Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Design and test of a new mobile submersible deep-sea seismic recording system
Received date: 2019-09-23
Request revised date: 2020-01-03
Online published: 2020-05-19
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2017YFC0305802)
Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction Project(GASI-02-SHB-15)
In view of the lack of marine seismic network at home and abroad, a mobile earthquake recording system in marine areas by independent divers (MERMAID) is introduced for global sea-area application. According to the research and development process of the mobile seismic recording system, the general design requirements and typical work cycle process of the buoy are established; the hydraulic buoyancy regulating system and mechanical structure are designed; comparison and analysis of different speeds and negative buoyancy diving process are carried out; and the laboratory pressure test and Qiandao Lake test are realized. The test results show that the MERMAID buoy can keep good sealing and stability under 15 MPa pressure, and the P wave of natural earthquake can be effectively collected by hydrophone, and the energy consumption of each module in a single period can be calculated to verify the design indicators.
MENG Ken , QIN Huawei , ZHU Xinke , HOU Fei . Design and test of a new mobile submersible deep-sea seismic recording system[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2020 , 39(3) : 49 -56 . DOI: 10.11978/2019095
表4 天线性能要求Tab. 4 Antenna performance requirements |
天线特性 | 铱星 | GPS |
频率范围 | 1616~1626MHz | GPS L1 |
阻抗 | 50Ω | 50Ω |
天线轴比 | ≤4dB | ≤3dB |
输出驻波 | ≤2.0 | ≤1.5 |
顶点增益 | ≥1.2dB | ≥2.5dB |
表5 各模块耗电量统计Tab. 5 Power consumption statistics of each module |
组件 | 元器件 | 功率 | 工况 | 功耗 |
浮力调节模块(15MPa) | 回油泵、阀 | 32W | 每周工作1min, 连续工作2a | 1.02kWh |
柱塞泵 | 55W | 每周工作10min, 连续工作2a | ||
控制模块 | 单片机 | 0.06W | 连续工作2a | 1.05kWh |
观测模块 | 采集电路、水听器 | 0.1W | 连续工作2a | 1.75kWh |
通讯与定位模块 | 铱星 | 2.5W | 每周工作1h, 连续工作2a | 0.37kWh |
GPS | 1W | |||
合计 | 4.19kWh |
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