Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Thoughts on the key scientific issues of Shiptime Sharing Project/Open Cruise in the South China Sea—From the perspective of multi-scale ocean dynamics
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2020-04-08
Request revised date: 2020-06-15
Online published: 2020-06-22
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41525019)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41521005)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41830538)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41776040)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(NORC2018-07)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(NORC2019-07)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(NORC2020-07)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA19060501)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA13010404)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(XDA15020901)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(133244KYSB20190031)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(ZDRW-XH-2019-2)
Chinese Academy of Sciences(ISEE2018PY06)
State Oceanic Administration of China(GASI-IPOVAI-02)
Southern Laboratory of Ocean Science and Engineering(GML2019ZD0303)
Southern Laboratory of Ocean Science and Engineering(GML2019ZD0306)
Southern Laboratory of Ocean Science and Engineering(2019BT02H594)
The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest marginal sea in the western Pacific Ocean, connected with the western Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean through a series of straits. Multi-scale dynamic processes of ocean circulation and their environmental effects on marine biology and ecology have been a focus of SCS regional oceanography research. Since the first national marine census at the end of the 1950s, China has kept on increasing its support on marine research, especially on the construction of marine scientific observation platforms on research vessels. Entering the New Millennium, the main marine research institutes and universities in China, which operate research vessels, organized and supported Open Cruise for domestic scientists without charging for the shiptime. As a milestone, the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) set up a Shiptime Sharing Project to support the Open Cruise since 2009, which has further promoted communications and cooperations among the domestic ocean research communities. Many important achievements have been made in the SCS regional oceanography. From the perspective of multi-scale ocean dynamics, we briefly review the history of ocean observations in the SCS and summarize the research progresses of key scientific issues in the SCS in recent years, including the water exchange between the SCS and western Pacific Ocean, the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes, the multi-scale interaction and its ecological environmental effects, among others. We also share some thoughts and prospects on observations and scientific investigations in the SCS in the future.
DU Yan , CHEN Ju , JING Zhiyou , WANG Xiangpeng , CHEN Gengxin , XU Chi , CHU Xiaoqing , CHEN Zhiwu , XU Jie , SHI Zhen , TANG Shilin , HE Yunkai , LIANG Yun , SHI Ping . Thoughts on the key scientific issues of Shiptime Sharing Project/Open Cruise in the South China Sea—From the perspective of multi-scale ocean dynamics[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2020 , 39(6) : 1 -17 . DOI: 10.11978/YG2020001
图2 南海贯穿流示意图依据Qu等(2006a)修改。图中箭头的颜色代表海水温度的变化, 从蓝色向红色渐变代表海水的温度由冷向暖转变 Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of South China Sea throughflow. Modified from Qu et al (2006a). The color of the arrows represents the temperature change of the sea water. Blue and red indicate low and high temperature, respectively |
图3 南海深水环流示意图据Wang等(2018a)修改。图中粉色箭头和白色箭头分别代表上升流和下降流。黑色箭头代表南海深层环流结构, 其中线条粗细代表流量的大小 Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of deep-water circulation in the South China Sea. Modified from Wang et al (2018a). The pink arrows and white arrows represent upwelling and downwelling, respectively. The black arrows denote the deep circulation in the South China Sea, and the thickness of the arrow indicates the volume transport |
图5 南海多尺度相互作用Fig. 5 Multi-scale interactions in the South China Sea. Modified from Chelton (2001) |
图6 北半球中尺度涡对叶绿素的影响机制, 冷(暖)色分别代表负(正)的叶绿素扰动依据Gaube等(2014)修改 Fig. 6 The influence mechanism of mesoscale eddies on chlorophyll in the Northern Hemisphere. Cold (warm) color represents negative (positive) chlorophyll disturbance. Modified from Gaube et al (2014) |
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