Submission guideline for “Journal of Tropical Oceanography”


Journal of Tropical Oceanography is a comprehensive academic journal of oceanography sponsored by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, published by Science Press and publicly distributed at home and abroad. Founded in 1982, Journal of Tropical Oceanography is one of the core journals of natural science in China and one of the selected journals of China Journal Phalanx in 2001.

The Journal of Tropical Oceanography is bimonthly. It mainly publishes the latest research results and academic papers on Marine hydrology, Marine meteorology, Marine physics, Marine chemistry, Marine geology and geophysics, Marine sedimentation, estuarine and coastal, Marine biology, Marine pollution and control, Marine instruments and technology in the tropical oceanography of the South China Sea and its adjacent areas, as well as the review articles reflecting the latest trends of the subject frontier.

1 Submission method

For online submission: please visit and click "Author Submission" on the homepage to log in and submit your paper. You need to register an author account for the first time to submit your paper. After registration, submit your paper according to the prompts and guidance. We do not accept email or paper submissions.

This journal implements a double-blind review system. When uploading word and pdf files of manuscripts, authors should delete all the attribution information of the author and the organization, and add the manuscripts after expert review and acceptance.

In principle, the journal does not accept review manuscripts without senior professional titles and reading students. Students and non- senior titles of the review submission, need to have authoritative expert recommendation letters.

Author submission and withdrawal stage, any file may not be compressed file form to the system!!

Please add personal information of all authors, including: name, title, work unit, official email address, mobile phone, research direction, so that you can contact them. When the manuscript is accepted for publication, please add personal ID number, bank card number and bank information (accurate to the branch or branch office, such as the Bank of China Guangzhou Haizhu Branch).

2 Time Limit for Submission

This journal accepts contributions all year round, including holidays. According to the average progress of review and manuscript processing in this journal, it takes about 2-3 months from submission to acceptance for publication. Therefore, we especially remind the third-year postgraduate students to arrange the submission time, so as not to affect the graduation defense and so on.

3 Manuscript Format Requirements

The format of the manuscript must meet the format requirements of this journal. Otherwise, the editorial department will not process the manuscript. Authors are kindly requested to visit and click on the "Download Center" of the homepage to view the "Paper template", and arrange their manuscripts strictly according to the template. Pay special attention to the page footer receiving date, revision date, fund project, author introduction, Chinese and English annotations of corresponding authors, English annotations of Chinese documents in the references, and Chinese and English annotations of chart units and picture titles.

4 Article Form

There is no limit to the form of the article: review, research, research progress, introduction and other paper submissions are welcome.

Comments: the important research results published in this journal or other international journals, as well as the research results of national important science and technology awards, etc.

Progress: to review the outstanding progress and its importance in a rapidly developing research field or direction.

Review: to review the representative achievements of an important research field, comment on the research status, and put forward suggestions for future research directions. The author is required to have conducted systematic research work in the field, or the work is closely related to the research in the field.

Frontier: reviews the current research status, progress, and problems in the current active and rapidly developing subject area, and presents insightful assumptions for future research.

Paper: to report the latest scientific achievements in the field of natural sciences that are innovative, high level and of scientific importance.

News: a brief report of innovative and novel scientific research achievements in the field of natural science.

Forum: comments on important scientific issues, scientific research management policies or major national science and technology plans, and puts forward views on theoretical issues such as the relationship between scientific development and social progress.

Debate: to discuss and defend articles published in this journal, or to introduce and comment on a controversial hot issue in current scientific research.

Trends: report major science and technology news, scientific research information, important academic activities of the Chinese scientific community and important international academic conferences held in China.

Book review: reviews high-level and high-quality academic works in natural sciences.

5 Article language

Chinese or English.

6 Draft Principle

Ethical constraints on publishing:

(1) The paper is an original research result independently obtained by the copyright owner and the content of the paper is true; The content of the paper does not involve state secrets and political issues (please attach the confidentiality review opinions of the author's unit);

(2) It has not been published at home or abroad in any form and in any language;

(3) the content of the above paper does not infringe the copyright or other rights of others, otherwise the copyright owner will bear all the responsibilities arising from the infringement of the content of the paper and compensate the editorial office of the Journal of Tropical Oceanography for all the losses.

The original research paper of the Journal of Tropical Oceanography should meet the following conditions:

(1) It is a new achievement of basic theory or applied research of natural science;

(2) It has important scientific significance and is a hot research topic;

(3) innovative (new ideas, new methods, new understandings, new discoveries, etc.);

(4) have a greater role in promoting the research in this field or (and) related fields;

(5) readable and enlightening to fellow or non-fellow scientists in terms of content and writing style.

7 The column sets

Marine hydrology, Marine meteorology, Marine physics, Marine chemistry, Marine geology and geophysics, Marine sedimentation, estuarine and coast, Marine biology, Marine pollution and control, Marine instruments and technology, etc.

8 Writing requirements

The article should not involve political issues and confidentiality issues (please attach the confidential review opinions of the author's unit). The article should be clear in argument, reliable in data, logical and concise in structure; Try to avoid using multiple layers of titles; Text, graphics should be concise, with less space to provide more information; The discussion should be simple, clear and fluent; The use of professional terms should be accurate and consistent. The letters and symbols in the text must be clear, large, lowercase, positive and italic; The upper and lower corners of the characters, letters, numbers and symbols, their positions should be clearly distinguished; The Chinese language shall adopt simplified Chinese characters officially published by the State. National legal units of measurement should be strictly used; For commonly used units of measurement, unit symbols should be used as far as possible.

Title: title  is the point of the article, to closely follow the theme, concise and to the point, but there should be enough information, can arouse the interest of readers, but also easy to retrieve; Should avoid the use of large and empty title, it is best not to "... ", "... The significance of ", "... The discovery of ", "... The characteristics of; And avoid rare words, symbols, formulas, and abbreviations whenever possible. Generally no more than 24 Chinese characters and no more than 20 words in English. Do not use subheadings.

Author and author Unit: each author who names a paper should be a person who contributes substantively to the work of the paper and is responsible for the arguments and data presented in the paper. The author's name should be written with last name first and first name last, and the first and first names of foreign authors capitalized (e.g. Hugh J.); The Chinese names and place names of the authors in the English abstract are written in Chinese pinyin, and the surname is written before and after the first name, the surname is all capitalized, and the surname is written in succession; The first letter of the name is capitalized, the middle of the double name is hyphenated, and the syllable boundary can be confused with the soundproof number "'". The attribution unit must be the actual unit of completion of the study. The name of the unit should be written in full, and the name of the city and zip code of the unit should be provided. If the author belongs to different units, use the number in the top corner to indicate the unit serial number of the author, and please provide the email address of the corresponding contact.

Abstract: abstract should reflect the main points of the paper, innovation and research significance, generally clarify the purpose of the research, methods, results and conclusions, can be separated from the full text reading without affecting the understanding. Try to avoid the use of too professional vocabulary, special symbols and formulas. Abstract writing should be carefully thought out. It is not advisable to take a few sentences from the article or just repeat the conclusion. No reference number should appear in the abstract.

Keywords: Used to search the research content. Therefore, the key words should be closely linked to the topic of the article, as far as possible to use the standard subject words, should not be created at will. Keywords are generally 3 to 8.

Footnotes on the home page include the following in both Chinese and English:

(1) Date received: (blank 8 boxes); Revision date.

(2) Fund project: (provincial, ministerial or above the fund project or other key project results of the paper, please indicate the subject category and approval number; Multiple fund projects should be listed in turn). Formats such as "national natural science foundation of China (grant no. : * * * * * * * *), the national high technology research and development program (number: * * * * * * * *) and the national key basic research development plan (number: * * * * * * * *) funded project". The full name should be written in the name of the fund.

(3) Author profile: name (year of birth ~), gender , nationality (Han nationality can be omitted), native place, professional title, degree, research direction. In addition, please provide your email address.

(4) Corresponding author: name, email address.

(5) Acknowledgements: Acknowledgments should be made to those who have contributed to this article. Home Footnote content Except for the introduction of the first author, please attach the corresponding English version under the Chinese version; In the English author section, only corresponding authors and their emails are listed.

Introduction :Introduction is an important part of the essay and relates to the essay's appeal to the reader. The introduction should include a brief review of the research history of the scientific problem covered in the article and a brief introduction of the relevant theory or research background. A list of relevant references should be made, especially the research results of the last 2-3 years. The purpose of this study and the differences from previous studies should be given very clearly, and on this basis, the problems to be solved in this paper should be proposed, and finally a brief account of the methods and technical means used in this study. There should be no subtitle in the introduction, and there is no need to introduce the structure of the article.

Materials and methods: It is mainly to explain the materials, methods and basic process of the research, which should be described clearly, citing relevant literature, so that readers can understand the reliability of the research, and also enable peers to verify the relevant experiments according to the content of this paper.

Discussion and conclusion: It should be derived from the observation and experimental results, and pay attention to the comparison with other relevant research results, do not simply list the experimental results again. Conclusions and opinions from the discussion should be clear and realistic.

Figures and tables: They should be numbered in the order in which they appear in the text and placed in their respective places in the text. The illustrations in the text are required to be accurate and clear, with appropriate size, complexity and high accuracy (smooth lines, no jagged edges, accuracy above 600 pixels/inch). All maps related to the South China Sea and its adjacent areas should be based on the latest version published by map Publishing house. The letters, numbers and Chinese characters on the map should be number 6 (7.5 pounds). The Chinese characters should be typeface Roman, and the numbers and letters should be Times New Roman. All tables in the paper are three-line tables. The table title and drawing title should be in Chinese and English. The chart, table and their Chinese and English title should be inserted in the corresponding position in the text. The physical quantity symbol and unit symbol in the chart are separated by "/", such as "t/min".

Formula: Numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals and placed in parentheses to the right of the formula.

9 Reference

The "author-publication year" system is adopted for in-text annotation and post-text description of the references, which indicates that the annotated content of each document in the text is composed of the author's surname and publication year, and is placed in parentheses "()"; The reference table is arranged according to the author's character sequence and publication year after the genre collection. Whether the references are properly cited is one of the important criteria to evaluate the quality of a paper. If the paper fails to cite the main literature related to the research, especially the literature within the last 2-3 years, or mainly cites the author's own literature, the editor may think that there are not many readers interested in the article. The author should carefully read the references cited in the article, verify the author, title, publication, age, volume number and page number of the literature, and avoid the irresponsible practice of referring to secondary literature. Chinese literature should be annotated in English. Please refer to the national standard GB/T 7714- 2005 for the rules of bibliographic description of references. The brief description is as follows:

(1) all authors are first name and last name. Western names are all "surname" spelled in the first (all letters capitalized), "name" abbreviation after, name abbreviation (capitalized) without an abbreviation point, two abbreviations between the empty. The middle of the surname and the first name should be filled with space. If there is a hyphen in the middle of a foreigner's first name, add it accordingly. 8. All the English names of Oriental people should be full names, not abbreviated, all letters capitalized.

(2) When quoting an article co-authored by more than one author, list the first three authors and add "et al".

 (3) In the title of the Western article, the title of the Western book and the title of the proceedings, the first letter of the first word and proper noun is capitalized, and the rest is all lowercase.

(4) The full title of the publication shall be used.

(5) All items in each document must be complete, and special attention should be paid to the following items that are easy to ignore: the name of the editor of the proceedings, the title of the proceedings, the city and publishing house of the monograph and the proceedings, and the starting and ending page numbers.

(6) Informal publications (such as research reports, etc.) should be listed at the end of the paper in accordance with the "Rules for Bibliographic Description of References".

(7) Internet homepage (URL) is listed after the document as a reference. For the format of reference description, please see: according to the national standard GB 7714-2005 ", after the reference literature cataloguing rules "regulation, referenced in the literature text annotation method using" author - publishing year ", The following rules shall be complied with:

When the author-publication system is adopted for the literatures cited in the main body, the marking content of each article shall consist of the author's surname and publication year, and be placed in parentheses "()", with the font size and the exact text. If only the author's surname can not identify the author's name, the author's name can be marked, such as Chinese author, Korean author, Japanese author with Chinese name, etc. A document written by a collective author may be marked with the name of the organization. If the author's name is mentioned in the text, only the year of publication is required in the "()" following the text.

When citing multiple authors in the text, only the surname of the first author, followed by "et al", should be marked for European and American authors; For Chinese authors, the name of the first author should be marked, followed by the word "et al", leaving an appropriate gap between the surname and "et al". In a monograph, the same document by the same author should be cited several times, and the author and the year of publication should be marked in the text.

When the bibliography is organized in author-publisher system, the bibliography is divided into five parts: Chinese, Japanese, Western, Russian and other languages. The references in the same language as the main text are listed in the first place, and the other languages are listed in the second. Then they are arranged according to the author's order and the year of publication.

Chinese documents are arranged in alphabetical order. No numbers shall be added before references. When describing multiple works published in the same year by the same author in the reference table, lowercase letters a, b, c should be applied after publication.

For non-English literature, please attach the corresponding English language, insert this literature, and add language instructions at the end of each article: "(in Chinese)", "(in Japanese)", etc.

Description format

1) Monograph (including books, dissertations, technical reports, conference proceedings, compilations, etc.) (document identification code M, R, C, G, respectively):

The main responsible person. Year of publication. Document title [identification code]. (Translator's name, trans.) Place of publication: Publisher: Starting and ending page numbers

2) Dissertation (document ID: D) : Responsible person. Year. Document title [D]. Place of preservation: Depositor: start and end page number

3) Journal article: the main responsible person. Year of publication. Title of thesis [J]. Publication name, volume (issue) : start and end page number

4) Precipitated literature in monograph: the main responsible person for precipitated literature. Year of publication. [M]// The main responsible person and title of the source document. Place of publication: Publisher: start and end page number

5) Electronic literature: the main responsible person.

(Date updated or revised) [date cited]. Title: Other title information [document type mark /OL]. Place of publication: Publisher: Start and end page numbers. Obtain or access path

10 Submission guide

Please fill in the valid contact information of the first author and corresponding author, including the mailing address, so as to facilitate the delivery of the paper publication after the official publication of the manuscript.

The author can recommend 3 to 5 domestic and foreign experts in the field as reviewers (please indicate the unit, title, email address, research direction, and contact phone number of the experts), and can also suggest reviewers who request withdrawal for reference when submitting the manuscript.

Document requirements: text field arrangement, A4 size, 10 pt words, single space, word file. Insert chart into text.

The journal does not accept multiple submissions. If we find such submissions, we will notify the author and the other journal.

Review of manuscript

Each manuscript is first screened by the editors and editorial board. The judging criteria of the preliminary screening are generally: whether the article can arouse wide interest of readers, whether the scientific research results are novel, and whether it has broad significance. If the manuscript does not pass the preliminary screening, the author will be notified within 7 days.

Manuscripts that pass the preliminary screening will be reviewed by two or three or more peer experts and a decision on acceptance will be made. The review process takes about 10 to 60 days. After the review, the editorial department will relay the review opinions to the author in a timely manner, regardless of whether the author is hired or not. If the author does not receive any comments from the editorial office within 90 days, please contact the editorial office in time. Authors may change their papers to other journals after notifying the editorial department.

For English manuscripts that have passed peer review, we also conduct an English text review.

After the acceptance of the manuscript

we will give priority to the most innovative papers. After the manuscript typesetting, then we will send an email to the author for proof and layout fee notice, and require the proof to be sent back within 3 days after receipt. If the author wants to leave the original mailing address, please inform us of the new address in time or arrange the client to proofread the manuscript on his behalf.

Article  Attribution

The attribution of scientific papers is a very serious matter, and the first author should ensure that every author has read the article and agreed to the attribution before submitting it. The attribution of an article must not be changed after submission. By submitting to Journal of Tropical Oceanography, the corresponding author accepts a responsibility to ensure that all authors agree to have their names on the manuscript, have seen and agreed to the content of the manuscript, and have agreed to submit it to the Journal. Once accepted, the manuscript will be first published online, such as on CNKI. Online publication is equivalent to official publication. After the manuscript is officially accepted, the author's signature, organization information, fund information, article title, etc., are not allowed to be modified.  Any change in attribution can only be made prior to acceptance and must be supported by written documents signed by all original authors.


The copyright of the manuscript belongs to the author, and once the manuscript is accepted, the author authorizes the open access publication of Journal of Tropical Oceanography under the CC BY4.0 protocol.

After Published

After the paper is published, the editorial office will present two copies of the paper as a gift to the author. In order to ensure that the author can receive the sample issue, the editorial department usually commissions the publishing house to mail the sample issue to the corresponding author. On the website of Journal of Tropical Oceanography, the full text is open to domestic and foreign readers free of charge.

Fee Description

No review fee is required. Black and white page fee 200 yuan/page, color page fee 600 yuan/page. The fee issued to the author is 100 yuan/page, and 700 yuan for capping.

Our contact information:

Telephone  (020) 89625890

Address: Editorial Department of Journal of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 164 Xingang West Road, Guangzhou

Postal code: 510301



Thank you for your support!

Journal of Tropical Oceanography Editorial Department

Date: 2019-06-27 Visited: 48598
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