杨阳(1976~), 湖南省祁阳市人, 高级工程师, 当前主要从事海洋环境调查。E-mail: yangyang@smes.gz.cn
  • 基金资助:

Distribution and dynamic mechanism of suspended sediment in the Tuy Phong Bay

YANG Yang, LI Rui-xiang, LIU Yu-qiang, ZHU Peng-li, LU Rong   

  1. South China Sea Marine Engineering Survey Center, State Oceanic Administration, Guangzhou 510300, China
  • Received:2014-01-17 Revised:2014-04-21 Online:2015-01-07 Published:2015-01-07

摘要: 利用2007年4月和7月在巴达棱湾进行的旱季和雨季水位、流速、悬沙浓度的全潮观测资料, 结合2007年5月~2008年4月周年风、波浪资料, 分析该海域悬沙分布特征和运移趋势, 并利用机制分解法分析悬沙输运机制。结果表明, 研究海域的水体含沙量存在旱季低、雨季高的季节变化, 以及大潮高、小潮低的潮期变化; 在平面上表现出东西两侧大、中间小, 近岸高、远海低的分布特征。单宽输沙量方向与余流方向一致, 表现为旱季冲刷、雨季淤积, 即旱季指向外海, 雨季指向湾内。通量机制分析结果表明, 欧拉余流是悬沙输运的主要控制因素, 其方向和大小决定了泥沙输移方向和输移量, 在水深较深海域, 垂向重力环流是相对次要的, 而在水深较浅的海域相对次要的是悬沙潮泵输运项。

关键词: 巴达棱湾, 悬沙, 潮泵效应, 通量分解

Abstract: Base on the sea level, current, suspended sediment concentration data observed during the dry season in April 2007 and the rainy season in July 2007 in the Tuy Phong Bay, and combined with the annual data of wind and wave from May 2007 to April 2008, the distribution and transport trend of suspended sediment in this area was analyzed. We also carried out dynamic mechanism analysis of suspended sediment transport using the mechanism decomposition method. We found that the suspended sediment concentration had the seasonal property of being lower in dry season and higher in rainy season, the tidal property of being higher during spring tide and being lower during neap tide, and the spatial property of being higher at the east and west sides and being lower in the middle of the bay and of being higher in the near coast region and being lower in the offshore region. The direction of sediment transport per width was consistent with the residual current direction, which was offshore in dry season and onshore in rainy season. The result of transport dynamic analysis showed that the Eulerian residual current was the main control factor for suspended sediment transport, and that the direction and mass of sediment transportation were determined by the residual current, with the secondary control factors being vertical movement in deeper region and tidal pumping in shallow region.

Key words: Tuy Phong Bay, suspended sediment, tidal pumping effect, transport decomposition


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