Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Correction of made-in-China OBS raw data based on 2019 Fujian and Taiwan Straits crustal structures in sea-land exploration experiments
Received date: 2019-07-15
Request revised date: 2019-09-23
Online published: 2020-05-19
Supported by
Special scientific research projects in the seismic industry(2015419015)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41474071)
Seismic Science and Technology Spark Program(XH1015)
Time service system is very important for inverting velocity structure of underground media via traveltime tomography. Due to the lack of GPS time access, the time errors (including time service error and time keeping errors) of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) mainly come from the inaccuracy of internal quartz crystal oscillator, affected by external environment changes and switching and other factors. The long term practice finds that, some Chinese-made OBSs have large time deviation when recording air gun signals and natural seismic signals. In this study, 53 Chinese OBS records obtained from the crustal structure sea-land exploration experiments in Fujian and Taiwan straits in 2019 were used for time service system correction. To obtain OBS time service error, the consistency test of uninterrupted acquisition before going to the sea, as well as the sloshing caused by the transport ship during transportation, are used to correct the timing error by cross-correlation. For the time keeping error, the deviation between the calculated actual sampling frequency and the theoretical sampling frequency is corrected. The time service system is corrected comprehensively by using naturally occurred earthquakes. It has been demonstrated that the corrected OBS data can improve the accuracy of time record and reduce the error of seismic phase identification and traveltime picking. At the same time, the results of this paper provide important reference for the widespread use of domestic OBS and standardization of domestic OBS data acquisition process.
JIN Zhen , GUO Xiaoran , CHEN Fangying . Correction of made-in-China OBS raw data based on 2019 Fujian and Taiwan Straits crustal structures in sea-land exploration experiments[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2020 , 39(3) : 42 -48 . DOI: 10.11978/2019064
图1 研究区域构造背景及观测红色虚线为断层, 黑色实线为走航测线, 蓝色圆点为OBS位置, 红色圆圈为天然地震, 黑色五角星为本次实验探测目标M6.2级地震位置, 绿色五角星为实验过程中OBS记录到的天然地震位置。图中地图来自Python Basemap软件自带底图 Fig. 1 Geological background and distribution of OBS stations used in this study. Black dashed box shows outline of study area, the red lines denote fault, the black lines denote the ship sailed track, the blue dots denote OBS stations, the black cycle denote earthquake location, the red star denotes the location of M6.2 earthquake, and the green stars denote the locations of M5.8 and M3.8 earthquakes |
图6 同一条船不同型号OBS时间矫正前后的振幅对比Fig. 6 Comparison of amplitude before and after time correction of instruments from different manufacturers of the same ship (left: before; right: after) |
图10 时间服务矫正前后3.8级天然地震信号Fig. 10 Natural earthquake signal with M3.8 before and after time service correction |
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