Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Microbial communities and specific strains within beachrocks of the South China Sea: implications for the origin of beachrock*
Copy editor: SUN Cuici
Received date: 2023-10-07
Revised date: 2023-10-23
Online published: 2023-12-08
Supported by
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2021YFC3100603)
National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC3102402)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42306076)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42376165)
Key Research and Development Program of Hainan Province(ZDYF2022SHFZ072)
Abundant bacterial-algal microorganisms and their metabolisms play important roles in early cementation of beachrocks along intertidal-supratidal zones of tropical-subtropical shorelands. In this study, 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing analysis was employed to reveal the compositions of prokaryotic microbial communities and identify the common strains/microbial functional groups that dominated the beachrocks’ cementation. The Quanfu turf algae-bearing beachrocks have the highest biodiversity. The diversity of Longwan beachrocks in upper intertidal zone is higher than that in lower intertidal zone. The prokaryotic biodiversity of consolidated Shiyu beachrocks is the lowest. The bacterial phylum in the four sampling localities was roughly similar, which includes Proteobacteria, Bacteroideta, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Gemmatimonadetes and Desulfobacterota in descending order. The main cyanobacteria species were same. The common calcified cyanobacterial strain-Calothrix sp. was all detected, and the extracellular polymer substances could be the hotspots for precipitation of carbonate biomaterials. Denitrobacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria detected in microbial communities indicate the anaerobic environment and steep redox gradient below the superficial beachrocks. Strong photosynthesis, sulfate reduction and denitrification in particle surface and intergranular pore together significantly rise pH, and promote the nucleation and growth of carbonate biomaterials, accelerating the consolidation of loose beach sands.
Key words: prokaryote; community structure; cyanobacteria; beachrock; South China Sea
LIU Didi , ZHANG Xiyang , SUN Fulin , WANG Mingzhuang , TAN Fei , SHI Qi , WANG Guan , YANG Hongqiang . Microbial communities and specific strains within beachrocks of the South China Sea: implications for the origin of beachrock*[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2024 , 43(4) : 112 -122 . DOI: 10.11978/2023142
图1 a. 采样点区域位置图; b. 为龙湾海滩岩野外照片; c. 全富岛海滩岩样品(QF)采自海滩岩表面草皮海藻; d. 石屿海滩岩样品(SY)为潮间带海滩岩表面该图基于海南测绘地理信息局的审图号为琼S(2021)120号的标准地图制作, 底图无修改。龙湾1号取样点海滩岩样品(LW1)位于潮间带下部, 龙湾2号取样点海滩岩样品(LW2)位于潮间带上部 Fig. 1 (a) Map of sampling sites; (b) LW1 beachrocks from the lower part of intertidal zone and LW2 beachrocks from the upper part of intertidal zone; (c) QF beachrock and the surficial turf algae; (d) SY beachrock from intertidal zone |
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