Journal of Tropical Oceanography >
Distribution and composition of organic carbon in the northeastern Hainan rivers and coasts during winter
Received date: 2008-09-24
Revised date: 2008-11-06
Online published: 2011-10-10
Supported by
科技部中德合作项目(2007DFB20380); 国家自然科学基金项目(40721004, 40475037)
Water samples collected in the northeastern Hainan rivers and coasts in December 2006 were used to determine concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and particulate organic carbon (POC). During the observation period, the concentrations of DOC and POC in the Wanquan River were 139.3 and 39.7μmol•L?1, respectively, and were 133.0 and 47.4μmol•L?1, respectively in the Wenchang River. The DOC and POC concentrations in the adjacent mangrove waters were 214.1 and 27.9μmol•L?1, respectively, and in adjacent coral reef waters were 66.3 and 22.4μmol•L?1, respectively. Aquacultural activities and mangrove system near the Wenchang River could be the major sources for higher DOC observed in the river. There is an inverse relationship between the concentrations of total suspended matter (TSM) and POC% in the Wenchang River (R2=0.71, n=9). The ratio of POC/Chl a was 72—312 in the Wanquan River, 43—196 in the Wenchang River, and 122.5—334 in the adjacent coral reef waters. The contribution of phytoplankton to POC, estimated by a simple model, was 34% in the Wanquan River, 45% in the Wenchang River, and 38% in the adjacent coral reef waters.
Key words: Hainan; river; dissolved organic carbon; particulate organic carbon; distribution
TIAN Li-xin,WU Ying,LIN Jing,ZHU Zhuo-yi,ZHANG Jing . Distribution and composition of organic carbon in the northeastern Hainan rivers and coasts during winter[J]. Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 2010 , 29(5) : 136 -141 . DOI: 10.11978/j.issn.1009-5470.2010.05.136
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