Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Study on visible photocatalysis removal of Phaeocystis globosa by use of Fe3+-doped Nano-TiO2 film
Received date: 2008-08-25
Revised date: 2008-11-10
Online published: 2010-07-29
Supported by
国家自然科学基金(40673062); 广东省自然科学基金重点研究项目(04105835)。
Phaeocystis globosa is harmful algae species, which booms along the coast of China frequently during recent years. In order to find a simple, effective and safe method to remove P. globosa, research was carried out using nano-TiO2 or Fe3+-droped nano-TiO2 thin film to remove P. globosa under visible light. The authors find that Fe3+-droped nano-TiO2 is more effective in removing P. globosa than nano-TiO2. After using 20mg·L-1 Fe3+-droped nano-TiO2 for 48 h visible light treatment, the algal density reduced to 0.01×104cell·mL-1 from 4.08×104cell·mL-1, and the consistency of Chl-a reduced to 0.001mg·L-1 from 0.43mg·L-1, namely more than 99.7% cells were removed. The dynamics of algal removal follows the first order reaction.
Key words: Fe3+; TiO2 thin film; visible light; Phaeocystis globosa
YIN Ping-he,HUANG Feng,ZHAO Ling . Study on visible photocatalysis removal of Phaeocystis globosa by use of Fe3+-doped Nano-TiO2 film[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2010 , 29(4) : 102 -106 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2010.04.102
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