高洁(1998—), 女, 山东省济南市人, 硕士研究生, 从事海洋地质方向研究。email: |
Copy editor: 林强
收稿日期: 2023-08-07
修回日期: 2023-09-20
网络出版日期: 2023-09-22
Content and source analysis of organic carbon in the outer slope sediments of the Yongle Atoll, Xisha Islands
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2023-08-07
Revised date: 2023-09-20
Online published: 2023-09-22
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42090041)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42030502)
有机碳埋藏作用是碳循环过程的重要环节, 但迄今关于珊瑚礁沉积物中有机碳的研究却很少, 影响着对珊瑚礁碳循环的准确评估。本文以南海西沙群岛永乐环礁礁外坡的现代表层沉积物为材料, 分析其总有机碳(total organic carbon, TOC)含量、总氮(total nitrogen, TN)含量、有机碳同位素(δ13C)值以及沉积物粒度、叶绿素含量等指标。永乐环礁礁外坡的生态状况相对较好, 具有代表健康珊瑚礁生态系统沉积物中有机碳特征的潜力。结果表明: (1)永乐环礁礁外坡沉积物中的TOC含量在0.71~1.66mg·g-1之间, 平均为(1.23±0.3)1mg·g-1; TN含量在0.12~0.28mg·g-1之间, 平均为(0.20±0.05)mg·g-1; (2)C/N比值在6.16~7.59之间, 平均为(6.75±0.34); δ13C值在-17.49‰~-15.85‰之间, 平均为(-16.61±0.49)‰, 表明沉积物中的有机碳以海洋自生来源为主, 且主要来自底栖植物; (3)有机碳含量与水深负相关, 与叶绿素a含量和脱镁叶绿素含量正相关, 表明底栖植物控制的初级生产力是礁外坡有机碳含量的主要来源。结合全新世以来太平洋海域礁外坡沉积物沉积速率(2~5mm·a-1), 推测永乐环礁礁外坡有机碳埋藏通量约在3~8g·m-2·a-1之间。本研究为评估南海珊瑚礁对碳循环的贡献提供了新的信息。
高洁 , 余克服 , 许慎栋 , 黄学勇 , 陈飚 , 王永刚 . 西沙群岛永乐环礁礁外坡沉积物中有机碳的含量与来源分析[J]. 热带海洋学报, 2024 , 43(3) : 131 -145 . DOI: 10.11978/2023112
Organic carbon burial is an important part of carbon cycle, but there are few studies on organic carbon in coral reef sediments, which affects the accurate assessment of coral reef carbon cycle. In this paper, the modern surface sediments from the outer slope of the Yongle Atoll, Xisha Islands, South China Sea, were analyzed for their total organic carbon (TOC) content, total nitrogen (TN) content, organic carbon isotope (δ13C) value, as well as sediment grain size, chlorophyll content and other indicators. The ecological condition of the outer slope of the Yongle Atoll reef is relatively good, and has the potential to represent the organic carbon characteristics in sediments of healthy coral reef ecosystems. The results showed that: 1) the TOC content in the sediments from the outer slope of Yongle Atoll reef ranged from 0.71 to 1.66 mg·g-1, with an average of (1.23±0.31) mg·g-1; the TN content ranged from 0.12 to 0.28 mg·g-1, with an average of (0.20±0.05) mg·g-1. 2) the C/N ratio ranged from 6.16 to 7.59, with an average of (6.75±0.34); δ13C values ranged from -17.49‰ to -15.85‰, with an average of (-16.61±0.49)‰, indicating that the organic carbon in the sediments was predominant of marine autochthonous origin and mainly from benthic plants. 3) Organic carbon content was negatively correlated with water depth and positively correlated with chlorophyll a content and pheophytin content, indicating that primary productivity controlled by benthic plants was the main source of organic carbon content on the outer slope of the reef. Combined with the vertical accumulation rate of the outer reef slope sediments of the Pacific Ocean since the Holocene (2~5mm·a-1), it is inferred that the organic carbon burial flux of the outer slope of the Yongle Atoll is between 3~8g·m-2·a-1. The present study provides new information for evaluating the contribution of coral reefs in the South China Sea to the carbon cycle.
Key words: coral reef; sediment; organic carbon; carbon isotope; Yongle Atoll; Xisha Islands
图1 永乐环礁礁外坡采样站位及其生态环境a. 永乐环礁位置; b. 永乐环礁采样站位; c. 2021年甘泉岛礁外坡景观; d. 2021年银屿礁外坡景观; e. 2021年礁外坡表层沉积物。a、b基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站下载的审图号为GS(2020)4619的标准地图制作, 底图无修改 Fig. 1 Sampling sites on the outer slope of Yongle Atoll and their ecological environment status. (a) Location of Yongle Atoll; (b) Yongle Atoll sampling station; (c) Ganquan Island outer slope landscape in 2021; (d) Yinyu Reef outer slope landscape in 2021; (e) Surface sediments of off-reef slope in 2021 |
图2 沉积物的粒度组成(a)以及平均粒径与水深的关系(b)Fig. 2 Particle size composition of sediments (a) and the relationship between average particle size and water depth (b) |
表1 各岛礁礁外坡沉积物参数Tab. 1 Sediment parameters of outer slopes of each island reef |
TOC/(mg·g-1) | TN/(mg·g-1) | C/N | δ13C/‰ | Chl a/(μg·g-1) | Pheo/(μg·g-1) | 平均粒径/φ | 粉砂含量/% | n | |
银屿 | 1.43±0.13 | 0.22±0.03 | 6.98±0.54 | -16.44±0.33 | 4.71±1.57 | 2.40±0.89 | 0.60±0.24 | 0.28±0.11 | 3 |
石屿 | 1.21±0.31 | 0.20±0.05 | 6.62±0.31 | -16.80±0.55 | 3.64±2.32 | 2.08±0.78 | 0.78±0.31 | 0.73±0.46 | 7 |
全富岛 | 1.15±0.48 | 0.18±0.07 | 6.87±0.17 | -16.25±0.37 | 2.29±1.30 | 2.17±1.59 | 0.65±0.27 | 0.61±0.60 | 3 |
甘泉岛 | 0.99 | 0.16 | 6.75 | -16.92 | 2.18 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 0.26 | 1 |
总计 | 1.23±0.31 | 0.20±0.05 | 6.75±0.34 | -16.61±0.49 | 3.48±1.99 | 2.16±0.90 | 0.73±0.28 | 0.57±0.42 | 14 |
图3 沉积物TOC、TN的含量分布(a)以及 TOC与TN (b)、TOC与水深(c)、TN与水深的关系(d)Fig. 3 Content distribution of TOC and TN in sediments (a), and the relationship between TOC and TN (b), TOC and water depth (c), TN and water depth (d) |
表2 永乐环礁礁外坡沉积物参数之间的相关性Tab. 2 Correlation of sediment parameters on outer slopes of Yongle Atoll |
TOC | TN | C/N | δ13C | Chl a | Pheo | 平均粒径 | 粉砂含量 | 水深 | |
TOC | 1 | ||||||||
TN | 0.98*** | 1 | |||||||
C/N | 0.06 | -0.16 | 1 | ||||||
δ13C | 0.08 | -0.04 | 0.54* | 1 | |||||
Chl a | 0.75** | 0.74** | 0.10 | 0.03 | 1 | ||||
Pheo | 0.78** | 0.73** | 0.21 | 0.42 | 0.73** | 1 | |||
平均粒径 | -0.59* | -0.54* | -0.21 | -0.07 | -0.38 | -0.23 | 1 | ||
粉砂含量 | -0.10 | -0.07 | -0.16 | -0.11 | -0.43 | -0.30 | -0.05 | 1 | |
水深 | -0.56* | -0.54* | -0.08 | -0.44 | -0.49 | -0.55* | 0.58* | 0.21 | 1 |
注: *指在0.05级别(双尾)相关性显著; **指在0.01级别(双尾)相关性显著; ***指在0.001级别(双尾)相关性显著 |
表3 不同有机质来源的C/N和δ13C值Tab. 3 C/N and δ13C values for different organic matter sources |
有机质来源 | C/N | δ13C | 参考文献 | |
陆地植物 | C3植物 | 22.7±11.6 | -29.0±1.8 | Yu et al, 2010 |
C4植物 | 24.6±9.4 | -13.1±0.5 | Yu et al, 2010 | |
浮游植物 | 浮游植物 | 7.3±1.2 | -20.7±1.1 | 郭卫东 等, 2002; 蒋日进 等, 2014; 尹洪洋, 2022 |
底栖植物 | 大型海藻 | 9.5±2.7 | -16.2±2.8 | 郭卫东 等, 2002; 蒋日进 等, 2014; 尹洪洋, 2022; 徐步欣, 2022 |
草皮藻 | 9.7±3.6 | -17.4±1.6 | Briand et al, 2015; Vaughan et al, 2021 | |
海草 | 11.9±1.1 | -8.1±0.1 | Chen et al, 2022b; 徐步欣, 2022 | |
底栖微藻 | 7.6±0.7 | -14.8±1.9 | 蒋日进, 2015; 尹洪洋, 2022 | |
虫黄藻 | 9.5±1.0 | -13.3±1.4 | Wyatt et al, 2013; Blanckaert et al, 2020; 许慎栋 等, 2021 |
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