热带海洋学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (6): 80-91.doi: 10.11978/2023186CSTR: 32234.14.2023186

• 海洋生物学 • 上一篇    下一篇


张敬1,2(), 凌娟1, 石松标1,3, 韦章良1, 范利可1,2()   

  1. 1.中国科学院南海海洋研究所粤东上升流区海洋生态系统综合观测研究站, 广东 汕头 515041
    2.中国科学院南海海洋研究所海洋环境检测中心, 广东 广州 510301
    3.中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-05 修回日期:2024-03-29 出版日期:2024-11-10 发布日期:2024-12-05
  • 通讯作者: 范利可
  • 作者简介:

    张敬(1983—), 女, 工程师, 硕士。海洋环境微生物学。email:

  • 基金资助:
    广东省科技计划项目(2021B1212050023); 广东省“珠江人才计划”本土创新科研团队项目(2019BT02Y262)

Diversity of culturable bacteria in different water layers in the upwelling area of eastern Guangdong

ZHANG Jing1,2(), LING Juan1, SHI Songbiao1,3, WEI Zhangliang1, FAN Like1,2()   

  1. 1. Guangdong Provincial Observation and Research Station for Coastal Upwelling Ecosystem, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shantou 515041, China
    2. Testing Center of Marine Environment, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, China
    3. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • Received:2023-12-05 Revised:2024-03-29 Online:2024-11-10 Published:2024-12-05
  • Contact: FAN Like
  • Supported by:
    Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong Province, China(2021B1212050023); Local Innovative and Research Teams Project of Guangdong Pearl River Talents Program(2019BT02Y262)


上升流通过增强扩散和独特的环境驱动着近海生态系统中的物质循环和能量流动, 直接影响环境中生物的生长、繁殖和分布, 蕴藏了大量尚未培养和难培养的微生物和新基因资源。本研究从粤东上升流区表层、中层和底层共采集27份海水样品, 探究细菌多样性和分布模式及其与深度的相关性。采用纯培养方法共分离获得1928株细菌, 通过16S rRNA基因序列分析, 结果显示这些细菌分布在5门、9纲、32目、54科、121属中的262种。其中, 变形菌门(Proteobacteria)为优势门, 占46.9%; 放线菌纲(Actinomycetia)为优势纲, 占44.8%; Microbacteriales为优势目级类群, 占21.2%。总体来说, 中层海水分离得到的菌株多样性明显低于表层和底层海水环境, 但三个层级环境分离获得的优势种群基本相同, 最优类群均为Microbacteriales目。从不同水层海水中分离得到的潜在新菌数排序为: 底层>表层>中层。从不同培养基分离得到的潜在新菌率排序为2216E培养基>R2A培养基>ISP2培养基>MSM培养基>IMK培养基。通过细菌多样性与环境因子的典范对应分析 (canonical correspondence analysis, CCA)表明, 能显著影响细菌多样性变化的环境因子是叶绿素含量(chlorophyll content, Chl)、活性硅酸盐(active silicate salts, ASS)、活性磷酸盐 (active phosphate, AP)、氨及部分氨基酸(ammonia, Amm)和生化需氧量(biochemical oxygen demand, BOD)。本研究系统调查了粤东上升流区可培养海洋细菌多样性及其分布情况, 其结果为近海上升流区不同水层可培养细菌多样性研究积累了关键的资料和数据, 也为近海典型上升流环境生物物种和基因资源的发掘和利用提供了重要参考。

关键词: 粤东上升流, 可培养细菌多样性, 不同分离培养基, 不同水层


Upwelling promotes material cycling and energy flow in offshore ecosystems through enhanced diffusion and unique environmental drivers, which directly affects the growth, reproduction, and distribution of organisms in the environment. In this environment there are a large number of uncultivated or difficult to cultivate microorganisms and new gene resources, which need to be cultured and explored in deeply. In this study, 27 seawater samples were collected from the surface, middle and bottom layers of the upwelling area in eastern Guangdong to explore the diversity and distribution patterns of bacteria and their correlation with the depth. A total of 1928 bacterial strains were isolated by pure culture method, and identified by 16S rRNA gene sequences. Results showed that these bacteria were distributed in 5 phyla, 9 classes, 32 orders, 54 families, 121 genera and 262 species. Among them, Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum, accounting for 46.9%. Actinomycetia was the dominant class, accounting for 44.8%. Microbacteriales was the dominant order, accounting for 21.2%. In general, the diversity of species from the mid-level seawater was significantly lower than that from the surface and bottom seawater environments, but the dominant populations obtained from the three levels were basically the same, and the most optimal group was Microbacteriales. The number of potential new bacteria isolated from different water layers was ranked as bottom layer> surface layer> middle layer. The rate of potential new bacteria isolated from different media was ranked as follows of 2216E medium> R2A medium> ISP2 medium> MSM medium> IMK medium. CCA (canonical correspondence analysis) showed that the environmental factors that significantly affected the changes of bacterial diversity were Chl (chlorophyll content), ASS (active silicate salts), AP (active phosphate), Amm (ammonia) and BOD (biochemical oxygen demand). In this study, we systematically investigated the diversity and distribution of culturable marine bacterial in the upwelling area of eastern Guangdong. These results showed the key microbial information and data for the further study on culturabble bacterial diversity in the offshore upwelling area, and also provided reference for the exploration and utilization of species and gene resources in the typical ocean environment.

Key words: East Guangdong upwelling, culturable bacterial diversity, different isolation medium, different water layers


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