郑金海(1972—), 男, 福建省莆田市人, 教授, 博士, 从事港口、航道、海岸及近海工程研究。email: |
Copy editor: 林强
收稿日期: 2021-01-08
要求修回日期: 2021-02-21
网络出版日期: 2021-02-21
Recent research advances on multi-scale coastal wave and current characteristics of coral reefs and islands
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2021-01-08
Request revised date: 2021-02-21
Online published: 2021-02-21
Supported by
National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(51425901)
珊瑚岛礁海岸波流动力复杂、地貌形态特殊、工程响应未知, 波浪传播变形和波生环流对建筑物安全、地形地貌演变、防灾减灾和生态环境保护都有重要影响。本文从大范围大洋海脊导波与岛礁波浪俘获、中等尺度的礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统波流特性、建筑物前沿的局部波流特性及工程响应等三种不同空间尺度上综述了波流运动特性研究的新进展, 主要包括深水大范围的海脊波浪引导与岛礁波浪俘获的理论解析、礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统整体物理模型实验、基于大水槽实验的建筑物影响下波流演化过程及越浪量和波浪力计算方法, 并提出亟需深入研究的重点内容。
关键词: 珊瑚岛礁; 波流运动; 波浪俘获; 礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统; 防浪建筑物
郑金海 , 时健 , 陈松贵 . 珊瑚岛礁海岸多尺度波流运动特性研究新进展[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2021 , 40(3) : 44 -56 . DOI: 10.11978/YG2020013
The coasts of coral reefs and islands are characterized with very complex wave-current dynamics, unique morphology and largely unknown engineering responses, where wave transformation and wave-induced currents have significant impacts on the infrastructure safety, morphological evolution, disaster prevention, and eco-environmental protection. Recent research advances on these topics are reviewed with respect to three spatial scales, e.g., the large-scale long-wave guiding and trapping, the medium-scale hydrodynamics in a reef-lagoon-channel system, and the local wave-structure interaction. This paper includes the descriptions of, specifically, theoretical findings of guided and trapped waves over ocean ridges and around reef islands, two-dimensional horizontal wave basin experiment of a reef-lagoon-channel system, and new methods to estimate wave overtopping and forces on the seawall based on a large-scale wave flume experiment. Further research prospects are also suggested.
图1 周期T=300s、地形参数λ=0.00009m-1、脊顶水深h0=80m对应的前四个模态奇偶俘获波波幅沿海脊剖面分布Fig. 1 Normalized wave profiles corresponding to T = 300 s, λ = 0.00009 m-1, and h0 = 80 m for the first four modes over the ridge |
图3 不同岛礁半径的射线路径分布图与波振幅分布(Zheng et al, 2017)Fig. 3 The wave rays and amplitude around the islands and reefs with different coastal radius. After Zheng et al (2017) |
图4 珊瑚礁海岸的近岸环流(Lowe et al, 2015)msl为平均海平面; qr为礁坪向岸流; qc为裂口离岸流; η(x)指波浪增水 Fig. 4 Nearshore circulation around the coral reef. After Lowe et al (2015) |
图5 礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统的整体物理模型试验布置图Fig. 5 Sketch of the 2DH reef-lagoon-channel system in the wave-current basin |
图6 礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统中的波高和增水分布(Zheng et al, 2020)H0为入射波高, T为入射波浪周期, hr为礁坪水深 Fig. 6 Variations of wave height and mean sea level in the reef-lagoon-channel system. After Zheng et al (2020) |
图7 礁坪-潟湖-裂口系统中的波生流分布(Zheng et al, 2020)Fig. 7 Wave-driven horizonal currents in the reef-lagoon- channel system. After Zheng et al (2020) |
图8 不同模型相位速度与理论值对比(Wang et al, 2019)绿色线为新非静压波浪模型 Fig. 8 Comparison of phase speed values from different models and wave theory. The green line is the result given by the new non-hydrostatic model. After Wang et al (2019) |
图9 珊瑚礁地形上波浪破碎紊动动能的非静压模拟结果(Shi et al, 2018)Fig. 9 Snapshots of instantaneous turbulent intensity for wave breaking on reef flat simulated by NHWAVE model. After Shi et al (2018) |
图10 珊瑚礁海岸波浪浅水变形系数Ks(H′/H0)与相对水深(d/L0)的关系(陈松贵 等, 2018)H′、H0分别为测点波高与入射波高; d为水位值, L0为入射波长 Fig. 10 Relationship between wave deformation coefficient Ks in shallow water and relative water depth. After Chen et al (2018) |
图11 珊瑚礁地形上不同位置的波谱 (陈松贵 等, 2018)Fig. 11 Wave spectrum at different locations of a coral reef. After Chen et al (2018) |
图12 珊瑚礁地形上直立式防浪堤越浪大水槽实验Fig. 12 Experiment on wave overtopping of a vertical seawall on coral reefs in large wave flume |
图13 相对干舷高度对考虑了距离、周期和水深的无量纲平均越浪量的影响(陈松贵 等, 2019b)Fig. 13 Effect of relative freeboard height on dimensionless mean overtopping discharge considering the influences of distance, period and water depth. After Chen et al (2019b) |
图14 不同组次的珊瑚礁海岸防浪建筑物胸墙最大波压强(单位: kPa)分布 (陈松贵 等, 2019c)Fig. 14 Distribution of maximum wave pressure (units: kPa) on the seawall over a coral reef coast. After Chen et al (2019c) |
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