Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
New development on crustal structures of the Manila subduction in the eastern South China Sea
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2020-12-29
Request revised date: 2021-01-20
Online published: 2021-01-20
Supported by
Natural Science Foundation of China(91958212)
Natural Science Foundation of China(41730532)
Natural Science Foundation of China(91428204)
Natural Science Foundation of China(91858212)
Key Special Project for Introduced Talents Team of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou)(GML2019ZD0204)
Guangdong Natural Science Foundation research team project(2017A030312002)
The key project of "Deep Structure survey and study on the Manila subduction zone in the eastern South China Sea (SCS)" was funded from the major research program "Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the SCS" of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) during 2015-2018. This project focuses on the Manila subduction zone to resolve the formation and evolution of the SCS using geological and geophysical methods. Five comprehensive geophysical surveys were successively carried out during the project period with the help of NSFC open cruises. A total of 73 Ocean Bottom Seismometer (OBS) stations and five Ocean Bottom ElectroMagnetometers (OBEM) have been deployed; and 13,872 airgun shots were fired. Totally 60 OBSs and five OBEMs have been recovered, and a large amount of data have been acquired. At the same time, a series of innovative results have been obtained. (1) The crust of the northeastern SCS has been determined as a 12-15 km thinned continental crust affected by volcanic activities after post-rifting phase based on the results of active seismic and earthquake tomography; and its continent-ocean boundary (COB) was also determined. (2) According to the multi-channel seismic reflection profile, the detailed structure of the accretionary wedge front of the northern Manila subduction zone was delineated. (3) The SCS oceanic crust domain when the seafloor spreading stopped has been outlined. (4) The tectonic evolution model of the SCS and the Philippine Sea Plate (PSP) was constructed. This project not only contributes substantially to the key scientific question (age and process of seafloor spreading) of the major research program "Deep Sea Processes and Evolution of the SCS," but also provides important basic data for the "skeleton" of the tectonic evolution and life history of the SCS from seafloor spreading to plate subduction, which has a far-reaching scientific significance.
ZHAO Minghui , CHENG Jinhui , GAO Jinwei , SUN Longtao , XU Ya , ZHANG Jiazheng , DU Feng . New development on crustal structures of the Manila subduction in the eastern South China Sea[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2021 , 40(3) : 25 -33 . DOI: 10.11978/YG2020011
图1 项目实施的重要科学实验与关键数据a中圆圈与三角形分别代表主动源和被动源OBS台站; b中红色圆点为OBEM台站, L1测线对应于 Fig. 1 Significant scientific experiments and key data acquired during this project. Circles and a triangle represent Ocean Bottom Seismometers (OBS) stations recording signals caused by active airgun-shooting and passive earthquakes, respectively, in (a). Circles in (b) indicate the Ocean Bottom ElectroMagnetometers (OBEM) stations; and the seismic line L1 corresponds to the multichannel reflection profile in |
图2 OBS2015-2测线下方的速度结构a、b分别为正演和反演速度结构模型; c、d是分别从a和b速度模型中提取的OBS台站下方一维速度结构 Fig. 2 Velocity structure along the profile OBS2015-2. (a) and (b) showing the forward and inverted velocity structures, respectively. (c) and (d) are one-dimensional velocity structures beneath each OBS station, which was extracted from the forward (a) and inverse velocity structures (b), respectively |
图3 南海东北部陆缘洋陆边界图a为南海东北部地形水深图; b为自由空间重力异常图; 其中图中灰色线段为磁异常条带, 黑色交叉线条为张裂期后火山岩脊形成的构造高地(Briais et al, 1993; Hsu et al, 2004; Sibuet et al, 2016) Fig. 3 Continent-Ocean Boundaries in the northeastern continental margin of the South China Sea. (a) The bathymetry map in the northeastern SCS. (b) The free-air gravity map in the northeastern SCS. Grey lines indicate magnetic anomalies, and black lines with crosses in (b) indicate structural highs (elongated volcanic intrusions) referenced by Briais et al (1993), Hsu et al (2004), and Sibuet et al (2016) |
图4 马尼拉俯冲带北段增生楔多道地震反射剖面和解释[据高金尉等 (2018)修改]剖面位置见 Fig. 4 Multi-channel seismic reflection profile (upper) and interpretation (lower) of accretionary prism of northern Manila subduction (after Gao et al, 2018). The location of this profile is shown in |
图5 南海在停止扩张时(15Ma)洋壳范围据Zhao等(2019)修改。将俯冲下去的南海板片(速度波动图)展平到地球表面上, 沿海沟向东伸展了400~500km。绿色实线圈闭的是现今南海洋壳范围(Sibuet et al, 2016), 东部为已俯冲下去的洋壳范围。灰色阴影区域(宽度<100km)为具有边界效应的不确实区域。粉色、黄色和浅蓝色分别代表南海不同扩张时期产生的洋壳, 扩张方向分别为N055°、N075°、N085°。洋壳内部的红色双虚线代表南海残余扩张脊(He et al, 2016)。红色粗线为COB边界, 实心圆为IODP钻探井位 Fig. 5 The whole oceanic crust domain when the SCS seafloor spreading stopped (15Ma); after Zhao et al (2019). The subducted SCS plate (dVP) is unfolded and restored on the surface of the Earth, and the plate extends 400-500 km east along the Manila trench. The green line is the current SCS domain (Sibuet et al, 2016), and the east part is the domain of subducted SCS oceanic crust. The grey shaded area (<100 km width) is probable artifacts. The SCS oceanic domain, characterized by N055°, N075° and N085° seafloor spreading directions, is delimited by pink, yellow and light blue areas, respectively. The red double dashed line indicates the extinct spreading ridge of the SCS (He et al, 2016), the red line indicates COB, and the circles indicate the location of IODP drilling sites |
图6 15Ma以来南海与菲律宾海板块演化过程示意图据Zhao等(2019)修改。a. 约15Ma时, 南海洋壳沿着左侧剪切边界开始俯冲, 至菲律宾海板块下面; b. 菲律宾断裂带、花东海盆的增生部分和吕宋岛弧西部的当前位置; c. 截面AA′和BB′简化示意图, 截面位置在a和b中黑线。深绿色: 早白垩世花东海盆; 浅绿色: 现今的菲律宾海板块; 中绿色: 浅灰色的菲律宾海板块部分在花东海盆的延伸, 随后俯冲消亡; 黄色: 海底扩张结束时南海的东部延伸; 橙色: Wu等(2016)定义的东亚板块的一部分; 浅粉色: 苏禄海东北延伸 Fig. 6 The kinematic evolution of the SCS and PSP since 15 Ma (after Zhao et al, 2019). (a) About 15 Ma, the oceanic crust of the SCS started to subduct along the left shear plate boundary to the bottom of the PSP. (b)The current location of the emplacement of the Philippine belt, the accretion of the western part of the Huatung Basin and the western Luzon arc. (c) A simplified diagram of profile AA’ and BB’ located in (a) and (b), respectively. Dark green: early Cretaceous HB; light green: current PSP; extension of the HB within the portion of PSP in light grey, which will subduct to be disappeared; yellow area: eastern extension of the SCS at the end of seafloor spreading; orange domain: part of East Asian Plate defined by Wu et al (2016); and pink domain: the northeastern extension of the Sulu Sea |
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