Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Biogenic silica in surface sediments of the northeastern and southern South China Sea
Received date: 2009-05-07
Revised date: 2009-08-11
Online published: 2010-07-29
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Biogenic silica (BSi) contents in surface sediments from the northeastern South China Sea (NSCS) and southern South China Sea (SSCS) were measured. The BSi contents (SiO2%)were in the range of 1.08%–3.01% and 0.79%–9.06%, with the means of 1.76% and 4.22% for the NSCS and SSCS, respectively. The results showed that the BSi contents in surface sediments have positive correlation with water depth of the sampling locations. The BSi contents in the NSCS had no evident correlation with minerals, ferrum ion concentrations in surface sediments or nutrients in the pore waters of sediments. The BSi contents in the SSCS had positive correlations with organic material and carbonate contents but not with clay material contents.
ZHOU Peng,LI Dong-mei,LIU Guang-shan,MEN Wu,JI Li-hong . Biogenic silica in surface sediments of the northeastern and southern South China Sea[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2010 , 29(4) : 40 -47 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2010.04.040
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