Journal of Tropical Oceanography ›› 2011, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (1): 96-100.doi: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2011.01.096cstr: 32234.14.j.issn.1009-5470.2011.01.096

• Marine biology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Correlation between spatial-temporal distribution of bacterioplankton and environmental factors in the Dapeng Bay

JIANG Fa-jun1,2, HU Zhang-li3, HU Chao-qun1   

  1. 1. South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, CAS, Guangzhou 510301, China; 2. Guangxi Academy of Sciences, Nanning 530007, China; 3. College of Life Sciences, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
  • Received:2009-06-17 Revised:2010-06-21 Online:2011-03-17 Published:2011-03-16
  • Contact: 胡章立。E-mail:
  • About author:姜发军(1976—), 男, 湖南省邵阳市人, 博士, 主要从事海洋环境生态研究。E-mail:
  • Supported by:

    国家自然科学基金(30770340, 31070323);“水污染控制与治理”重大科技专项(2009ZX07423-003, 2009ZX07101-


The distribution characteristics of bacterioplankton in the Dapeng Bay were investigated by fluorescence micros-copy over an annual cycle. The relationships of bacterial abundance with temperature, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a, am-monium salt, nitrate, and phosphate were discussed. The results show that the bacterioplankton abundance throughout the year varied from 1.40×108 cells L?1 to 24.43×108 cells L?1. The level of bacteria abundance in each season was as follows: sum-mer>spring>autumn>winter. The horizontal distribution of bacterioplankton showed a higher inshore, gradually reduced off-shore, and a gradually reducing characteristic from the top to the bay mouth. Excluding summer, temperature had a significant correlation with bacterioplankton abundance (P<0.05). Bacterioplankton abundance and dissolved oxygen were negatively correlated throughout the year. Excluding spring, chlorophyll-a had a significant correlation with bacterioplankton abundance (P<0.01) and played a significant role in the control of bacterioplankton. Among the inorganic nutrients, ammonia and phos-phate salt were the dominant factors in controlling bacterioplankton; both had a significant correlation with bacterioplankton abundance (P<0.01). In winter, nitrate regulated the bacterioplankton.

Key words: bacterioplankton, environmental factors, Dapeng Bay