Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
A preliminary study on resources construction for South China Sea and Adjacent Seas Data Center
Copy editor: LIN Qiang
Received date: 2020-11-12
Revised date: 2021-03-03
Online published: 2021-03-08
Supported by
National Science and Technology Infrastructure Center of China(2005DKA32300)
The 13th Five-year Informatization Plan of Chinese Academy of Sciences(XXH13505-03-105)
Guangdong Special Support Program of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory(2019BT02H594)
Hubei Key Laboratory of Big Data in Science and Technology(Wuhan Library of Chinese Academy of Science)(20KF011012)
The staff at the South China Sea and Adjacent Seas Data Center, which is a sub-center of the National Earth System Science Data Center, has developed South China Sea ocean database by combining the advantages of ecological environment research domain, the tropical marine environment research domain and the marginal sea and ocean geology research domain, to promote open access and effective utilization of ocean data. In this paper, we introduce our practice in the South China Sea and Adjacent Seas Data Center scientific data construction, which is arranged to share the multi-disciplinary, multi-element and multi-scale marine scientific data in the South China Sea and its adjacent water since 1985, including data of hydrology, meteorology, ecology, and geology. This center will provide high-quality data for research of the South China Sea. It will provide basic data for major national strategies, marine economic and social development and related decision making activities.
YANG Yuanzheng , XU Chao , TANG Shilin , LI Sha . A preliminary study on resources construction for South China Sea and Adjacent Seas Data Center[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2021 , 40(6) : 14 -22 . DOI: 10.11978/2020134
表1 南海及邻近海区科学数据中心主要数据资源整合情况Tab. 1 Major data resources of South China Sea and Its Adjacent Seas Data Center |
学科分类 | 主体数据库名称 | 学科分类 | 主体数据库名称 |
物理海洋 | 南海CTD温盐观测数据库 | 海洋气象 | 南海AWS气象观测数据库 |
南海ADCP海流观测数据库 | 南海涡动通量观测数据库 | ||
南海XBT温盐观测数据库 | 西沙气象观测数据库 | ||
南海再分析产品数据库 | 南海gps探空观测数据库 | ||
南海预报数据库 | 南海风暴潮预报数据库 | ||
全球简单海洋资料同化分析系统数据库 | 南海海面气象观测数据库 | ||
海洋生物 | 南海初级生产力数据库 | 海洋生态 | 南海珊瑚礁分析数据库 |
南海浮游植物数据库 | 南海珊瑚礁及礁栖生物数据库 | ||
海洋化学 | 南海营养盐数据库 | 海洋地质 | 南海沉积物数据库 |
南海海洋同位素化学数据库 | 南海天然地震记录数据库 |
表2 南海及邻近海区科学数据中心元数据的数据核心描述信息Tab. 2 The core information of metadata at South China Sea and Its Adjacent Seas Data Center |
名称 | 标识 | 定义 |
元数据ID | guid | 元数据的唯一标识 |
数据标题 | title | 数据集标题 |
数据标识 | dataIdentifier | 数据集的唯一标识 |
主题关键词 | keywords | 可检索到数据集的主题关键词 |
数据时间(开始、结束) | data_start_time、data_end_time | 数据集的时间范围 |
时间分辨率 | data_time_scale | 数据集的最小时间间隔 |
空间位置 | place_name | 数据集的空间位置 |
空间尺度 | spatial_scale | 数据集空间大小的量度 |
空间分辨率 | spatial_resolution | 数据集的最小空间间隔 |
数据产生方式 | desc_method | 数据集产生方式 |
数据类型 | data_category | 数据集的类型 |
学科类别 | discipline_name | 数据集所属学科 |
数据详细描述 | description | 数据集内容的详细说明 |
数据来源描述 | desc_datasource | 数据集来源说明 |
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