热带海洋学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (2): 48-58.doi: 10.11978/2023070CSTR: 32234.14.2023070

• 海洋生物学 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐炳杰1,2(), 刘一鸣1,2, 连昌朋1,2, 吴韬1,2, 潘英1,2()   

  1. 1.广西大学动物科学技术学院, 广西 南宁 530004
    2.广西高校水生生物健康养殖与营养调控重点实验室, 广西 南宁 530004
  • 收稿日期:2023-05-30 修回日期:2023-07-14 出版日期:2024-03-10 发布日期:2024-03-26
  • 作者简介:

    徐炳杰(1997—), 男, 广西梧州人, 硕士研究生, 从事海洋贝类遗传育种研究。 email:

  • 基金资助:
    广西创新驱动发展专项(Guike AA19254032)

Ovarian development, oocyte and yolk production of Paphia textile in Beibu Gulf, Guangxi

XU Bingjie1,2(), LIU Yiming1,2, LIAN Changpeng1,2, WU Tao1,2, PAN Ying1,2()   

  1. 1. College of Animal Science and Technology, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Aquatic Healthy Breeding and Nutrition Regulation of Guangxi Universities, Nanning 530004, China
  • Received:2023-05-30 Revised:2023-07-14 Online:2024-03-10 Published:2024-03-26
  • Supported by:
    Guangxi Innovation Driven Development Project(Guike AA19254032)


采用解剖观察、卵巢组织切片和透射电镜技术对广西北部湾海域织锦巴非蛤(Paphia textile)的卵巢发育、卵子发育及卵黄粒合成过程和特点进行探讨。结果表明, 织锦巴非蛤在1周年内具有1个繁殖周期, 根据卵巢发育时期划分为5个时期, 分别为增殖期(5月—7月)、生长期(7月—9月)、成熟期(9月—11月)、排放期(11月—翌年1月)、休止期(翌年1月— 4月)。根据织锦巴非蛤卵子发育和卵黄合成的相关特点, 可将卵子发育划分4个主要阶段, 第一阶段为卵原细胞, 第二阶段为卵黄合成前期卵母细胞, 第三阶段为卵黄合成期卵母细胞, 第四阶段为卵黄合成后期卵母细胞, 其中卵黄合成期是卵黄粒生成的重要时期, 在此期线粒体、内质网、高尔基体、溶酶体等细胞器通过不同的方式合成卵黄粒。此外, 海区水温与织锦巴非蛤卵巢发育密切相关, 是影响织锦巴非蛤卵巢发育的重要因素。广西北部湾海域织锦巴非蛤为雌雄异体, 未发现雌雄同体现象。

关键词: 织锦巴非蛤, 卵巢发育, 卵子发生, 超微结构, 组织切片观察


In this study, ovarian development, reproductive cycle, egg development and its ultrastructure of Paphia textile in Beibu Gulf of Guangxi were investigated using anatomical observation, ovarian tissue sectioning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. The results showed that P. textile has one reproductive cycle in one year, and the ovarian development of P. textile can be divided into five stages: proliferating stage (May to July), growing stage (July to September), maturing stage (September to November), spawning stage (November to January of the next year), and resting stage (January to April of the next year). According to the relevant characteristics of the egg development and vitellogenesis of P. textile, it can be divided into four main stages: the first stage is the oocytes stage, the second stage is the phase of previtellogenesis oocytes stage, the third stage is the phase of vitellogenesis oocytes stage, and the fourth stage is the phase of postvitellogenic oocytes stages. The phase of vitellogenesis is an important stage of vitellogenesis, during which mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgiosome, lysosomes and other organelles form yolk granule in different ways. The water temperature in the sea area was closely related to the ovarian development of P. textile and was an important factor affecting the ovarian development of P. textile. P. textile is hermaphroditic, and no hermaphroditism has been found. The results of the study provide providing basic data for reproductive biology, artificial breeding, breeding and germplasm resources protection of P. textile.

Key words: Paphia textile, ovarian development, oogenesis, ultrastructure, histological section observation