Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Changes of the artificial beach profile in the Qinzhou Bay
Copy editor: YAO Yantao
Received date: 2021-07-28
Revised date: 2021-10-28
Online published: 2021-10-25
Supported by
Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi Province(2018JJD150005)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41930537)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41666003)
Guangxi Key Research and Development Program(AB21076016)
The dynamic process of beach profile changes under the actions of waves and tides is the key to understanding coastal evolution, coastal defence design and tourism resource planning. Taking an artificial beach in the Shajing Peninsula of the Qinzhou Bay in Guangxi province as the study area, the study aims to explore the dynamic process of beach profile changes by analyzing the erosion and single-width volume of beach profile, as well as using EOF (Empirical Orthogonal Function) to reveal its model, based on the monthly surveyed profile elevation data from January 2018 to December 2019 using by GPS-RTK, The main results were shown as followed: (1) during the observation period, the artificial beach profile showed a regular variation characterized by accretion in winter and spring and erosion in summer and autumn; (2) due to the transverse sediment transport over the artificial beach, the single-width volumes of beach profile displayed opposite variation trends in adjacent transversal zones, which was manifested by a alternation between erosion and accretion; (3) the variation modes of artificial beach profiles could be divided into three parts that include the main model that beach profile elevations decreased significantly due to heavy rainfall and typhoon, the secondary model that the beach profile recovered gradually after heavy rainfall and typhoon under the influences of tides and normal waves, and the third model that beach profile changes resulted from wave breaking-induced currents under the action of normal waves.
FENG Bingbin , WANG Riming , LI Shushi , HUANG Hu , HU Baoqing . Changes of the artificial beach profile in the Qinzhou Bay[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2022 , 41(4) : 51 -60 . DOI: 10.11978/2021096
图2 人工海滩剖面的潮带划分MHWS: 平均大潮高水位; MHWN: 平均小潮高水位; MLWN: 平均小潮低水位; WB: 潮上带; HH: 高高潮带; HM: 高中潮带; MH: 中高潮带; MM: 中中潮带; ML: 中低潮带 Fig. 2 The artificial beach profile division zone (MHWS: mean high water level of spring tide; MHWN: mean high water level of neap tide; MLWN: mean low water level of neap tide; WB: mean spring tide high water level up the beach zone; HH: high high tide zone; HM: high middle tide zone; MH: middle high tide zone; MM: middle middle tide zone; ML: middle low tide zone |
图4 2018—2019年的年际(a)与季度(b)剖面冲淤幅度以监测初期高程作为相对变化的基面 Fig. 4 Annual (a) and quarterly (b) erosion/deposition amplitudes of beach profile from 2018 to 2019. The initial monitoring elevation was used as the base for relative changes |
图5 2018—2019年的月际剖面冲淤幅度以监测初期高程作为相对变化的基面, 监测次数包括台风发生月份增加的2次测量 Fig. 5 Monthly erosion/deposition amplitudes in beach profile from 2018 to 2019. The elevation at the initial stage of monitoring was taken as the base surface of relative change, and the number of monitoring included two measurements increased in the month of typhoon occurrence |
表1 剖面高程EOF分解后前3个模态的贡献度Tab. 1 The contribution of the first three modes after the decomposition of profile height by EOF |
模态 | 特征值 | 模态贡献率/% | 累计贡献率/% |
第一模态 | 3.53 | 56.78 | 56.78 |
第二模态 | 0.98 | 17.13 | 73.91 |
第三模态 | 0.40 | 7.21 | 81.12 |
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